Dress: H&M SS13

123 Responses

  1. I absolutely love your shoots on the beach. Maybe it's because you always look stunning, or it may be that I am happiest when it is hot and I can be on the beach myself, whatever the case, I love these looks! Keep them coming Andy :) and enjoy the rest of your vacation!

  2. These beach shots are unbelievable! You are so naturally beautiful and you make H&M clothes look soooo divine!Love,-Lauren at adorn la femmehttp://adornlafemme.blogspot.com

  3. you look like a godess dear, and that dress looks like it was totally made for you. If you have a second please visit my blog to check my new outfit post,xoxowww.kameliaandpearls.blogspot.com

  4. HOLA! soy de mexico como tu!, y de hecho estoy empezando a hacer un blog de moda, me encanta como te vistes y algun dia me gustaria poder ser alguien como tu, que te invitan a eventos importantes y asi, te dejo mi pagina por si acaso lees esto love you<3 lore guerrahttp://guerrastyle.blogspot.mx/