Oh man! Shooting in the snow is the funnest thing ever! Well, at least for me…I managed to find a pair of nude color tights in the shops that look as if you weren’t wearing any tights at all, which is a great option to wear under your pants during the winter and definitely keeps you warmer. In cold days like the ones we are experiencing lately, layering is definitely the key and even if you cant really see it, I am hiding thermal clothes underneath my jumper, I suggest you to do the same ;)

¡Tomando fotos en la nieve es lo mas divertido!, al menos para mi…El otro día encontré unas medias color carne que no se notan para nada, me las puse debajo de los pantalones y ¡Voila!, se me quito el frio. La verdad no soy nada fan de las medias color carne, pero son súper útiles en el invierno cuando las usas abajo de los pantalones, so se notan y te mantienen calientita :)

Coat: Monki / Shoes: ZARA / Bag: Rebecca Minkoff / Necklace: H&M

248 Responses

  1. Love this entire photo shoot! Definitely wishing for snowy days right about now….xx Nicolehttp://www.higherthanthestars.net

  2. Hi, I'm talking from Brazil and I really wanted snow here, it's so beautiful! Your photos are amazing and I'm in love for the shoes.xoxo

  3. Hey Andy,Can you do a post on what to wear on cold days like this? I live in a tropical country and theres a chance I'm coming to the Netherlands next month.. I have no idea what to wear! Any idea's on affordable shops to buy coats and thermal clothing?

  4. Haha :) It's always funny to read blogs from central Europe where people feel that -15 is freezing cold when we have had around -25 to -40 for the last few weeks here in Finland and thats really cold :PBut anyway LOVE your blog :)lets hope you don't get flu before your trip, so should but some socks on ;)

  5. wow, LOVE these shots, that jumper, those leather gloves, all of it! Your poor feet must have died though. Looks like it was worth it :) gorgeous as always Andy! xx

  6. Dear Andy,i read that the snow storm is bad this year.. and your alternative of ensembles does help to prevent from freezing.. when i'm abroad one day, i would do the same as you suggested.. and still be in style.. haha!Sincerely,Rebecca @ styleantagonist.blogspot.com

  7. You look great, I like the way your sweater looks like :) But I cant see you almost barefoot, Im suffering for you! :D but the snow in hair looks beautiful.. :)http://arainbowswan.blogspot.com

  8. Brr…. I was freezing my toes and of in this cold weather and I had thights under my jeans and a pair socks over my thights.So I am impressed that You maneged to stand outside getting so nice pictures.(it was -14,1*C to this evening and just a bit warmer during the day)I wish that I could look just as fab, as you in the freezing cold weather.

  9. I have to say, there is something so romantic about the snow and your look.You look so beautiful! Layering is definitely working for you, I notice you look less cold in this shoot than the last one.I love the jumper so unique and the shoes, well, you know I just love shoes!www.lovestyleblogging.blogspot.com.au Big Love,LSBxoxo

  10. Estás guapísima!!! Pero con nieve y con medias finitas no se como puedes ni cinco minutos para hacer las fotos! Eres mi heroína!!!Besos guapa

  11. I really love the sweater! Is the most beautiful winter outfit i've seen, and the photos help a lot ! congrats for the photographer too, you always have amazing photos! =) xx

  12. Whattt are u telling me that with the close up from your feet in the snow you are wearing tights, Can't tell, then they really are invisible.. Love those cream shoes in the snow, so angelic ;)All love Lolaxoxoxoxoxooxxwww.fashionrecession.blogspot.com

  13. Gorgeous!I know i've said it before, but just let me say it again,YOUR SHOES ARE PERFECTxxx-Shttp://www.gingerandlace.blogspot.com

  14. I love your outfit. I was literally just talking to someone about what to wear and still look chic in the snow. THIS IS IT.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  15. You look amazing! Loved the outfit, especially the shoes! It must have been so difficult to shoot in the snow, but the result is fantastic so I think it was worth it! :)

  16. Increibles las fotos, como siempre diosa!!! me mori con la foto de los patitos en la nieve!! beso y obvio te sigo tooodos los dias! saludos, Sabihttp://telodijenena.blogspot.com/

  17. Wow! Muita neve!!! Deve estar muito frio aí. Eu amei o produção, esse sapato é lindo. Beijinhos do Brasil e ótima semana ~.~http://www.diariodocoquefrouxo.com.br/@MissJota

  18. This shoot looks so much fun!Love the whole outfit.And indeed, layering is the key.When it's really cold like now, I wear a thermal legging underneath my trousers :p♥http://style-chameleon.blogspot.com/

  19. Te favorece muchisimo el degradado que te has hecho en el pelo!! me encanta se te ve genial :) el look perfecto como siempre y los zapatos sin palabras

  20. You look gorgoeus in these magical pictures! I am in love with your sweater and shoes!XoXoPlamihttp://www.fashionthrill.com/

  21. I love this look, and like others I'd like to know the brand of this jumper.But it still looks to cold for snow, even with the thermo clothes underneath. I'd love it if you sometimes showed us what you are actually wearing. I seam to miss real winter inspiration every year!Otherwise great job! I love your blog and read it every day though this is my first time to comment!

  22. Great style! I love wearing light clothes or spring shoes in winter too ;) I often get criticized but I don't really care! Fashion is about suffering sometimes, isn't it? :)))xoxo,Fashionhypnotised girl

  23. Gorgeous photos! Whenever weather like this happens and I'm desperate to get out and get photographed…nobody is around to snap the pictures :(

  24. yay! you posted a look with those Zara shoes! they look adorably cute and stylish Andy xoxo and I must admit, you're pretty strong to take this post in the midst of all that snow =0 must be FREEZINGLY HECTIC outside… but anyways, fabulous look. I really like the way you accessorize =)PS. "Werelse" facebook page looks great! you girls are quite the three amazing bloggers hehe^^xoxoStyle Hostess

  25. LOVE love that sweater and these wedges are so perfect! Totally Theyskens' Theory xoxohttp://styleitup-eva.blogspot.com/

  26. Ooooh fotos debajo de la nieve! me encantan, y el outfit es genial, amo el jersey y el abrigo. Yo también hago lo de las medias debajo de los pantalones cuando hace mucho mucho frío!Besos!Andrea in Fashion

  27. Wonderful! You look so cute and the outfit is great. I like the combination, the color of the sweater and the necklace is gorgeous.I would be glad if you visit our blog too. greetingshttp://www.styleundsein.de

  28. Love your outfit and i like the snow..makes this photoshooting pefrect!!Please take a look at my blog..you may love it..giveaway…http;//stylefax.blogspot.comKisses :)