Please dont mind the silliness at the end, it was very late and Gosh we were very tired.

P.S- I would have done a behind the scenes while we were shooting the Flash Series pics as well, but the person doing the photos was the same person who did the video and that would’ve only worked out if my photographer was an octopus, which he isn’t (where can I get myself one of those?).

78 Responses

  1. Funny video ! you must have spent a very good time !If you can, publish more videos like that, maybe with the help of another assistant ;-)

  2. hey! im giving away a free O.M.G crossbody bag if you like my fb fan page/blog :) take a look and see if you like it under my Freebies tab!www.inkedandsewn.comxx Jess James

  3. of course you would play moves like jagger and place a galaxy print in the background! haha great job:D lo ve the pink & black make up in the eyes