The trip to Florence seems like a million light years ago but I still have more Style Lab pics to show you. This time I chose an outfit that was more me, in fact, I really think this look fits my style head to toe, although I have to say that walking around Florence wearing those amazing yet extremely high Giuseppe Zanotti heels was both eye catching and dangerous. 
For some reason, few people find it shocking to see a tall girl wearing high heels but as my fashion motto is; “If you like it, wear it”, it doesn’t really matter what anybody else thinks and yes, I am 1.80cm without any shoes on, but I love high heels so If you ever wonder why do I wear such high heels being so tall, my answer would be, why not? ;)

Parece que el viaje a Florencia fue hace 1000 años luz pero yo sigo con mas fotos para enseñarles . Estas fotos son del evento de Firenze4ever y para este look, escogí algo mas “Andy” y siento que este si es mi estilo completamente.
Tengo que confesar que andar caminando por Florencia (o cualquier otra parte) con esos taconazos de Giuseppe Zanotti fue todo un show y es que me divierte el ver la reacción de algunas personas cuando ven a una mujer alta y de paso con tacones de ese calibre.
Yo siempre he dicho: “Si te gusta, ¡Pontelo!”, no importa lo que piensen los demás y si, mido 1.80 sin zapatos, pero me fascinan los tacones así que cuando me preguntan; “Andy, ¿Por que usas tacones siendo tan alta?, mi respuesta siempre sera: ¿Por que no? ;)

Blouse: Burberry Prorsum / Leather vest: Pierre Balmain / Skirt: MSGM / Shoes: Giuseppe Zanotti / Bag: Proenza Schouler

259 Responses

  1. Me hace gracia un comentario de los primeros que pregunta por qué sigues tan blanca después de regresar de México, o algo así… hombre, ni que en todo México el calor estuviera a 40 grados con un sol que mate… Es una creencia bastante inocente de gente que nunca ha visitado Mx :). Por otro lado, tienes razón, una que use lo que le dé la gana, yo soy chaparrita :(, apenas y mido 1.56 y aunque los zapatos altos me gustan, no los uso muy seguido porque tampoco es que los aguante, si midiera lo que tú mides, o un poco menos, quizá casi nunca usaría tacones jaja. Esos taconazos que llevas están increíbles, pero ni loca me subiría a esos zancos, quizá si fuera a un lugar donde estuviera sólo sentada, jaja, de otra manera, me daría miedo dar un solo paso XD. La blusa está también increíble, de entrada pensé que era una chaqueta, pero ya vi que lo que llevas encima es un chaleco. Déjame decirte que aunque sé que llevas mucha marca cara que a la mayoría de las mortales nos costaría trabajar meses para comprar una sola pieza, lo que me gusta de tu estilo es que siempre llevas prendas "únicas", es decir, algún detalle que le dé personalidad a todo el outfit, y eso es increíble, por eso me encanta tu blog.

  2. Really love your jacket and heals. Reading your everyday posts really inspires me…xoxo from:Goldie Londonhttp://goldielondon.blogspot.com/2012/01/everything-silver.html

  3. Hi Andy:) Your look is soo amazing!! but, I mean, those terribly high heels- it doesn't make any sense!! By the way I'm a new fashion blogger from Israel and I really think you should have a look at my blog. Thank!! I love your blog ALOT!!

  4. Hola wapa!!!Que look más chulo!!! Me parece genial lo que dices de los tacones, una amiga mía no quiere llevar tacones altos, y eso que le encantan! Y no es tan alta como tu jejeUn besote!!

  5. You are 1 tall chica! I like your new shoes! They are cool and the color is definitely popping! Giuseppe Zanoti sure makes really nice shoes!

  6. Omg! I am taller than you.. just by a little bit though and I get the exact same questions!It's also a little weird when there happen to be a few other people taller than me in a room. Shall I say a good weird?P/s: Love the African print. X

  7. andy, i finally got the chance to see your TED video! it was amazing! ego blogger??? love the title :) anyways i love how bold you are to wear such tough colors. i'm still new to putting things together but you've somewhat inspired me to come out of the closet :) love the outfit! especially the moto vest!http://harperandmonroe.blogspot.com/

  8. Wow, you look amazing. Love the skirt, jacket, shoes, bag…love everything about it!!www.creativityandchocolate.blogspot.com

  9. I'm tall as well (no as much as you) and I LOVE wearing high heels and the higher the better but also reveive a lot of "complaints" from people around me but I think it's normal… ;)www.primandpolishedby.blogspot.com

  10. I love the balmain vest and the skirt but I'm not that into these shoes, but ur right you should always wear what u like ;Dhttp://msstylebox.blogspot.com/

  11. Andy, I love your style, and I hope that you will advise me, I mean make-up and nail polish remover fitting the dark-purple dress. Lipstick? perhaps bilberry? And silver-grey nail polish remover? what do you think about it?:))

  12. I LOVE your shoes!I'm 1,77 and also love to wear high heels even though I'm taller than all the others.It doesn't matter when you feel comfortable about it :)www.timnalovescouture.blogspot.com

  13. Love this look Andy, the patch work jacket is gorgeous. I'm not so sure about the heels though (not because of you height, love people with personality)albeit the color is nice. ♥-Axellewww.ax-elle.blogspot.com

  14. me encantó la combinación!! Tienes muchísima razón con lo de los tacones, yo soy súper chiquita pero no uso tacones muy altos ni muy seguido pk cuando los uso me veo más alta ke mi esposo y él hace cara de puchero…pero me inspiraste y pk no utilizarlos de vez en cuando :) muchas felicidades x tu blog, me encanta y t sigo desde méxico :DPita

  15. I wish I was 1,80, would wear high heels every day, would even in sleep in them. Women with long legs RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So said Lola the dwarf ;)http://fashionrecession.blogspot.com/

  16. Claro que sí! Una no se ha de poner tacones para ser más alta, se los pone porque le gustan:)A ver si solo las bajitas pueden llevar tacones bonitos!

  17. I vote yes yes yes on this look. It's a great mix of rock'n roll and elegant and chic. xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  18. I really love this look!!! You are so right about that high heel thing. I think there´s no reason to hide your amazing legs and if had them, I would definitely show them. I know it´s always said that tall woman shall not wear high shoes and no flats for smaller ones but your height is something making you unique. We shall love what we got and underline it ;-)

  19. Thank you SO much for that inspirational text about tall girls wearing high heels! I really needed to hear that, since I'm 1.77 and usually hesitate when I want to wear heels. And I absolutely love them :)Angelahttp://angeladissected.blogspot.com

  20. Andy no sabes cuanto te admiro!!! Me encanta tu estilo, y además como tu dices, ¿por qué no llevar tacones? Yo mido 1'78 y también me dicen lo de los tacones, aveces no me gusta porque veo a todos muy pequeños pero despues pienso, en ¿si ellos pueden por que yo no? Enserio me encanta tu blog, es el mejor de todos!! Un beso:)@carglez94

  21. Those shoes are mind blowing! They have a slight lady gaga-ish feel to them, because of their particular shape. I actually love the whole outfit, it's so very out of the ordinary yet perfect!

  22. Wow Andy, I became a fan of this look! I like your capacity to take risks. One of these days i'll just bump into you in the streets of Amsterdam, i'm sure ;)Kiss

  23. Thank you very much, I have the same passion for the high heels as you, and I measure 1,77cm without shoe and people do often remarks. But as you say it: why not? I like high heels it is like that.As usual I like your style, and all your looks. Thank you!

  24. I love this outfit! The vest looks incredible with the lace skirt and the bag!!! This is one of my favorite outfits yet! xxPiphttp://chicstayathome.blogspot.com

  25. Sos una genia ANdy!SOy alta también, mido 1.75 y también me subo a los tacos!! ^^ Estabas divina! besines, Prihttp://laspalabrasjamasalcanzan.blogspot.com

  26. Hola <3,wow!!! stunning combination of the colors!!!!LOVE everything you are wearing!!!www.aikaslovecloset.blogspot.comwww.facebook.com/aikaslovecloset

  27. TU ESTILO ES INCONFUNDIBLE ANDY!!!Podría reconocerte entre 3mil fotos sin cabeza!!! jajajajaMe encanta el bolso por cierto! los taconazos son arriesgados, pero en ti ¡molan!un besazo enorme!!HERMANAS BOLENAhttp://hermanasbolena.blogspot.com/

  28. Your skirt is really wonderful! I really like this outfit and I think everyone should wear what he really like. Like your shoes even if you are 1,80 cm!

  29. omg.. these shoes.. awesome.. gorgeous.. wonderfull. fanastic.. :D (my english vocabulary isn't big enough ..) :Dlove this outfit.obviously I'm not as tall as you, I know what it mean to be the biggest girl in a group.. all my friends are smaller.. AND.. they don't wear super high heels … but i do! and i love it! :Dlovely greetsPia

  30. Hola Andy, estás ideal hoy, creo que me he enamorado de tus zapatosmuchos besoshttp://elbauldeladyshira.blogspot.com/


  32. Totally agree hone, if you love it, go for it! :) And you look fabulous in that outfit, a true eye catcher ;) xoxo

  33. love this jacket! the wholw outfit is gorgeous as usual! i have t agree wit ire, your looksget everzday better!xxpaulaliveonbeauty.org

  34. If you're 1.80 without shoes, you must be terribly tall with high shoes. I wish I could have some of your height !dive-fordreams.blogspot.comxo

  35. Di que sí, si a uno le apetece ponerse algo llamativo, ¿por qué no se lo va a poner por lo que piensen los demás? Yo a veces llevo un abrigo rojo y aunque parezca una tontería todo el mundo me mira, pero yo voy tan feliz con él jajaj.Me encantan esos zapatos, el color es genial y lo has combinado muy bien con la chaqueta y el bolso.No sabía que fueras tan alta, es una sorpresa para mí!!Un besito (:

  36. you look gorgeous! I'm in love with the whole look, the jacket is just awesome!)xxSashahttp://perfectionistsdiary.blogspot.com

  37. I love this look! You are so right about the heels! My sister is also tall like you, but she doesn't like to wear heels just because people keep saying to her she's too tall!I'll definitely let her read this post! :)xxxLaurahttp://the-shoe-issue.blogspot.com

  38. Yo te conocí en el evento de Mango en Madrid y eres bastante alta y yo bastante bajita, me acabo de comprar unos "botines" del mismo calibre de los tuyo e igual se me quedan viendo cuando los uso! a pesar de verme de un tamaño normal XD ellos acaparan toda la atención.Besitos!

  39. Gosh! You look gorgeous!!The blouse & jacket are amazing! I adore in your heel! Love this special color!!Totally agree with you motto!!Love,Kila-HK :)

  40. My first thought was "That look is so her!" :)I'm 1m82 and in my opinion every woman has the right to wear beautiful high heeled shoes!www.thewhitestudio.be

  41. Oh, you look so wonderful and pretty!Your jacket is crazy – it´s sooo fantastic – i love it! And your shoes are the dream of every women!I love every picture of this look! Wonderful!!! <3KissesAnna

  42. So beautiful in love with your outfit Andy i love that colour of shoes I already have a jacket in that colour awesome kisses

  43. la verdad es que se ven altísimos pero el color es precioso y el bolsito de Proenza con la cazadora te queda genial!!!!!!un besito desde barcelona :Deveryoursevermine.blogspot.com

  44. Oh boy! This is by far the best look out of all the ones I saw from the bloggers at Firenze 4ever. I love the color mix and that make up suits you just fine! Gorgeous!

  45. I'm just as tall as you and I sometimes wear heels. But if I do I wear the highest, cuz it makes me feel femine. :)Love the look so much!!

  46. I am in love with this outfit! The lace skirt is gorgeous and the jacket is absolutely crazy!! Love the colors!!! xo, Christinahttp://www.styleclouds.de

  47. That jacket is AM-H-AZING!!!! The way you've styled it is wonderful and I agree with you, why tall girls couldn't or shouldn't wear heels? I think that we look even more elegant and sexy than we already do without heels :Dhttp://lartoffashion.blogspot.com

  48. I'm 1.83 without any shoes, and I also love high heels. When people ask me: "Is not right that you wear high heels, you do look after us even lower …"I say:"even without heels are higher than you, then nothing has changed!"I love the blazer, anyway!

  49. I love this jacket soooo much! I have to say that I'm totaly crazy about this jacket!!! You look amazing! Love your blog, can't wait for next post :Dwww.onlyupsidedown.blogspot.com