Photo by the Coveteur from the WWW offices.

As few of you know, StyleScrapbook will turn 4 years old this month and I am finding myself completely overwhelmed, happy and grateful and how much it has grown…My dining room has been StyleScrapbooks “headquarters” for the past few years and although I LOVE working from home, I feel like its time to get out and find StyleScrapbook a new home away from home, that’s why I’m seeking for an office and that’s where you come in.

If you know of any office space around the Amsterdam area, I would really appreciate if you contacted me at: [email protected] with OFFICE as a subject…Any advice is welcome and soon I will also be looking for 1 or 2 interns to be a part of the team, one with killer design skills, but more on that later.

Thanks a million!

109 Responses

  1. Cara Andy,questo ufficio è luminoso, accogliente e poi se si trova nella zona ben collegata con tutto – è un affare!!Io tanto vorrei vivere ad Amsterdam.Buona fortuna di tutto!!moi facebook: Ludmila Busunova

  2. Lástima no poder ayudarte, vivo al fin del mundo, pero desde acá te deseo lo mejor de lo mejor en este importante paso, mucho éxito! te mereces esto y más!Besos :)franxss

  3. I want to be the one to work for you :) Of course, its not that easy, Im a high shool student in Slovakia :D but maybe one day… either way Im planning to move abroad, so maybe it will be amsterdam, and your office! :D I hope so.

  4. te super envidio!! pero envida de la buena!! que padre que tengas una oficina y que el blog lo trabajes como se debe, de verdad que me inspiras muchisimo! y quisiera que mi blog algun dia estuviera como el tuyo y sea tan famoso. Y claro ni que decir con una oficina asi cualquiera puede trabajar agusto. Un besito andy!! http://gigivalenza.blogspot.com/

  5. I´d like to help you if I lived in Amsterdam :/hope that you´ll find your new "Stylescrapbook-home" as soon as possible : )enjoy your time in Barcelona ♥

  6. Hola Andy!! Que linda oficina tenés armada en tu casa… lástima que estoy muy lejos para poder trabajar con vos!! Felicitaciones por el nuevo proyecto… siempre es renovador refrescante y emocionante iniciar un proyecto, más uno tan lindo como buscar tu propia oficina!! Y a fin de año… cuando todo parece terminar… vos vas a empezar!!!! Divino!! Éxitos!! Ah… hace rato… ba… en realidad nunca pude comentarte desde la página de bloglovin que es desde donde visito tú página ya desde hace un tiempo.. te lo quería comentar. Besos. Buen fin de semana.

  7. Wow looks like you are taking StyleScrapbook to an even higher level! So exciting :) I will keep my eyes open for you in Amsterdam!

  8. Yay… office time! Can't wait to see the new space you find. Congrats on the new venture.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  9. I have an office, and I'm hardly ever there! I would much rather work from home, however it's difficult for me to dedicate an entire room to my business because of a lack of space. Here's a few points to consider when renting an office:1. Air quality and cleanliness – Make sure the office is clean, the air quality is good, and there's at least one window for you to open. It can be difficult to maintain the cleanliness of an office when you do not have control over how the rest of the building is kept. I recommend a good air purifier. Also a lack of natural light can be a bit depressing.2. Location, location, location – I used to live about 5 minutes from my office. Now I live 30 minutes away. Make sure the office you choose is close to home! You won't regret saving valuable time on commute. It also helps if the office is close to places you may need to go during your work day, restaurants, for example.3. Space – A tiny office can really restrict productivity. Keep in mind how many people you plan to have working for you. In my office, it can get a little crowded and frustrating due to too many people trying to work in a small space.Hope this helps!Shop vintage ♥

  10. I am from Greece but a BIG fan of your blog!!! Good luck with the research! Hope you will find a place and I am SURE it will have a LOT OF STLE, just like you!!!!

  11. Wow you're really branching out! that's so amazing to see Andy!Next thing you know you'll be a big brand. I hope you find your perfect office space. Franzixxhttp://www.franzistylenomad.wordpress.com/

  12. Andy!Apuntadísima para ser un@ de tus interns. Cuando se abran las convocatorias ;)Un beso de otra mexicana por tierras europeas.Carla

  13. wow, al final lo de ser blogger de exito se convierte en una empresa- profesion , me alegro un monton por ti ! ya que eres una de las mejores, seguro que ecuentras lo que buscas, mucha suerte , besoshttp://www.thechicmode.blogspot.com

  14. lovely picture! Good luck by your search. I would love to see how you are living. I'm sure your house/flat(?) is amazing :)http://thesmallnoble.blogspot.com/

  15. Too bad that I'm so far from Amsterdam! :( I would totally fight for an intern vacancy! I'm studying design and I feel that we have a lot of common!Good luck and congrats! :)

  16. Hola Andy!!Estoy super felíz, el otro día compre mi camiseta Werelse (el modelo T-jellyfish) y hoy ha llegado a casa!! es aún más bonita que en la foto. Enhorabuena, calidad y diseño inmejorables.Buena suerte en tu busqueda.Besos from Spain!!Sara.

  17. That's great!! it's a pity I am from Barcelona. Always want to work with an international blogger…the photo of the office is gorgeous! Would love to work there!! :)www.mysavageside.blogspot.com

  18. MUCHA SUERTE EN LA BÚSQUEDA DE TU NUEVA OFICINA!!!Yo he subido bastantes fotos de la mía en el blog, por si te sirve de ayuda o de inspiración Andy!!!QUE PASES UN "NICE FRIDAY"!!kisses a lot from Madrid!HERMANAS BOLENAhttp://hermanasbolena.blogspot.com/

  19. wow, your office looks amazing. I would love to have a office someday as my blog grows. I would love it if you checked out my blog, I have interesting fashion posts you might love to read.www.thegirlinredheels.com

  20. Can't help you with this one, as I live miles and miles away from Amsterdam, but fingers crossed! I'm sure you'll find some fantastic space really soon! :o)x