On my way to New York City with a smile from ear to ear!

177 Responses

  1. Just started following! You look absolutely stunning in every photo taken. Two questions. 1, who photographs you on all your adventures and travels? And number 2, I would love to dress the way you do, but student loan is biting me in the arse right now – how do you afford your unbelievably gorgeous wardrobe?

  2. It must be amazing being there at this time of the year (even thought it's always amazing to go to NY). Have fun! **http://cuddledays.blogspot.ptbjs

  3. totally love these pics!xxxhttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it/

  4. IT'S ON!! Can't wait to see your superb NYFW updates Andy. they are always too good, for example last year I kept tuning in to what's new. and of course, your smile hahahabest of fun in new york pretty :)XCatherine.Style Hostess

  5. Qué ganas tengo de volver a NY, sobre todo, después de ver tus fotos! Me encantan todos los looks! Muy estilosa!Almuhttp://www.mavieenroseblog.com/

  6. The sequin skirt you are wearing in one of the last photos is AMAZING. ALSO – New york is amazing and I look forward to hearing more about your trip. I went there last month and I am already dying to go back :)http://fitandfashion.wordpress.com/2012/08/11/new-york-minute/

  7. The amazing NYC! I love this city, I wanna see Her in winter, must be magical! But I've been there in spring and in summer and was wonderful however!Your pics are really nice, you are super stylish as always!ChicToChickiss,Marta

  8. andy estas super wapa en cada una de las fotos. nueva york…lo masno t pierdas mi ultimo look x las zonas mas bonitas de madridhttp://showroomdegarde.blogspot.com.es/2012/09/madrid-is-beautiful.html