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Red lipstick: MAC   |  Mascara: Benefit Cosmetics
I have been spending an excusable insane amount of time at the beach and by the pool, so I haven’t been wearing too many “looks of the day”. In fact a bikini, sandals and a towel have been my outfit to go to in the past few days and that is fine by me.
Because of this, I have been trying to shoot some content a little -read completely- different to what I normally post. I can assure you I was the only person at the pool wearing red lipstick and it didnt go unnoticed.

166 Responses

  1. This is one of my favorite photo shoots of yours! Beautiful, Andy! Love the concept and the underwater shots are so cool. Now you just need to take it a step up a notch with an underwater camera!Shop Vintage!

  2. haha wish my make-up stayed on in the pool! I end up looking like a zombie after the first splash!! :D LIMITED EDITION womenswear with a fashion twist.Quote #twentyfive at checkout now for 25% OFF!!

  3. You are to cool to go unnoticed so i really believe that men look at you because they obviously and inevitably fall in love with you…. And women…. Well maybe a bit jealous? Anyway totally love your red lipstick..Xoxox

  4. No suelo comentar pero te sigo desde hace ya un tiempo. Es cierto que las fotos de hoy son diferentes pero creo que son espectaculares, está claro que es un poco raro ir a la piscina o a la playa maquillada, yo nunca lo he hecho pero qué más da, si te salen fotos así! Un beso bella!

  5. You have such amazing pictures nowadays! I've followed your blog for awhile and I think the pictures are getting better all the time – super! :-)Greetings from Finland ♥ (in the middle of snow…)

  6. Andy tu eres mi adoración, pero MAC hace pruebas en animales, y no soy pro derechos de animales, puesto que como buena estudiante de derecho, sé que los animales no tienen derechos; y yo tampoco me quedo atrás, como carne, pero pues esos animales son para eso para comerce. Usan perros, o hasta conejos para probar sus productos y mueren muchisimos, espero que lo leas y lo tomes en cuenta un beso enorme. Aquí te dejo el link para que no veas que miento: Te conocí cuando grabaste Click aquí en México eres una gran mujer! te admiro mucho