Photo by StockholmStreetStyle edited by me.

Yes!!!!! This was probably on the top of my “most desired items” list and its finally mine!!!!

¡¡¡Si!!! Este suéter estaba en mi lista de  “cosas mas codiciadas este invierno” y ahora me pertenece, ¡Wohoooo!

Sweater: Alexander Wang

128 Responses

  1. Andy, quizá te interesa. La chica que lo lleva es la modelo Sheila Márquez y tiene muy muy buen gusto… lo digo por si te apetece mirar más ropa de ella, siempre viste genial, y su estilo me recuerda al tuyo.Un beso guapa, adoro tu blog

  2. It's so amazing! can't wait to see it again on your blog! You will look stunning in this pice!www.onlyupsidedown.blogspot.com

  3. It's such a classic piece, I can't wait to see how you style it. If you get a chance do check out my blog, I have interesting fashion posts you might love to read.www.thegirlinredheels.com