Melting Ring: Jung ee eun via Boticca

Woah, Its not everyday that I come across a ring that looks as if it was melting!. It seems like rings are becoming a big obsession for me lately. I have my current favorites which I literally haven’t taken off in like 2 weeks but this one right here might start showing up a lot more on the blog.

75 Responses

  1. awww this is sooo cute!! it kinda looks like a crown too!!! have u seen that artwork where it's a water crown cast out of resin? like a drop of water hitting the water and splashes but freezes? sooo cool! this reminds me of it lol ;)xx nathan.niche-FIND YOUR NICHE-

  2. gorgeous ring!! i have been following your blog for a while now and I absolutely love it :)

  3. aw I really like it!espero te des una vuelta por mi blog Andy! Saludos desde México :D

  4. Love it! It kind of also looks like a crown…definitely checking out that jewelry designer!xx from Montreal,Sarah

  5. Aaaahh. I saw a picture on Instagram just a few minutes ago. I love it! In first I thought your ring was really melting haha. Awesome♥ xx