Shirt: Marni for H&M / Shoes: Alexander Wang Liya Pumps / Eye + Cross rings: Fashionology.nl / Sunglasses: Dolce & GabbanaJeans: Levis / Bag: Dolce & Gabbana / Jacket: H&M Trend 

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw a preview of this look last Friday which we miraculously got to snap and I say miraculously because the wind was so damn strong, my jacket and bag almost get blown into the canal -twice-, my hair was all over the place and I could hardly hold still for a photo. It might not seem like it in the photos but if you live in Holland or the UK, you would completely understand what I am saying, I think the wind was even worse in parts of the United Kingdom according to the news…Yay for the Northern European Summer!  

151 Responses

  1. In north Portugal the weather is crazy too, so windy and cloudy… Summer, please, you can come back, you are forgiven

  2. Aqui en la ciudad de México nos estamos asando!. Hace un calor tremendo por las mañanas y muchas veces por las tardes llueve. Ojalá nos pudieran dar un poco de su viento frío, que después de que llueve la ciudad parece una vaporera! Me gusto mucho la camisa! BESOS DESDE MÉXICO!http://thefantastico.blogspot.mx/

  3. I absoloutley love the jacket with the shirt! They go so well! And they are from H & M which means I could possibly afford them!www.cashewcookie.blogspot.com

  4. I have seen many styles with this Marni for H&M shirt , but your's is very nice.Today in my blog, discover lebanese designer Nadine Mezher and her luxury bagshttp://very-well-living.blogspot.com/

  5. hahah i just experienced this the other day, i took a series of shots and in each one my hair was engulfing my whole face then it started raining it was crazy!! so i know how that is :) love the top!-Jessicahttp://runninginsideus.blogspot.com/

  6. Chic outfit! And the wind can be crazy indeed. It's especially annoying when it's actually sunny but there's still strong wind?! (^_^) xhttp://thecurvygirlinthecorner.blogspot.com

  7. Love that shirt and the way you combinws ir! I totally get what you mean with the wind and weather here in the Netherlands at the moment…spring, where are you??www.creativityandchocolate.blogspot.com

  8. It's been just like that here in Belgium, crazy I tell ya!Absolutely crazy about that shirt, sadly I was in the middle of a full-time internship when the Marni for H&M collection launched and I wasn't able to go stand in line for it :( (If you ever get tired of it, send it my way ;-p)

  9. That looks to be the most comfortable top. It sure looks like you were taken by the wind, a bit. Knowing me, I probably would have fallen over and lost a roll of film to squinty, tearing eyes.

  10. I'm not so fan of the pyjamas thing, but the jacket is great!I hate the wind especially when I'm going to take pictures, so I get what you say..xxx- Laurahttp://ucouldbemysomeone.blogspot.com

  11. I love the shirt and love the jewelry! It is a perfect casual outfit! xx Piphttp://easyoutfitsbypip.blogspot.com

  12. So true ! I was in Rotterdam on friday (on the Erasmus Bridge more precisely) and i could hardly walk… crazy wind ! You look great !Much love from Tirana, AlbaniaERANDA

  13. Hola!! Somos una nueva red dedicada las mujeres, y hemos creado una pagina para actualizarla con muchas cosas interesantes de moda, make up, belleza, uñas.. Cosas que pueden interesarte. A demás nos apasionan las fotos que subimos y estamos seguras de que a ti pueden gustarte también e incluso usarlas para tus actualizaciones en el blog! Sorteos, promociones…. Esperamos que te guste, solo es una sugerencia. Te dejamos la dirección por si te interesa:https://www.facebook.com/pages/Things-that-women-loves/320053458070960Gracias y un Saludo!!

  14. Really chic look, I like that you make a pajama top look so chic. And the Alexander Wang shoe is to die for. Love it.xoxoChristyhttp://www.am2pmchic.com/

  15. I know EXACTLY what you mean, I have lived in Groningen and London and at times I really couldn't stand the Northern wind :-PLovely outfit! x Gretahttp://gretasdrawer.com

  16. First that amazing yellow sweater/cardigan by H&M, which you tantalizingly said would be in stores soon, and now this jacket. The summer is a goner anyway – so bring on the fall! Looks like all I'll have to do to look stylish is just visit hm.com ;)

  17. It has been super windy in the UK! The netball post blew down in the garden and almost crushed my guinea pig! Cute shirt <3http://thechicmuse000.blogspot.co.uk

  18. I'm in France, I very see what you mean! I like to see another way to wear the "pyjama shirt". This one is beautiful!Fanny