Sunnies: ASOS
I have to confess that I couldn’t be more excited about the fact that the Olympic Games started yesterday. Before I was a part of this world of Blogging and Fashion, I was a track and field athlete for almost 7 years representing Mexico, so the Olympic games are very special for me.
Tengo que confesar que estoy súper contenta por que las Olimpiadas empezaron ayer. Antes de meterme en este mundo de la moda, fui atleta en salto de altura por casi 7 años representando a Mexico, así que las olimpiadas son super especiales para mi.


112 Responses

  1. Oh my goodness! that is absolutely amazing I would have never guessed you were an Olympic athlete! What other sports are you looking forward to seeing?

  2. wow! 7 años? no sabia q eras super deportiva,a mi tmb me emocionan las olimpiadas espero y México tenga suerte.Pd. ame los lentes :)saludos desde San Luis P.Jessie

  3. The new sunnies look just perfect on you! 7 years? That's what I call commitment and discipline. Enjoy the Olympic games! :)

  4. Always nice to get an inside scoop into someone's life. I can totally see you as an athlete.Me encanta tu blog.xo DiahPs. awesome sunnies ;)http://haveaswiminacalmsea.blogspot.com (I just started)

  5. me sorprende esto de los 7 años representando a mexico, que bueno, todo el mundo comenta las gafas, pero esto no, jejeje.. :)saludos desde barcelonahttp://saralookbook.blogspot.com

  6. Wow, I didn't know you were such a great sportswoman :) You earn my highest respect! I really like your sunnies. The mirror-sunnies trend is just wonderful :) xx

  7. Yo también he representado a México en Atletismo (salto con garrocha) en cuáles Olimpiadas Juveniles estuviste? y en cuàles eventos internacionales competiste? tal vez hasta te conozco de persona! jajajaOjalà y respondas porque por lo que veo, tienes un buen rato que no respondes a tus followers… mal niña!Ceci

  8. I had no clue you were an athlete, although ofcourse you have a very athletic figure. Love your sunnies and hairwww.tripsandtreasures.netnew outfit post

  9. I want these sunniesGIVEAWAY ON MY BLOGhttp://www.pinkthingsel.com/2012/07/giveawaycacharel-parfumcappertone.html

  10. You were an ahtlete? Wouldn't ever think of that but your legs are made for running. And wearing amazing fashion of course :D and great sunnies!

  11. Really? You were an athlete in track & field ? Me toooo!! I ran the 400 hurdles mt and the 800 mt. :DSomething in common ;)KissesL3http://lisalatroisieme.blogspot.com