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Boots: Modern Vice  |  T-shirt: NYC Souvenir store  |  Jeans: Citizens of Humanity
I want to speculate about the fact that one of the best sellers NYC memorabilia is this I ♥ NY T-shirt. I bought one the first time I went to New York, back in 2003, but I wore it so much -mainly as pajamas-, that the poor thing fell apart. This time around, I very luckily bumped into the perfect one, which basically means, really good quality t-shirt material -which is not that easy to find- and will hopefully last me longer than the last one.
I wore this to travel back to Europe, so naturally I had to be comfortable for the 8 hour flight ahead, but I didn’t want to leave the city without shooting these.

131 Responses

  1. The I <3 New York shirt is a classic! I always wear mine as a t-shirt under a blazer or jacket with jeans. It's easy and fun. Love the outfit!xx

  2. So pretty your outfit…like so much your blog too….if you want we can follow each ether on GCP, bloglovin too….big kiss and have a nice evening

  3. I am amazed by your photod! In every single post I find different ones that I can use as my wallpaper, as inspiration. I love the simplicity of the outfit and the way it looks on you.XOXO

  4. your blog rocks andy !!and this post is one of my best coz i love nyc .check my travel blog if you wanna escape sometimes :)

  5. I had the problem to with my I (heart) NY shirt :( Definitely have to have a new one… Great photos by the way ;)

  6. I love your shirt! Actually your entire look and I like how you're in colour and the rest of the picture isn't :D Great post!

  7. It's such a lie that only lame tourists buy these things; for 5 bucks, you can get something that actually has flair!