I FINALLY got around to do this DIY but since I didn’t want to ruin one of my favorite denim shirts, I went and bought a cheap one at a small store and luckily, the operation was successful!. …This DIY is as simple as they come so if you are feeling adventurous, here is what you need and the step by step:


*Special fabric bleach in powder (if you can’t find it, use normal bleach)
*Gold buttons (make sure they are the same size as the buttons you are replacing)


1. Remove all the old buttons from the shirt (thats if you decide to change the buttons like I did)

2. If you are using the special fabric bleach, follow the instructions on the package to get the color off the sleeves. I had to heat up the water and pour the powder into the hot water.

3. If you are using normal bleach, pour the bleach (Carefully, otherwise you will stain your clothes) on a small tub with a little bit of water (enough to cover the part you want to bleach).

4. Make the sleeves wet BEFORE you get them in the pot or tub.

5. Once you have your sleeves wet and on the water with the beach, leave it there and move it occasionally so that the color disappears evenly.

6. See the color disappear and get it out of the water when you are happy with the shade. (you can leave it until its very light or maybe a lighter shade of blue).

7. Rinse it and dry it (I washed it again with fabric softener to get the bleach smell off it)

8. If you decide to change the buttons as I did, stitch them once its dry.


198 Responses

  1. Thank you for this post! I would like to try this out.

    Giveaways on my blog.

  2. OMG i love this DIY. I have some youtube videos on how to design your own shirts for the summer. but you just gave me awesome ideas for the fall.Thank you <3

  3. Of all bloggers, you are my favorite Andy! You're so creative, genuine and original. I hope other bloggers learn from you. Honey from Germany :-)

  4. There is not much which is more fun and lovely than individualizing shirts with nice collars and buttons etc. Thanks for the post, will try it!

  5. i really love it. it is great how you create your own stuff here and there, so zara and hm stuff is not as boring as it used to be. you got some talent there honey. congrats.xx m

  6. You had so much time to come up with a diy and i really missed them! And this one is really good, andy i really like your style is so different! You don't just follew the trends, you adjust them in order to fit you!! Keep it like that girl!!!(Pls check my new blog:

  7. Oh dear Andy, honestly I follow you since long time ago and with this DIY , you make me love you more, you are not just a girl who have a lot of style and can have many kinds of clothes, you are an artist (not trying to be polite) . Really you have great ideas and that denim shirt is incredible! Definitely i´m going to try the same!Good to see that you still enjoy to do your own designs and think on them.

  8. Que cosas tan increibles que se te ocurren :D Solo por eso buscaré una camisa jean y la desmancharé a ver que tal me queda jaja Y lo de los botones realmente le da un cambio total y hasta le dió vida a la camisa.

  9. This turned out awesome. I'm surprised I love it. I'm usually against fading of fabrics, but this looks so chic!xoxo

  10. Great diy! =) However if using normal bleach, don't use hot water. This will cause a reaction that makes chloroform vapor! (I know Andy didn't say anything about hot water with normal bleach, but just in case) ^_^

  11. i just love it andy! awesome tutorial, thank you so much for sharing! are u still in mexico or are you already back to amsterdam?love the blog and the DIYS are definitely my favorites!

  12. Me ha encantado, así que lo intentaré ^^También tengo muchos DIY's en mi blog, por si tienes tiempo para pasarte :)http://helenabyelena.blogspot.comxoxo

  13. Hola Andy!Buenísimo en DIY que hiciste, tenes mucho talento para las creaciones de indumentaria!Voy a intentarlo, siempre quiero hacer DIY pero entre que me falta tiempo y que siempre me olvido, nunca hago nada! Pero definitivamente este DIY tengo que hacerlo!Un beso grande y Felices Fiestas!