Sweater: ASOS / Shoes: Alexander Wang / Denim skirt: H&M / Rings: Michelle Oh / Earrings: H&M (in stores soon) / Bag: Givenchy 

I remember when I was in Elementary school and I used to love wearing earrings, of course my taste changed with time and for almost 10 years I rarely wore a pair, I just didn’t like it at all, specially in the past 5 years. Its funny how things change and now, I am kinda getting obsessed with big statement earrings again, first it was the huge statement necklaces and now its the earrings, I wonder what will come next…

156 Responses

  1. I love how old trends starting sneaking its way back in, its fun and it we get to put a cool new twist on it I also love the masculine/feminine look and you pulling off the male blue Aztec sweater with that jean skirt I`M LITERALLY IN LOVE. but lets not forget about those sexy Alexander Wang babies hehe! STELLAR BABE!Cymonexo

  2. Great pics, love this look and those earrings are FIERCE!!That's what I love about fashion, it's constantly changing and our style and what we love can change right along with it!!xxhttp://thekirbybee.blogspot.com.au/

  3. Wow, amazing blue! Stunning! I fall in love with your skirt and earrings! :)Have a good start of the week,Ivana

  4. that is what i love about fashion, always evolving! love the sweater-Jessicahttp://runninginsideus.blogspot.com/

  5. Me encantan los pendientes y te sienta bien el azul!Besitoshttp://quemepongobyalbavila.blogspot.com

  6. I don't like these shoes, but the rest is very good! I think that almost each of us has at least one pair of big earrings, no matter if we wear them ;-)Visit me, cheap holidays flights today!

  7. Andy, your style is just great!!!Sooo unique!!Looovve following you!!!Thanks for your daily inspirations!!!www.sadiestyles.blogspot.comLoveSabine

  8. Lovely look! Haha I also remember that I had 100 pairs of earrings when I was teenager :Dhttp://www.martasfashiondiary.com/

  9. The jumper is great and I love how it's quite eighties, especially with those statement earrings. Gonna see if I can get myself a pair of those earrings from H&M as they're amazing looking.Love the photos, as always.Franzixxhttp://franzistylenomad.wordpress.com/

  10. Nice outfit Andy! Love your earings ;)One post about your gym rutine will help us, can you do something like that?

  11. Love this! Those wangs and that skirt are my favorite items in this look. Have a great day Andy! xxhttp://www.logomania.nl

  12. love your pumps!xxxhttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.it/

  13. Let me think… huge jumpers? ;)I wonder how do you find all of these wonderfull knits, I like this one!xxxFanny

  14. I love these delicate earrings with this jumper! This looks is so feminin eventhough the pieces themself are rather 'strong'..Do you know what I mean? :Dxx

  15. I have always been a big earrings girl especially since I didn't get my ears re-pierced until I was…wait for it, 21! And I am glad that now earrings are all of a sudden in again.xx from L.A!