Fashion Week doesn’t mean you only have to wear high heels, I already made that mistake too many seasons and killed my feet too many times, thats why I decided to bring with me a couple of flats to wear in between shows…I love when the sun shines in NYC, specially when its not as cold as I assumed it would be.
P.S- How cool is Clemence? -aka my new Jennifer Loiselle Necklace-. Undoubtedly one of my favorite things on the Boticca website.

Fashion Week no significa traer tacones todo el tiempo, ya cometí ese error en muchas temporadas y mate a mis pobres pies cien mil veces, por eso decidí traerme algunos zapatos de piso para usar entre desfiles…Amo cuando el sol brilla en Nueva York, especialmente cuando no esta haciendo tanto frío como esperaba :).

Necklace: Jennifer Loiselle via Boticca / Coat: Vintage / Pants: ZARA / Wishbone ring: Jewel mint / Above knuckle ring: Fashionology.nl

249 Responses

  1. I have a question.is your coat really faux fur?"faux"???if yours are real "faux", your look is very very very veryawesome!!!!I love it!!!!

  2. hi dear,great look :) I love it…by the way thank you for all your comments..:)feel free to visit me again :) I will visit u…denimtarian.blogspot.comdenimtarian.blogspot.comdenimtarian.blogspot.comdenimtarian.blogspot.com

  3. At first I thought it said "Flirtation District" because I saw the hot pink shirt and got super excited. You look beautiful as always Andy. :)xxAldahttp://aldasworld.blogspot.com/

  4. Yey! We are wearing the same sweater in the same day, but I'm in Portugal; I just need that necklace to make it perfect!

  5. Me encanta el look! Te sigo desde hace tiempo pero hasta ahora no me habia animado a escribir ningun comentario :) Soy MUY fan de los botines de Chloe, pero como no puedo permitirmelos, doy las gracias a Zara por haberlos versionado y la verdad es que estoy más que feliz :) Un saludo

  6. I find this so strange, but before I saw your post I was wearing leather pants and a pink top ass well. My fur coat was black but OMG. Coincidence.Have fun in NYC!coincidence

  7. ¡Hola!Hace dos días que descubrí tu blog (a través de otro blog, que hablaba de cuando fuiste Mango it girl jajaja).Me encanta! Me encantan tus outfits, tu naturalidad en las fotos y en lo que escribes y ya tomé nota de varios looks para adaptarlos jajaja.Un beso enorme! Te sigo, así que me verás mucho por aquí :)

  8. pink and white in the middle of winter? I LOVE IT!!!! im loving the bright colors right now..a casual look but very sophisticated..love it

  9. You look beautiful! The white jacket with pink sweater never lookted better! :) And so nice you have sunshine there <3 New York never let's you down :)

  10. perfect outfit!! i loooove it!!! is the sweater from zara? do you know if i can find it??? have fun in NYC!!! xoxo Maria

  11. This outfit is fantastic! I love the necklace – I even thought it was part of the sweater at first, they go so perfectly together! And shoes are amazing – they really make a statement, much more than basic heels would, I think! Perfect for walking around NYC. :)~ Christinahttp://lapetitebelle-christina.blogspot.com

  12. Good thing, u r so right!! That you brought some flats with you and being kind to your feet! Besides there are a lot of cool flats that are gentle to your feet hehe and still look great! You just proved that haha.Love those Zara pants by the way!All love Lolaxoxoxoxoxoxwww.fashionrecession.blogspot.com

  13. ¡Eso es lo lindo de NY Andy! El sol fuertísimo y aún así hace su friecito, pero es buenazo. ¡Que suerte que estés por allá, disfrútalo al máximo! Yo espero estar pronto en el FW de setiembre, muero por volver a Nueva York. P.S: ME ENCANTÓ tu chompa neon, AMO el color rosado y últimamente ando media obsesionada con el neon. ¡Un fuerte abrazo desde Perú! Sole.www.eldiariodepinkchick.com

  14. Andy you look great!!! the weather in NY looks incredible..here in italy it's snowing!!! enjoy the time in NY even for us!!!on my blogs there's a collage fashion week..if you want to come for a visit i wait you. <3

  15. Ohhh what a jacket!Adore it!Keeps you warm and stylish,perfection!I've seen those pants in Zara,but now when I see them on you I really want to buy them:))Have fun!xxB.

  16. I love your necklace, xoxohttp://aboutbrendalima.blogspot.com/http://aboutbrendalima.blogspot.com/http://aboutbrendalima.blogspot.com/http://aboutbrendalima.blogspot.com/http://aboutbrendalima.blogspot.com/http://aboutbrendalima.blogspot.com/http://aboutbrendalima.blogspot.com/

  17. awsome pics! You look stunning! I have to say that your neckles is amazing! cute coat!www.onlyupsidedown.blogspot.com

  18. I like how the pink jumper looks with that massive necklace.I think flat shoes are the best option for this kind of occasions. I love yours!xxx- Laurahttp://ucouldbemysomeone.blogspot.com

  19. Love it!But where are your boots from? Loooove them and would love to know where they are from :D.XOXFEMKE.www.myfashion-expression.blogspot.com

  20. This season I found a perfect white fake fur and I didn't buy it because it added me a lot of volume… How much I regret it untill now…I can't find it anymore…(((www.lovelittlelulu.blogspot.com

  21. someone's fashionably tuned in to the freezing cold NY weather ;) no srsly, you look wonderful. wool is a beast and your necklace is beyooohteeefulll :) i'm loving it right now !! and I think the pic. u took of that monument building…it has a zooming effect when you scroll down the page. so, great angle Andy. I'm impressed with the crystal clear photos tooxoxoStyle Hostess

  22. I'm agree with you about wearing heels… You look so fantastic with low-heel boots! And I think you are so comfortable! ;)Love your brilliant necklace!G.

  23. I like your look! But the pink with your white jacket-thing is not your best combi, I think. Can you speak Dutch? I want to know because I'm Dutch and you're living in Amsterdam.

  24. Your jewellery is always perfection! :)A friend of mine who visited BerlinFashionWeel did the same mistake and wore heels all day long and now her feet look really bad!You show that flats can be superstylish, too :)love,dominiquewww.artichaut.me

  25. You look cosy but stylish too. I'm going to be in New York in 3 weeks, do you reckon I'll need a warm coat or will I get away with a blazer. Our trip includes LA and Vegas and I don't want to bring too much with me. Help?!www.hazelsblog.co.uk