
Now, you might be wondering, who the heck is Kony? Please take a few minutes of your time to watch the movie, you will understand why I am getting behind this cause and if you also believe in it, please help us spread the word and MAKE KONY FAMOUS!. 
Te preguntaras ¿Quien demonios es Kony? y para poder contestarte esa pregunta tendras que ver el video. Porfa te pido que me regales unos minutos de tu tiempo para que entiendas por que quiero compartir esto contigo y si crees en esta causa, ¡por favor ayudame a pasar la voz!

61 Responses

  1. Invisible children came to my school recently and i loved the video! It is very moving and I'm so happy that you also enjoyed and was moved by this video :)

  2. thank you for supporting this despite all the criticism and skeptics! this is a great cause and you will get a lot more people behind it with your huge audience! xoxo

  3. Hola Andy, me parece súper interesante el video que compartiste, aunque como publicista debo reconocer que no puedo evitar buscar el trasfondo de las cosas y me es grato ver que más personas opinaron lo mismo y buscaron más información al respecto. Creo que la causa es buena pero creo también que debemos informarnos más sobre la fundación antes de donar algo. Gracias por compartirlo, me gusta saber que te preocupas por otras cosas aparte de la moda. Ojala utilices tmb tu plataforma para hablar sobre temas más interesantes, yo como lectora tuya lo agradezco. Saludos desde méxico.Pita Baiza

  4. Great cause but do your research before you donate to this organization. See link below for a list of organizations that are actually worth your money and why you shouldn't donate to Kony. Andy, people look up to you and you should know better than to blindly post something like this because other bloggers are. Don't just fall for every heartbreaking video you see. There's more to the story and people should know that before they throw away their money.

  5. Dear Andy, is amazing to see that influential people are taking part in this action. All the best,Vera

  6. Thank you for sharing this, Andy, I just heard about Kony earlier this evening. Clearly you understand that helping others is always in fashion.All the best,Jane

  7. seriously, not another Kony video. Research research research. I believe we should do all we can to stop children from becoming child soldiers but write a letter to your senators, organize a rally, use your voice. It's all free. Find great organizations that devote large portions of their money to causes instead of paychecks (charity and be an activist instead of buying a bracelet and some posters. And please don't say that ppl who have a stance like this "don't care about this issue." It's that this "campaign" may not be the most effective/cost efficient way to solve the problem.

  8. I´ve posted this video in my blog also. It needs to be shared. Let´s spread it outEvainny´s Fahion Diary

  9. I've just finished watching it on fb and I instantly share it.I didn't know anything about him or what he do and I believe no one other if my friends on facebook know it.This is extremly sad and unfair, everyone HAVE to do something to stop him!!Share this video people!!

  10. Thank you for sharing this I watched it all, the only thing disturbing me is – as someone already said – we don't know if the guy behing all this is completely honnest. We feel marketing in this video.But I think it's the least to share, because this is the main goal of this video, sharing so that the American government (and maybe other countries) see that people care to keep looking for Kony. I posted it on facebook and I think everyone should do it !

  11. Fantástico vídeo para la reflexión!Besos, GAXX

  12. I would have SO MANY things to say about this video, but I will just try to sum up ! The guy who made this is just really smart, I nearly got swept away by this video when seeing Jacob crying, but then it got me to think a lot. I hardly wanted to watch it up until the end because I just don't like it ! So far soldier children is an issue that has been going for years and years in Africa and Koni is not the only one doing so, I don't like it when they stigmatize one man when it is the crime in itself that should be condemned and then you should stress on the convicted NOT the contrary, and what does it mean that his crime has to be considered the most cruel amongst what the dictators did ? So far when you are killing people THERE IS NO GOOD, so I just don't get this "escalation" thing where he is on the top of the criminal list…The power of marketing and advertising is killing me on this video much more than its humanitarian side. I just feel like we are back to Cold War, with the USA as the Police of the world…and I am making this ugly comparison because of the video not because I am thinking it really^^.Oh and so far Uganda is NOT in central Africa^^. It is on its eastern part…Shug'A'Very from Incognito

  13. I just saw this on another blog yesterday, it was impressive. It's not all about the donating money or getting the action kit, as long as the word is spread, thank you for sharing this. I hope that a lot of your readers watch this! :)

  14. Thanks for posting this!I hope all your readers support the KONY 12 pledge :)xx-S

  15. Wow It was so moving….n I,m so inspire that I'm gonna share it in my Facebook n try my best to spread the-awareness to make this brutal man famous I order to bring him down.

  16. This was a great video it is sad to see exactly what is going on in the world. And how if left unseen kids can be the victims of such awful things. Thank You for using your blog in order to raise even more awareness to the cause. Maria

  17. Hola guapano hace falta que lo pidas por favor, el viernes sin falta estará en mi blog.Tu sabes si desde España podemos comprar el "Action kit"?un saludo besos

  18. Hola ya vi este video y me parecieron unos de los 27 minutos mejor utilizados en mi vida Será que ya estamos listos para actuar ?? Yo digo qe si y tu ???

  19. Im glad you big fashion blogger are posting this because it really needs to be spread outWhen i first heard of this about 4 yers ago i had no idea they could come up with something so strong! They re doing sonething amazing and everyone needs to

  20. This video is really sad and made me me think a lot about how importent it is to know what's going on in our world, it's a really sad affair but we should not forget that there are so many other cruel things going around and we should keep our eyes open and try to see them, even if there's no sentimental compaign with a cute boy behind it.

  21. saw this video and found it so moving! but its also important to do the additional research on the nonprofit to make sure they are using their funds in the best way-i.e. its really getting to the ppl. But so great for education and awareness!love from San Francisco,Britt+Whit