No, I am not on my way to New York City, the thing is, I have developed this strange obsession for sweatshirts, I don’t know why but every time I go to a store and I see something that resembles a sweatshirt, I will most likely purchase it, SPECIALLY if it has a big ass picture of the Flat Iron building in NYC! :)

Lately I’ve found myself browsing the mens department a little too often and that is exactly where I found this sweatshirt, unfortunately they only had size L and XL left so I will have to perform some nip and tuck magic with the sewing machine, but while I get to that, wearing it oversized will have to do.

P.S- Having a zipper on the back side of your skirt could be dangerous, don’t try this at home and if you do, make sure you wear tights underneath ;)

184 Responses

  1. Well thats a great sweater! I would leave it like that! Its cool in a bigger size! I had it too recently, i was fitting something, but I didnt mentioned it was a large size, but it looked good! :) Great blog btw! + 1 follower! ;)x Sarahhttp://fashion-loving.blogspot.com/

  2. hey addy!!this shirt is amazing!i was in search of a similar shirt but couldn't find one.Pleease please tell us where you bought it!please!you know how this feeling is!please asnwer!

  3. I simply adored the skirt and sweatshirt. I am completely sympathetic with the fact that you spend much time at men's clothes department. The same happens to me, and my boyfriend always comments joking: Isn't your department big enough for you? No, it isn't. Right now, women have earned the right to go everywhere when it comes to fashion! :) and I like it!Beijinhos,The Bubbly Girl in Glasseswww.thebubblygirlinglasses.blogspot.com

  4. Andy this look is gorgeous..I'm totally in love with the sweatshirt!can you tell me where can I find it?please :) keep on shining!!kisses from Greece ,Mary.

  5. i´m also obsessed with T-shirt like this : )and that zip skirt is interesting!!: )I think I won´t try it :Dhave beautiful beggining of this week!

  6. Hey!Came across your blog today while looking for organazing tips on Youtube and I must say I love it. Really good read…I'm so coming back for more! :)/Elvisa from Sweden!

  7. Amazing pictures! Love the light in them, and the zipper on your skirt. The sweatshirt is also amazing, love the image of the flat iron building on it. :)

  8. Wonderful colour combination! I love the print on the sweatshirt! The orange is a lovely colour as well. I feel like zippers on any item of clothing is dangerous especially when it's at the back.

  9. love the zipper detail on your skirt – but yeah it could be dangerous :P ! you look so happy, love your pictures! that hat is awesome x

  10. I really LOVE the colours in this outfit, and actually I just love everything about this outfit. specially how you've mixed a casual sweater with more dressier skirt, coat and shoes! xxNaghmeh

  11. tan peligrosos son ese tipo de faldas? jaja me imagino que se habrá subido un par de veces! me encanta tu look Andy y como siempre estas preciosa :)xx

  12. omg lol when i saw the title of your post on bloglovin' i was like "oh my god!! She's in NEW YORK CITY" but unfortunately you're not… :P Anyway, i'm curious to know where are you know… cause i saw on twitter that you traveled but where are you going? ^-^ p.s: great sweater, lovely skirt <3xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  13. You look gorgeous!! I'd never think to pair a bulky sweatshirt with such a classic skirt, but you did and you rock it!! :) Love the look. Btw. I love the coat!! :)Greetings from AustriaAngi from Wonderful and Marvelous

  14. Great skirt! And I get the love for sweatshirts. I have these periods in which I cannot get enough of them too. It's weird, but I just go with it. One can never have too many of a good thing :)

  15. Andy, estas guapísima!!Al ver el titulo del post pensé esta en NY?!! jejejeEs muy bonita la camiseta, no parece tan grande..La falda me ha encantado!!Feliz domingo!!!Besitos ♥http://mystylemontse.blogspot.com

  16. That's so cool how you found that sweatshirt in the men's section! i do that sometimes too! sweatshirts are definately very comfortable, especially in the cold winter weather! i love how you made yours look chic and stylish!bijou-minou.blogspot.com

  17. I love the print in front of your sweatshirt and I think the combination with the orange skirt is smart! staminasproject.blogspot.com

  18. wow, I was soo hungry for such a looks!! you was more elegant lately, so big big plus for cheeky Andy's re-entry!! P.S the skirt is great!!