I guess I have been waiting for this day the whole year and I cant believe how quickly it came!…4 years, it has been 4 years since I started StyleScrapbook from the living room of the old house I used to live in when I just moved to Holland. 
Today has made me a little bit emotional and I don’t mean to sound cheesy, but this blog has changed my life and I want to thank every single one of you who have supported me throughout.
To those of you who follow me from 2007 when the blog was so tiny and my style was so shitty (truth to be told) and to all of you who have come along the way and have seen me evolve and chase my dreams.

I am so extremely grateful and happy to celebrate 4 years with all of you guys!. I cant ever stop thanking you for visiting my blog every morning, because that is the reason why I keep blogging, so THANK YOU!

279 Responses

  1. Congrats, happy 4 year anniversary Andy! I began following you in 2008 & it's so amazing to see the evolution of both your blog & you. From that day to this, your blog has been one of my favourites & always brightens my day! Lots of love,<3 Shawna

  2. FELICIDADES ANDY!!!! No estoy desde 2007 pero me hubiera encantando porque desde que encontré tu blog te sigo siempre!! Besos.

  3. Congratulations Andy!I have to say I've been following your blog for over a year now and I can't get enough of it. You are so stylish in such a personal, unique way, but on top of that, you work very hard for the things that you want, and every good thing that has happened to you related to this blog has been a result of your hard work.You deserve what you have accomplished and much more. Thanks for being not only a fashion inspiration but a role model in life.xoxo, Mar

  4. Andy felicitaciones!Siempre leo tu blog, pero es la primera vez que dejo un comentario, porque creo que la ocasion lo amerita.Que sigan los exitos! :)

  5. U sure deserve it. U come of as a really humble and sweet girl, i genuinely whish you all the success u can get! Beijos desde Lisboa, Portugal.

  6. Congrats Andy and Happy Anniversary to Style Scrapbook! Your blog has been an inspiration to me since I started my blog only recently. Keep up your great work! =)

  7. Felicidades Andy!!! Tu blog es maravilloso y toda una fuente de inspiración. Espero poder seguirlo disfrutando. Saludos desde tu México lindo y querido :-D

  8. Happy Anniversary Andy!!!I discovered your blog few months ago but I read your posts everyday.Congrats!!Love your style, keep on with this excellent job!!Paoli

  9. Congrats, Andy! Although I'm a New Yorker, I started following European blogs before most US blogs and yours was one of the first! You're a true inspiration for many reasons, but mostly for showing that if you follow your dreams, they come true – as long as you work your ass off! I read your blog on a regular basis, but dont often comment… but you are one amazing woman. Keep it up!xo,Helena

  10. Happy 4 years on your blog Andy! You have come so far,and achieved so much, and this is just the start, there is many more great opportunities waiting for you, and i cant wait to tag along in your journey for many more years to come

  11. Feliz aniversario!! wow ya 4 años!! que bueno por ti andy, me encanta tu blog! espero que cumplas muchos más porque eres una gran inspiración, todos los días te leo y lo seguire haciendo como fiel seguidora! :)Un abrazo!! xox

  12. andy, i've been following your blog for the past 2 1/2 years and i have enjoyed watching your style grow and evolve as well as yourself. i love everything you wear and i have so many pieces in my closet which have been inspired by your style. ademas de ser fashionista me das inspiración por también ser mexicana como yo. sigue adelante andy, tienes tanto en tu camino por adelante!!! <3333

  13. Muchísimas felicidades por tus logros Andy!!! Todo lo que haz conseguido hasta ahora es por tu empeño y dedicación, seguro que te lo mereces :)Un abrazo y un beso y que sean muchos años más!!!

  14. Happy Birthday Andy!! I love Style Scrapbook. Congratulations on all your achievements, developments and most important for this success! much success to you and to the Style Scrapbook.Kisses

  15. Muchisimas felicidades Andy! Estoy muy feliz y orgullosa por ti, me encanta que seas una blogger mexicana muy exitosa, me ispiras…saludos desde Mexico.

  16. Happy 4 year anniversary!You are my favorite blogger of all time because of your style and also because of your personality! I love youu.Enjoy a big day!

  17. Congrats Andy!!! Sigo tan encantada con el blog como la primera vez, la verdad un lujo latinoamericano, arriba hermana y por muchos años mas, saludos desde Argentina!

  18. Felicitaciones Andy! tienes un blog increible, lo descubrí hace poco pero me ha inspirado muchisimo, incluso gracias a ti decidi tener uno propio, me encanta todo lo que haces, felicitaciones en verdad!

  19. Hee,,je hebt het echt verdient! je werkt er zo hard aan om je blog een succes te laten worden en ondertussen is dat echt heel erg goed gelukt, meer dan goed: PERFECT! Ik ben ontzettend blij dat je blog bestaat en dat ik hem elke dag zo vaak als ik wil kan checken! Happy blogoversary! En ik hoop dat je nog heel lang door blijft gaan! YOU GO GIRL!ANDY RULES THE WORLD!xoxoEef

  20. Happy anniversary to you and your blog, Andy! I hope that your success with the blog and in general life will go on for a veeeery long time! All the best, love

  21. Felicidades Stylescrapbook! ojalá te hubiera seguido desde los principios y poder haber visto la evolución de tu blog. Eres una maravilla de blogger Andy :)xx

  22. Happy 4th Birthday Style Scrapbook! You are AMAZING Andy! Habia escrito mi comentario hace 1 minuto y sin querer cerré la ventana. Así que ahora sí, jajaja. Tu blog es lo máximo! Tengo 16 años y recuerdo que en diciembre de 2010 (en ese entonces tenía 15) estaba realmente hambrienta por moda, así que empecé a buscar fashion blogs en internet. Y asó descubrí The Cherry Blossom Girl, yo estaba como :O WOW esto es increíble (yo no sabía que este tipo de blogs existían). Luego estuve de nuevo, muy hambrienta por moda y no sé cómo, pero encontré Style Scrapbook y fue como *-* esto es lo MAXIMO! Me encantaron tus fotos y empecé a ver todos los posts del blog. Y así fue como empecé a ver este tipo de blogs. Ya que The Blonde Salad lo descubrí cuando nombraste a Chiara en post donde estaban en Florencia por Luisa Via Roma. Ahora tengo 16 y cada día encuentro mucha inspiración en la web, y entre ellos está Style Scrapbook. Eres una gran inspiración para todos los latinos que quieren abrir camino en el mundo de la moda. Gracias por compartir con nosotros tan hermosas y stylish fotos cada día. Eres hermosa y carismática. Muchos Besos! I love you <3!!!

  23. Haaaappy Birthdaaay to StyleScrapbook!!!! Felicidades! Me gustaria llegar un dia y poder decir lo mismo que vos con mi blog! Me impresiona todo lo que has logrado y de corazon te digo que sos un icono para mi! Gracias por compartir mediante este blog tanto de moda y de todo. Me encanta este blog espero que sigas creciendo!:)

  24. congrats Andy! you deserve all the success that you get in these years. you are my fav blogger and you really know what means having style. you are fabulous in every "look of the day", combining super cheap stuff with designers others. not every is able to do this. I will keep following you, dont stop with the blog! hope to meet you in the future. I lived in utrecht for one year and I was hoping to meet you around my amsterdam trips, but nothing :(

  25. Congratulations Andy ( : Your blog is so amazing and it is a huge inspiration. Great job and btw your hair is so beautiful.xo

  26. Happy blog anniversary Andy! We're happy to be here too. I may not have been following your blog for years, but I've read most of your archieves and I saw how much your style and your blog have evolved. You're a true inspiration to all of us bloggers. Keep it up! :)

  27. Congratulations! Wish you and your blog all the bast! Really like your blog: for me its inspiration and learning resource, so can congrat myself and other readers for having your blog too!))

  28. Congratulations!! :) I discovered your amazing blog last year and since then I visit it every single day, it's true. I really adore your outfits, your writing, your blog. Congratulations for your work and you totally deserve the position you and your blog are now. I'm here for more 4 years (or more) :) Have a great day! :) XO

  29. Dear, you inspire me, and when I met you in Bologna at L'Inde le Palais I understood that you were not like I though you were. Now, I think you are the best fashion blogger ever, your style is almost like mine, I love you, you are so sweet, and the other day I looked at your first posts and understood you're talented & beautiful & everything, you are special, keep rocking this way. love you <3

  30. I don't think your style was shitty at the beginning… It developed just fantastically (or improved, I noticed that myself since I have my own blog ;) ).Happy B-Day Stylescrapbook and thank you for so many years of inspiration! Love from Paris

  31. Congrats Andy, I only discovered your Blog last year, oh boy and what a discovery! Since then, your Blog is one of the Blogs that I soon as I turn my pc on I go and check it! xoxo KarenLove from Portugal!

  32. I've been reading your blog ever since you started it and I can't believe it's been 4 years! It's only getting better and better in years so I can't wait to see what this year brings you. xx Ana

  33. Te mereces todo lo bueno que te está pasando porque lo has trabajado muy duro.FELICIDADES

  34. Happy Blog Birthday! You've come leaps and bounds, and yours is always one of my favourite to check out and get style inspiration from!

  35. Congrats,Andy! Wish your blog stay as classy as it is right now & wish you continue to inspire me everyday ;)With love from Russia

  36. congrats Andy, this is really amazing. 4 years…incredible and so great that you always kept bloggin no matter what. I am really happy for you and how far you've come with stylescrapbook.Xoxo,

  37. Congratulations! I wish even more years to come!I've been reading your blog for 2 years already and I absolutely love it!

  38. Happy birthday to your blog! :) I remember back in 2008 I made a post about you on my blog and you personally thanked me on my blog! Same with Chiara from The Blonde Salad. Funny how fast things went :) congratulations!Poise & Vogue

  39. happy anniversary Andy, I've been your reader for a couple of years now and it may sound cliche but you're my INSPIRATION, really, and I just know that anything is possible if you are just active and follow your dreams :-) greetings from Poland! and GOOD LUCK!aleksandra

  40. Happy anniversary! Your blog truly is amazing and i'ts no wonder that it has become so big. Your style is just gorgeous and your posts are fantastic to read. Maybe you would write a sum-up of what has made your blog so big, what kind of were your usual days before it was so big and so on.. It'd be so interesting reading. Anyways, keep doing what you do and I wish you good luck in everything!

  41. Congratulations ong the blogoversary! :} I was wondering, how did you manage to make your blog so big and popular? (except from the fact that you have great style and your pictures are very good ;) )Have a great day, hugs from France!

  42. Congatulations Andy, I believe that this blog's birthday is like yours second birthday! I wish you all the best! Have a good day, eat a cake and relax! As we are important for you, you are important for us twice!! I believe that you can't even imagine how strong you inspire us all. We all love you! Best wishes,Toma from Lithuania

  43. Congratulations!!I've been following for 3 years now and I think your blog is one of the best! You inspire me every day and I even started blogging myself because of you!I hope you will keep blogging for the rest of your life! ;)xxxLaura

  44. Happy blogoversary! (read it on Eva's comment and I LOVE it :D)You showed us that everyone who keeps chasing her dreams can achieve something big!Thank you for your daily inspiration!

  45. Happy birthday style scrapbook!!!I'm a follower of yours for a year and a half, almost from the day I started my own blog.xoxo, Marianna

  46. Happy 4th Anniversary Andy! I started following your blog this year, but the other day I sat and looked through all your earlier posts, and it was interesting to see how you have changed over the years. You have inspired a couple of new things in my wardrobe, and your "look of the day" inspires me every day, You have GREAT style. Keep up the good work. Anette, Oslo.

  47. happy anniversary i've been following you since 2008 and yours was one of the first blogs i've been reading. and your style was never shitty:Dkeep growing and be happy!HAPPY BIRTHDAY STYLE SCRAPBOOK!!!!!!!!

  48. Happy 4yrs to Stylescrapbook!!!Andy, you made your amazing life! Keep going, support you in further every year celebration!I'm your big fan in HK:DLove, Kila

  49. Happy 4yrs to Stylescrapbook!!!Andy, you made your amazing life! Keep going, support you in further every year celebration!I'm your big fan in HK:DLove, Kila

  50. Dear Andy,thank you for your blog, for your attidute, for everything. Your blog has been a part of my life since 2008. I wish you more success, because you deserve all of this.Have a beautiful day!Your fan from the Czech Republic Monika

  51. OOh that is really sweet of you ! Truth be told I haven't been following your blog for very long but I was only 12 years old in 2007! I'm so proud of you and your accomplishments and I hope you have a nice celebration!

  52. Happy Blog Aniversary Andy! we love you so much and we're thankful too to you because you make us understand that clothes is more than a fabric/clothes is a way to express ourselves! Have an amazing day!

  53. hi andy, i love your blog and your dedication to it, i follow you for a long time, and your style has evolve but it has never been bad, it would be great if you make a post with some old photos to now, it has been a lot of years it would be great for aniversarycheers!

  54. Congratulations Andy! And thanks for sharing all the good stuff with us. Keep posting and remember we are there every morning waiting for your news!!!! Happy anniversary!

  55. Hola Andy, que curioso. Yo soy otra mexicana en Holanda, te descubri apenas este año por un articulo en la revista semanal del periódico "Volkskrant". Digo que curioso, porque justo ayer escribi sobre "mexicanos en el mundo" que han tenido exito en el extranjero (a base de sudor, lagrimas, esfuerzo, trabajo) y en general sobre la experiencia de ser "expatriados" y te mencione como un super ejemplo. Si quieres leer el post aqui esta:

  56. Congratulations Andy. You have created a lovely place on the web around here and I love visiting you. I wish you many more amazing years to come!

  57. Great fashionable congratulations for You and your blog!!!Love your blog it`s one of the fashionable parts in my life!Best wishes

  58. Happy Birthday Style Scrapbook…This is the best blog ever..With the best owner ever..Andy you've created a so interesting blog, which we loved…Every day we're waiting to see what you wore or in which event you went…I wish you all the very best..Not that you didn't reach all of them..Keep it going..Keepp rocking..stylefax.blogspot.comI love you Andy…stylefax.blogspot.comKisses :)

  59. Andy,Much much congratulations to you!! I remember when I first started reading your blog in early 2008, at its beginning… I still love it just as much, and I am so proud of you!! You have accomplished loads and traveled around the world. Cheers to you, and much love from Tokyo (via Montreal!!!!) xxxxxx

  60. We should thank you for what you've been doing for us. You have changed so many other girls and guys to follow their dream and to start blogging about what they love. It has changed me and I love blogging and someday I would love to reach as far as you. You are such a great example of inspiration than others who work so little to reach where they are. Bloggers have changed the meaning of being what you want to be, it's amazing and thank you again. I would love it if you checked out my blog, I have interesting fashion posts you might love to

  61. Awwww, CONGRATS!!! :DI saw your beinnging posts, because I was curious to see how you first did your posts and your style, and to me your style wasnt shitty lol, but yes, your style did evolve. :)-Eliza :)

  62. Happy blogday!!! congrats on all your inspiring work and can't wait for more :)

  63. Felicidades!!como no te vas a emocionar si hasta me emociono yo:)Te mereces todo lo bueno q te pase, no dejes de soñar!Besos desde Madrid.

  64. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR STYLE SCRAPBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish you the next 1258698756987 years of blogging!And than you for inspirations!!