I cant believe my trip to film a TV show in Latin America just came to an end. 2 months, it has been 2 months full of airports, locations, cameras following me around, actions, cuts, amazing people, strange people, delicious food, disgusting food, smiles and tears.  This has been one of the most surreal experiences of my life, it had its ups and downs but I am so grateful I was able to experience it, specially because I made so many beautiful friendships.
Now I am FINALLY on my way back home, so as you read this, I am probably on a connecting flight to Rome and finally arriving home sometime on Friday morning…I am so happy I could cry!!!

65 Responses

  1. I'm so happy for you! :) Have a nice flight.. and it's cool you come back because monday it's queenday in the netherlands, hihi. :$ just kidding. ;d

  2. Hola andy!! Acabo de descubrir tu blog y me ha encantado :) mola mucho que hayas podido participar en un TV show :) Te quería pedir si no es mucha molestia que me dieses un par de consejos para el blog, porque cree uno con una amiga hace unos meses y nos gustaría evolucionar un poco, no tenemos muchos seguidores pero me encantaría que te pases y le echases un vistazo para darnos un par de consejos, al fin y al cabo quien mejor que tu? Te lo agradeceria mucho :) este es nuestro blog : http://notbeingincontrol.blogspot.comUn beso muy grande y espero ver tu proximo post :):)

  3. Que tengas una buena vuelta a casa!!!! Vuelve a escribir en español, porfa!!!!!!!Espero que hallas disfruta mi Argentina…..:)Besos desde Madrid.

  4. buen viaje de regreso! vuelve a escribir en español, por fa!!!Espero que hallas disfruta mi Argentina. Besos desde Madrid.

  5. I thought you were gonna stay there 3 months? Anyways welcome back to Europe, and prepare yourself for the contrasts of weathers. Europe as been kinda rainy lately.xoxohttp://shinigami-u-openingmymind.blogspot.co.uk/

  6. You will cry when you finally reach you bed, is the best thing after a long trip :D hace a hice trip!Stop by my blog if you want is City-aholic in blogspot. XO