Nothing can compare to the feeling of being in the middle of winter and enjoying the most perfect weather outside. No need for jackets, no need for scarfs and no need for tights, just perfect :)
Very soon I will have to go back to Europe so I will enjoy this as much as I can before I have to get back to the freezing cold and why not, maybe even the snow and speaking of that, I say goodbye now cause I have an appointment with my garden for a sunbathing session ;)

Pants: Monki / Star shirt: Monki / Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim / Bracelets: H&M


161 Responses

  1. Love, love, love the look. from Head to toe, amazing. I love the color of the pants and that adorable printed top!! Work it!Deehttp://cheapandfabulousmom.wordpress.com/

  2. Merry Christmas Andy! You always look fantastic, hope 2012 is amazing for you!Check out my blog at:www.lovestyleblogging.blogspot.comLSBxoxo

  3. You are SUCH a stunner Andy! Love the starry print and those shoes are to die for.Hope you had a great Christmas!xohttp://hautecouture3.blogspot.com

  4. u are amazing in these pants!!!!!!!CHANEL GIVEAWAY herehttp://ontomywardrobe.blogspot.com/2011/12/xmas-giveaway-chanel-nailpolish.htmlhttp://ontomywardrobe.blogspot.com/2011/12/xmas-giveaway-chanel-nailpolish.html

  5. aii wow estas en Mexicoo!! increible no el cliamesta riquisimo??? Felices fiwestas Andy, ojala algun dia regreses a Guadalajara a darte una vuelta hay muchas cosas super padre y nuevas por aca… visitas VELVET OAK! :p jeejej saludos

  6. Cute look. I'm in total agreeance of the no jacket situation. I'm in California and it's sooo beautiful outside this week. xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  7. Me encantan tus pantalones! Una de las ventajas de México es el delicioso clima que tenemos, aun en invierno! Feliz Navidad Andy! Saludos!!xxEbyebye-blondie.blogspot.com

  8. enjoy the weather while you can, i'm doing the same here in brazil it is a cool day with rain in the middle of our hell summer, the rain to me is being a nice change…i loved your boots by the way…xoxomarilia

  9. You look great Andy! I love how you styled the sheer starry blouse with the mustard-toned pants!; they contrast beautifully! <3thestylemoodboard.blogspot.com

  10. ME ENCANTA EL BOLSO ANDY!!!!Parece que hace muy buen día no???Yo si salgo aquí así, seguro que vuelvo congelada cual cubito de hielo!!!Mil besos from MAdrid!!!HERMANAS BOLENAhttp://hermanasbolena.blogspot.com/

  11. when are you going back to europe! sure is nice having a not really cold winter, i do need to confess that i've missed snow this year though, too warm, thanks God it was rainy and grey and cool, so we had a cozy xmas!hope you enjoyed your family!xxannaliveonbeauty.orf

  12. it´s so interesting that i see you without jacket, cap, gloves and etc. during the Christmas time : )The weather here in Europe is cold, but the snow has already melted here in Slovakia :(hope you enjoyed your time with your family and had an amazing Christmas : ) ♥

  13. I love anything starry ;) You can see my onsession with stars by checking my DIY starry jumper :)http://irem-just-a-dream.blogspot.com/2011/12/all-stars.html

  14. Pants are amazing meybe colour not for me! But shape is perfect! You look so amazing!www.onlyupsidedown.blogspot.com

  15. Have you done something different to your hair? Its looks great! I adore this top on you and it goes really well with the mustard-toned trousers xx