2012 has come to an end and to be perfectly honest It feels quite bittersweet. This year was filled with amazing moments, trips, memories and I tried my best to capture all of that in this post, although I am sure there are loads of moments I didn’t manage to fit in here.
 I can certainly say that 2012 has definitely been the best year in my life so far. I am sad it has ended, but I am positive and hopeful that 2013 will be an even better year.
I wish you all an amazing New Years Eve and an even more amazing year to come!
Se nos acabo el año y para ser sincera, siento un poco de melancolía. Este año estuvo lleno de momentos inolvidables que traté de capturar en este post, aunque estoy segura que me faltaron cien mil fotos.
Con toda seguridad puedo decir que este año ha sido el mejor de mi vida hasta ahora y si, estoy un poco triste de que se acabó, pero espero que el año que viene sea igual o mejor.
¡Les deseo todo lo mejor en este año nuevo!

134 Responses

  1. Me encanta tu estilo!! Eres una super "mexican it girl" qué sigan los éxitos en este 2013 Me mola tu blogBeesoshttp://personalshopper2010.blogspot.mx/

  2. Hi Andy!I swoon over your photos when I come to your blog~which is almost daily. You are truly one of my treasured bloggers who I simply cannot go without! Wishing you an exciting 2013! xxLove,-Lauren at adorn la femmehttp://adornlafemme.blogspot.com

  3. Looks like it has been an amazing year! I have loved reading your blog so much and cannot wait for more posts from you! You have to be one the the most inspirational blogs I have ever come across, thank you for that! You are amazing!! Keep the hard work going and the beautiful outfits posted :) thanks!http://prowsed.blogspot.co.uk/

  4. My ultimate favourite is still the 1 with you getting out of the pool and with a red lipstick on =)I'm wishing you the best and Happy Year 2013 with much blessings! Have a fantabulous year =)http://www.diva-in-me.com

  5. Wow seems like 2012 was an amazing year for you..I loved all the looks..You look gorgeous <3Happy New Year!!Greetings from Indiahttp://unityinfashion.com

  6. What a wonderful selection of memories to share in your final post of the year. Happy New Year!www.expressionthrustyle.com

  7. Great pics Andy!! You are gorgeous and your style really inspires me!! 2012 gave me the opportunity to listen to you in Argentina!! Lo mejor y mas para 2013!! Beso enorme..Fla.www.mystyledossier.com.ar

  8. De seguro que el proximo año será mejor que el 2012! Te deseo lo mejor para todos tus proyectos, eres un orgullo que una de las blogueras mas famosas del mundo hable español!!! :) no te olvides nunca de tus seguidoras de habla hispana, no te olvides traducir. TKMhttp://www.tikvita.com

  9. Eres una gran inspiración!!!Feliz año nuevo y Mucha suerte para tu 2013 que seguramente será mejor que el 2012!!!Muchos saludos desde Argentina!!! =)

  10. I can see it was quite a year and I'm happy to be part of that because I've been following you for quite a while. You're an amazing blogger (one of my favorites) and you seem to be an amazing person as well. I hope 2013 brings you better and greater things to you and I wish you happiness and joy for the upcoming year :)Happy New Year, Andy!

  11. Wonderful post Andy. Thank you for sharing each and every moment with all of us. We love your life! Happy New Year dear. :)Mandy

  12. All those pictures are so great and you look stunning in every single one! You achieved so much in 2012 enjoy it :)Love, Mellyhttp://morgane-le-fay.blogspot.de

  13. Fabuloso pos Andy ! Que tengas un espectacular y muy feliz año nuevo ! Besitos XX LubaWell Living BLog : last look of the year , inspired in Michael Kors stylehttp://www.well-living-blog.com

  14. I really enjoyed following along both here & on instagram this year. Can't wait to see what 2013 holds for you.Happy 2013 Hun xoxohttp://www.intotheblonde.com/

  15. stunning impressions, what an incredible year you had! Can't wait to see what 2013 holds in store for you and your blog!xxhttp://impressthepress.blogspot.com

  16. Andy thanks for this amazing recap of your best year. Happy New year to you and good luck with your blog and of course with your personal life. You are my inspiration ;)

  17. Esperemos que este año proximo este cargado de felicidad y muchas mas cosas co las que nos acabas de enseñar!!!Siempre me ha gustado Style Scrapbook, desde el momento que lo descubrí, alla por 2009 :)Un beso enorme y feliz año!!!Carmen.