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Jeans: DL1961  |  Sweater: COS  |  Jacket: MANGO (customized by me)  |  Boots: ZARA  |  Bag: Proenza Schouler
Shooting looks of the day while I was filming the TV series in Mexico was tough, not only because I had almost no time at all, but also because I am not supposed to show any of the looks we used on the series until they air on television sometimes this Spring. You know, for exclusivity reasons.
That left me with very little selection of things to wear so this is a very simple look, mainly focused on the hairstyle Alex -my beloved make up artist- worked out that morning. I was obviously wearing hair extensions and it made me miss my long hair so much. Maybe ill let it grow again.

274 Responses

  1. I really didn't noticed the hair wxtensions! I focused on the beautiful makeup and with the curls in your hair which in my opinion are amazing on you! you should try to get them also at home Andy :) Ps: the jacket customized by you is great!Vittoria from 5 IN THE MORNING

  2. Me gusta que te aventuraras por un look diferente con ondas y trenzas, aunque fuera sólo para el programa, deberías intentarlo más seguido! :). Me encanto que usaras pestañas postizas, se te ven demasiado bien!

  3. I love love this outfit!It's so simple and classy!!You look beautiful and gorgeous <3Can you show us how to achieve yourhair look?Thanks,

  4. Goodness, it's amazing what a difference eye-makeup can make. This is a very sophisticated look; softly feminine but the juxaposition of the harder-edged outfit is inspired!

  5. I love how you layered your jumper with a denim jacket for a casual look, yet dressed it up with a pair of heeled boots- your style is so simple yet amazing! p.s the hair and make-up looks lovely as always!www.analisevt.wordpress.comxxx

  6. You look absolutely gorgeous here Andy! The make up is just amazing, and I say yes to growing your hair again. The hair extensions suit you, and I thought they were real before reading the post.

  7. Andrea, con tantos comentarios no sé si podrás darte el tiempo de leerl todos pero quería decirte de todo corazón, y porque te sigo desde casi tus inicios, que este es uno de mis posts favoritos. Más allá de tu estilaso, en este post se te ve radiante. ¡Estás espectacular! Supongo que México, tu tierra natal te ha dado ese brillo natural. Te mando mil besos desde Barcelona, espero que la próxima vez que vengas, finalmente, tenga la suerte de conocerte.Un besote,Mila

  8. omg – you look so stunning in this photo!new outfit post on – XX the milano mode

  9. Andy, this look is simple, yet very chic. I love the customization on the jacket! Hair and make up are beyond beautiful! This is my favorite look!

  10. Oh gosh ! Yhis hairstyle is absolutely amazing !Maybe you could do a tutorial on it ?xoxo

  11. I love this look so much! Your hair looks great like that, and I love your customised jacket

  12. I don't know what you did with your makeup but this is absolutely stunning (i guess it's long lashes). The hairstyle is also super pretty <3

  13. Andy,divino el maquillaje! te queda genial!y el pelo, hermoso!me encanto la simpleza de este outfit.besos desde Buenos Aires

  14. I love this hair and make-up for you, you look really beautiful. I also adore the jeans jacket, great look and great smile :)

  15. Your hair and make up look amazing!Great look with basics, love the jacket!xxx- Laura

  16. Your hair looks amazing & I didn't even realise they were extensions they look so natural!Have a wonderful week Hun xoxo

  17. Wow Andy you look absolutely gorgeous in these photos! Your hair is gorgeous like this! :) x Laura

  18. Andy, deberías de hacerte este tipo de peinados más. Estás realmente muy muy guapa. Muy "explosiva"

  19. To be honest, first thing I thought when I saw the first photo was, what about the hair… Too much for no reason. I love short/shorter hair dear, don't be afraid of cutting it even more, it is stylish. Everyone gas long and everyone looks the same!Can't wait to see your flashy shooting looks :)xoxoxo

  20. woow you look so beautiful in this post!!! and your outfit is amazing!!!kisses

  21. You really look stunning! I love your hair with that volume, I think it suits you perfectly. hat simle outfit is great too, you don't need that much to look beautiful :)

  22. you look like Kate Middleton babe !! totally beautiful pictures and outfit ♥kisses

  23. You look SOOO beautiful and kind of different in this post – and I like it! Your hair is really beautiful and I love the jacket :) It's very feminine in some way, love it!Great post!