Yes, I also have this blouse and it makes me feel like Spring so maybe I should be wearing it more often :) … Im going to spend my Sunday wearing pajamas and doing a couple of DIY’s so I better get to that. A hot cappuccino is waiting for me and keeping with the Italian theme, here are some photos from Italy, Ciao Bell@s!

Si, yo también tengo esa blusa, me hace sentir como si fuera Primavera, tal vez me la debería de poner mas seguido ;) … Me voy a pasar el Domingo en pijamas cosiendo y trabajando en algunos proyectos de “hazlo tu misma” así que me voy. Un cappuccino calientito me esta esperando y para seguir con el tema Italiano, aquí l@s dejo con algunas fotos en Italia, ¡Ciao Bell@s!

Velvet boots: Dr Martens / Riding pants: American apparel / Shirt: ZARA 

196 Responses

  1. Amo tus Dr. Marteens quiero un par de esas +.+me compre unas del estilo pero por ser unas baratijas, no sobrevivieron ni el invierno (tengo "pata de fierro" como dice mi madre)Nunca hubiera pensado en ponerme esas botas con una blusa floreada :OYou make it work♥

  2. Andy, es realmente uno de tus outfit que más me ha gustado, amo la blusa,los zapatos, la cartera es increible, la última foto con un solo guante ME ENCANTA!gracias por compartirlo <3

  3. algunas de tus fotos me recordaron a guanajuato, creo que debes haber ido, está hermoso! la arquitectura neoclásica, los edificios altos, etc. amo guanajuato =D

  4. this shirt is beautiful! i have it too..i love wearing it with black like you did :) black leggings, black coat, and some colored accessories.girlonthemoon

  5. It's a great look and I love the pictures. The floral shirt is nice. I want summer/spring right now!www.trash-de-luxe.blogspot.com

  6. I must confess I'm not a huge fan of flowers! Altough I reckon it will be so trendy next season!What I adore is your combined coat! So cool!XOXO from Spain! http://somestylestories.blogspot.com

  7. this is a great outfit! and I love this blouse, but it's kind of true, everyone (at least everyone in the blogging world) has this blouse! But well, perhaps it just seems like everyone has it, because the blouse is very special. I kept it in mind, till the first time i saw it in the zara add. And your sunday sounds like perfect to me, mine is not as comfortable as yours – first a pilates class, then a quick blogging pause (now ;-)), some research for my phdthesis, and an opera in the evening. I love pyjama and diy sundays, perhaps my next one will be like that!xxx Anita

  8. Oh Andy I can't believe that we were styling this blouse in a very similar way! Too bad last week it was raining so the photos were not so good. But if you have time please check them out! :)Jesshttp://sweetfashionsweet.blogspot.com

  9. I am not really a fan of the blouse but your jacket is amazing :)And Sunday in pyjamas is the best thing to do.. Unlucky me, I have to work!Enjoy your sunday!love,dominiquewww.artichaut.me

  10. Fantastic look, yet again!! I just love that coat, I tried it on yesterday but I looked like a drug dealer or something! I think I'm a little bit too petite for it :( but you look stunning with it :)xxxLaurahttp://the-shoe-issue.blogspot.com

  11. Grat great great great pictures, love this post, It was a pleasure looking at it. And you make Dr Martens look very good. Really like this look Andy!All love Lola,xoxoxoxoxooxoxooxhttp://fashionrecession.blogspot.com/

  12. Hey Andy!you are featured in GRAZIA a german fashion magazine…I can send you a pic if you want ;)http://my-intention.blogspot.com

  13. I always love your looks and this one is no exception. Love the florals! Wish I could get my hands on that coat too, its perfect!

  14. Nice post, Andy :) I like the mix of photos of your look of the day and then the photos of the buildings and statues! definitely loving the blouse too <3 (but too much of's :D)