Yay! I finally found a cool home for my MacBook Pro :D…Hope you have an amazing lazy Sunday! As we speak, I am in the middle of a Christmas holiday trip far far away, enjoying of amazing company and great food!
MacBook case: Marc by Marc Jacobs

118 Responses

  1. super cute! loved the colors and the twirling seams. :) muy bonita funda! divertite en el viaje!!XXX jannine

  2. i have that case in the traditional leopard colors and it is the best. i've had it for two years and it's going strong, great purchase!

  3. I'm looking for a laptop bag as well, but I have a DELL and there are never pretty bags for big laptops. Love the colors on yours <

  4. I'm really jealous!!Ive been wanting a case like that for ever! its really great!!have an amazing time :)xx

  5. Looks great :)I have to think about a new laptop first but I'll consider this case when I come to this decision :)Are you back home?Love, Dominique*

  6. Hola Andy!Que linda la nueva casita de tu Mac, imagino que la textura debe ser increíble!Espero que disfrutes de tus vacaciones de Christmas!Un beso!

  7. Qué preciosidad de funda para el mac!!!Me parece chulísima!Si no se lo dices a nadie, vas por la calle con él y se creen que es un clutch!!!KISSES FROM MADRID!!HERMANAS BOLENA

  8. gorg cover<3

  9. Woow! Esta muy padre :D pero extraño los "Look of the day" :( se que son tus vacaciones, (y muero de curiosidad por saber en donde estas! ) pero el verlos en el blog me alegra el día! Felices fiestas Andy! :)