[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dU6wap3Qb0?list=UUdBQyug-E_cYaBJA3OxGyNA]

Leather Jacket: Sandro | Skirt: H&M | Beanie: American Apparel
I feel so incredibly honored to share with you my second collaboration with Canon, where we filmed a short series of videos during London Fashion Week. The first video is a very small insight into my life as a blogger during Fashion Week. I cant believe we shot these videos only one week ago and I am finding myself sharing them with you from my hotel room somewhere in Mexico, where I am currently filming a Television series. Very surreal thought indeed.
I hope you like it and come back for more of the videos tomorrow!
116 Responses
you're pretty!http://petit-chignon.blogspot.rohttp://facebook.com/petitchignon
I love the combination of your dress and your jacket! amazing! xx Ronja
Thank you for giving me inspiration :)
I love your words and thoughts. As a fashion blogger is very difficult being understood but I felt your video directed to me!! Thanks Andy, I love your stylekissesPau
It's awesome your camera is great too… and your images are really perfect.. Fashion Consultancy
Nice video!! which camera do you use? In any case come to visit my blog! http://www.stylishmilkshake.com
Love the pics!!http://www.bonnieclydemarni.com/
You are sooo right. Share what we love its the most important thing.http://strawberryleopard.blogspot.pt/
what an inspirational video – you are great at what you do! Karinawww.mademoiselleonthemetro.blogspot.com
¿La falda es de esta temporada? No la veo en la web
Nice video!♥http://www.style-chameleon.com/ HUGE GOODIEBAG GIVEAWAY ON MY BLOG!
Hi Andy,Congrats on your video for Canon! Have you mentioned which Canon camera model you are using now?!(='.'=) -Lauren at adorn la femme
Es preciosa tu chaqueta!!!! Precisamente ayer hablaba en el blog del dark summer de sandro! besos
Great video. You look beautiful and your accent's just so awesome!!! Such a great talent! :)http://beamoazed.com/http://beamoazed.com/
Such a great video Andy!xxhttp://basicstateofmind.blogspot.fr/
awesome! xohttp://chapter89.blogspot.com/
I like your blog because you are YOUand REAL.
"Sharing the passion" we totally agree!<3Onlyshoeshttp://onlyshoes.blogspot.com
I couldn't agree more with this video! Photography aids blogging- I'm a photographer and blogger and my photos from London Fashion Week really boosted my readership :). My blog is 'Style Freak' – check it out!www.hannah-riley.blogspot.com
You're so incredible Andy!amazing!gonna watch the video!visit my little cream button♥ | instagram♥
Andy, what do you think about Fashion Instagram and Fashion Blogger? i think you will getting like fashion instagram because you always post your outfit pics on your instagram before you post on blog.And i think people getting lazy open their blog and just comment and like your instagram.Andy, i love your style from 2009 and i know instagram just for promotion your blog.well, what do you think about instagram?xxRimsDaily
The beanie is so cute! Love your blog! :)http://www.lorietta.cz
your live is a dreamhttp://www.facebook.com/limitsofcontrol
Andy you're amazing, seriously, each day I love you and your blog more. I see you like one of favourites bloggers cause I feel that you're not a vain person, I feel you a true and a nice one, I mean I have met many bloggers that just have a little blog and they believe themselfeves like the center of the blog, right now i'm starting a new blog and I can sound dreamer, but you give a lot of spirit when i see your blog, all your projects…http://missflamingoatthecity.blogspot.com.es/Tones of hugs and kisses
you are living the dream girl!!!good for you!!!!:))))http://style-squared.blogspot.ca/
Andy, wich camera did you used in that video? I know it's from Canon but can you tell me the number? Thanks!Lena
Can't wait to watch it ;) great photos, your life is so exciting indeed! i love you andy. you've always been my inspirationmfashionfreak♥blog
Yo no se si tu de veras lees estos mensajes pero tu eres tan u tan genuina. Me encantas. Se nota que eres un amor y una persona con tan buena vibra, simpatica y down to earth. Me encanta tu blog por eso mismo. Sigue hacia adelante! Un beso boricua desde NY.xo
Incredible life! love that you never give up and are where you are now!www.fashionshores.blogspot.com
I love, I am a fan. Gorgeous.Love, unicorns and glitter on you. <3Florian,http://www.like-enchanted.com
Really nice!As you we love fashion atwww.stylelovely.com
Please check out my brand new fashion blog!! http://www.stylelovechild.com
Please check out my brand new fashion blog!! http://www.stylelovechild.com
Amazing video, loved the interview! xxwww.creativityandchocolate.blogspot.com
That's awesome!Micah xrawwblog.com
loved the video! What type of Canon camera do you use?http://kissoflemon.blogspot.com
Looks like so much fun, good job!!xoxo, Dianahttp://www.xoxodiana.comThe Neon Factor ☠
It's so nice to see this video and get a snapshot of Style scrapbook behind the scenes! Thanks so much for sharing your life with us!ChristySunnywithasideof…
How cool! I love your Proenza Schouler bag. :)http://thechicaddict.blogspot.com
Best Dressed Poland admire you.
Lovely video. Well done Andy.
Very inspiring video! Can't wait for more! xx.
inspiring video!monkeyshineshttp://monkeyshines-monkeyshines.blogspot.com/
That video is so nice !! It is great to see you like that !!http://thefashionpandacrew.blogspot.be/
I love your booties!
Fab photos, great post!
This might be a little of topic but I love your hat! Totally makes you stand out :D
Surreal indeed! You guys did such a good job though. You're quite an inspiration…X Marjolein – Never Too Polished.com
Great video.xohttp://pinksole.com
Good video! I was interested to see <3 From http://www.xeanafashion.com
Very nice video!!http://anjasfashionblog.blogspot.ch
Congratulions for your collaboration!!!You are so lucky ;)Thelawoffashion.it BlogFriend and Fan on FacebookLet's Twitter Together
great video :) you´re amazing!
You seem like such a nice person Andy! You're so inspirational; its evident you put alot of effort and love into what you do…I really admire you! ravenmaidenmaven.blogspot.com
Great video! :) You´re so insiring to me.Kiss,Radka from http://www.flowerofpassions.blogspot.com
Great video, really enjoyed it, can't wait to see more!http://beblacknblue.blogspot.co.uk
Awesome and inspiring!Emily Jayne Lewiswww.emilyjaynelewis.blogspot.co.uk x
Can't wait to see more! xxhttp://rosalindatj.blogspot.com
Genial el video y las fotos! Me encanta :)heartbeat blog❤
Guapísima como siempre! : ) Kisses! Nacho Aznar
Me ha encantando todo lo que has dicho en el vídeo!La chaqueta que llevas es preciosa.Besitoshttp://chanel-inmyveins.blogspot.com.es/
Wish i could have been there to see you at LFW! Love your outfit!! :)http://analisevt.blogspot.co.uk/xxx
the video is cool!) well-done, Andy!)xxSashahttp://perfectionistsdiary.blogspot.com
I love you Andy! Stylescrapbook is the best!!www.juliemitzieblog.blogspot.dk
love it!!http://www.lesbonsplansdemode.blogspot.com
Nice video! flaircat.com
The video is si inspiring! You are amazing! Thank you for the tips xxFashionvitae.blogspot.com
Awesome video, congrats! you look so pretty, rock on!http://swaywithstyle.blogspot.com/
This is great! You become so far in your blogging!
Loved the video!!! Your experiences are always so instructive! Love that you share them with us!http://staminasproject.blogspot.com/
Great video! Thanks for the tips!Besiños…muakaMara Morena BlogBikinis Mara Morena
Really loved the video! Congrats Andy!
This video is such an isparetion, love it and the photos! Xhttp://chictimes.blogspot.co.uk/
Wow andy, you're looking gorgeous. Love your jacket.xxwww.styleofpurity.com
great video, you have right ;) gorgeous outfit!
Thank you for this video!Greathttp://lovethegoldencherry.blogspot.de
Lovely post !Xoxohttp://camilleslifestylediary.blogspot.fr/
Andy you're a star!! I've just upload my selection of street style shots I personally took from London Fashion Week, and you're in it at the bottom of the post with this exact outfit that I shot you the same day!! Do tell me what you think on whether or not you approve of these street provokers.xx The Provokerhttp://www.the-provoker.com/2013/02/street-provokers.html
AMEAZING LOOK!http://theartist-mona.blogspot.com.es/2013/02/el-abrigo-de-la-temporada.html
I love the video! Beautiful outfit Andy, as always!<3
Nice video !New post up: http://www.thestilettoholic.com/
ohhhh I LOVE it :)http://www.simplebutreal.com
great post with amazing photos!thedaydreamings.blogspot.com
love your video and your advice!www.styleandshades.blogspot.com
Nice Pics!www.shelbyfashion.com
I love this video, your blog is amazing and your style!! I don't have words to describe :)I read your blog everydayKisseshttp://wearit-withpassion.blogspot.com.es/
great video! Really like you , your blog is amazing and just keep doing the great job you are doing! =)
Great experience! http://www.fashionandthecity.es
You live a very jet set life! Great photos.The Purse Snatcher
you rock! :)xxhttp://www.dresstocook.com/2013/02/purim-weekend-outfit.html
Awesome babe!XxHttp://lauralexo.blogspot.com
Fantastic video and great pictures – great previewGiveaway: –> Win a Pair of new Christian Louboutin shoes <–Vanessa – PureGlam.tv
Ahhh thats the best well done girl!Alyssahttp://squibtoday.blogspot.com.au
nice post andy..loved the video..
Love the bright orange hat with the monochrome outfit!www.fashionablepeople.co.uk
You coat is so nice. Have a great day and I like all that pics. http://www.fashiondenis.com/
gorgeous, honey, wow!www.katyswardrobe.tumblr.com
good outfit my dear :)greetings,http://littleblackkura.blogspot.com/
Great video, really loved it! http://www.laurablogmode.com
I love the video.
I love this video, you're so cute in it :) I love the way you talk about blogging and your experience, congrats on this collaboration! :)xxMatea
Love your Sandro jacket and as usual love watching your video:)www.mymoodmyday.com
Love the orange beanie as a pop of color. So refreshing!!!howkatiewore.blogspot.com xx
loved watching the video. thanks for sharing the tips in the end :) can't wait to find out more about the tv show!Mili from call me, Maeby
Beautiful and stylish as always!http://lartoffashion.blogspot.com
lucky girl!you look pretty<3
very interesting andy !!! :)xohttp://franchemeetsfashion.blogspot.cz/
Lo maximo Andy! eres una de mis bloggers favoritas :)Ariwww.rosaycafe.com
Nice pics. You look lovely!xoxoJoycelivstyle.nl
You know,I like your blog and your work because you are real, you don`t pretend to be someone. And I find it so wonderful that you share with other people your passion and thoughts and you always give advice and tips for blogging and developing of personal style. and what amaze me about you is that you made yourself, not money, not friends of your family…it`s you) And it`s what you should be proud of and I hope you do!thank you, Andy!http://voguendreams.blogspot.ru/
great photos!xx – Bambi Eyes of THE MILANO MODE New Post: Milan Fashion Week Streetstyle Photos GET THIS: Jean Paul Gaultier GIVEAWAY
Great video! You look amazing as always :DGreat post!XOscribblesofvalerie.blogspot.com
Great video, love the insider preview! Inspiring :) x Michelle | thefeatherden.net