Hey! Its the pink sweater making a comeback! (not that it was ever gone, but you know what I mean ;)

Indian summer in my books means; Wear as many shorts as you can before it is too late! … As you can see, my legs are getting back to their pale self and so is the rest of my body (not that I achieved a killer tan this summer), but so be it, I aint doing no tanning bed, hell to the no.

And to more important things, we have been testing this new fashiolista “I am wearing list” feature on the blog for a while now, so its your turn to let me know what you love, like, dislike, hate about it, if its being useful and if you prefer having the images instead of the text of what I am wearing, so shoot with the comments! ;)

Jacket: ZARA / Boots:ACNE / Sweater:ZARA / Bag:Rebecca Minkoff

176 Responses

  1. Thanks for taking time for sharing this article, it was excellent and very informative it’s my first time that I visit here i found a lot of informative stuff in your article keep it up thank you.

  2. Hey Andy,I would prefer the old way. Maybe you can add links. I don't feel like clicking on all these pictures. Besides it doesn't directly direct you to the webshop. I meand, first you have the Fashiolista site and then the webshop. I like the old way! And nice jacket!

  3. Me gustaría que hicieras más referencias sobre tu cultura, moda mexicana, rescatar un poco más raíces latinas en tus outfits,saludos desde Chile

  4. YES sounds like it definitely has the potential to be great, too bad it's not working too well for you everywhere yet but who doesn't like getting something for free, right?

  5. Yesterday my cousin told me that how the bubbles are pink she liked to have a black face and in that moment I immediately tought about you! Your pink and black looks are amazing!

  6. I like the list but the items sometimes don't match to those you're wearing. Like today, I'd love to know were you bought your jacket but the jacket in the fashiolista list isn't the one you're wearing!:( Were did you bought it? Tell me please!! :)

  7. Hi Andy! I really like the list feature, but what i dont like is that u dont see immediately the brand of the items.. you have to click on them, and then again on the fashiolista website before you can discover it! I think is useful, but would be really cool also if u would post again the brands as u did before :)Many compliments for the blog and keep the good work! xx

  8. sooo cool!love this neon!i know neons are your faves<3http://unasrandomfashion.blogspot.com/http://unasrandomfashion.blogspot.com/

  9. You look so perfect!! I love that sweater so much!!! I'm looking forward to wear it 'cos it's gorgeous!!!But it's really hot in Spain..!!I would like to say that I preferred the text instead of the photos of the list of Fashionlista, because sometimes it's not the same item..!!! I love your blog!!!www.to-ks.blogspot.com

  10. As for the Fashiolista, I like it.It is nice to see what you are wearing while it is not 'on' and where it comes from, but personally I also like seeing the text (as you have under the photos). Overall I definitely say keep it :)

  11. looove the look of the day!! about the Fashiolista list, i would like both the images and text because sometimes the images r not exactly what u r wearing so it's good to have the text too

  12. Loving the pink sweater as many others. Think it's a new hype :) About the 'what I'm wearing': I really like seeing the garments but I would love it even more if you could see the brand name under the picture!

  13. You always look so perfect in your outfits!Sé que la semana que viene acudes a la Premiere de Q me pongo by Mango. Yo también estaré allí y nos conoceremos.Estoy emocionada:)Un bso y enhorabuenaAngiewww.byourself.es

  14. Hola Andy! Me encanta tu look! y sobre la opcion Fashiolista esta padre, pero me gusta mas que escribas de donde son las prendas, ya que algunas veces en Fashiolista te manda solo a una opcion similar a la prenda.Saludoos!

  15. such an amazing jacket!I think the fashiolista thing isn't really handy.. it's showing the wrong shops and not the good products! (not every time, but most of the time)

  16. wow. can i have your black jacket?? because i love the style and im positive it would look great on me. the coral pink top absolutely clashes with black that makes a complete fashion "OWW" factor. Sweeeeet. :)

  17. I love how many of the zippers were partially or fully opened. Makes for a great detail on the sleeves and a fun cut in the front.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  18. Love that jacket,where did you get it?I liked the text better because then we could see where to get it wand with fashiolista it's sometimes different pieces that pop up. Like this jacket isn't the one in the list… ♥-Axellewww.ax-elle.blogspot.com

  19. Andy me encanta tu estilo!!! La chaqueta esta divina y se ve increible con los shorts! Un look único.Raque fromourfavoritestyle.blogspot.com

  20. I absolutely love this look! And when it comes to the fashiolista list I love it but I think the description is also useful and I'd like to see both <3

  21. the fashionlista feature is not too bad, it leads you directly to the clothes you're wearing, but sometimes its not the same clothes so the text helps

  22. awesome!!! i love this look and that sweater is a masterpiece.where did you get that jacket??btw im not a huge fan of that fashiolista list at the bottom because sometimes the clothes are not the same you are wearing.

  23. I also love the nice weather in Amsterdam at the moment!! :) Love your shoes, and the hat suits you very well.BTW, I prefer writing which items you're wearing, instead of the fashiolista pictures-list.x

  24. No no no ! Please not the fashionlista! Im not going to spend 10minutes clicking on the items to see where are they from! I love that you write it at the end of the post, please keep that information there!

  25. I'm sorry Andy, this Fashiolista "thing" is very cool but it's not working for me. It would if the pieces appearing would be the same as the ones you're wearing. But they're not always the same items and they're not even close enough for me. Anyway, it's just my opinion…xoxohttp://mycloset-mycloset.blogspot.com/

  26. I love how you always add an accent with a special coloured item. It makes your outfits so very you :DI don't know. I have to admit that I don't really like the Fashiolista feature. It was just a lot easier to look up the items yourself than getting directed to often similar items on Fashiolista …missemilyblog.blogspot.com

  27. Hi Andy,I've been following you for a while now. I like the idea of the Fashiolista project, but it kind of makes me think about these articles in some fashion magazines: how to create the same look as a celeb with less money? You know what I mean, right? But it's never really the same! I love your look today but if I would order these items of Fashiolista, I'd never have the same looks as you…

  28. sweater unbelievably beautiful! It suits you ;) CHECK OUT my useful and interesting blog "All Turorials You Need" about very useful and must know tutorials …Check it out, and find something for yourself :)http://alltutorialsyouneed.blogspot.com/http://alltutorialsyouneed.blogspot.com/http://alltutorialsyouneed.blogspot.com/

  29. i love that idea of combining hot pink and black, works awesome, especially for fall, bringing up some colour, nicely done. and that zip detail jacket is so chichttp://www.vasilievablog.com/x

  30. love your blazer!xoxohttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/

  31. I think I'd like the fashiolista more if when you hovered over the picture it would say what it is, rather than having to actually click on it. Other than that, I find it to be nice tweek. :D

  32. I love this combination…and you look stunning :)I like the images of clothes you were wearing under each post…but I think I liked better just the plain list :)

  33. i like it better now that you post where you got it along with the pictures. the pictures were not enough by themselves.btw love your blog have been following for 3 years! it all started to help mw learn spanish outside of class. [ still have some work to do on the spanish language still! ]lot's O' love from LA!!!

  34. Its more useful to write them, but its cute with the pictures..and of course i have to say that you look beautifull, stylish, fresh, happy.. the list is way too big!:)

  35. I like very much the Fashiloista list below yrour posts andy!!I wish I could make mine in my blog hahahaha!!!!great post and great video between <3Minahttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/