This is quite possibly my favorite spot of the whole city…

Central Park is THE place to go for a quiet break from the noise, the buildings and the masses of people.
I always find myself there in every chance I have and it might be because I am utterly in love with the place, specially when I get to make giant bubbles, listen to amazing musicians play jazz, sing or just lay down on the grass looking at the skyscrapers in the distance :).


192 Responses

  1. ANDY!great look! lively pics! your blog is an inspiration for me! you do the great job!! hope my blog ( WOW-STYLE.BLOGSPOT.COM ) ever be so powerful!!!

  2. These photos make me want to go to New York more than ever! Those shorts are beautiful – such a great colour. Flo xhttp://florencekatharine.blogspot.com

  3. BURGUNDY BURGUNDY BURGUNDY! So perfect to transition into fall while it's still hot out. Check out my blog: JesWithATwist.blogspot.com!

  4. The giant bubbles look so much fun! :) You look gorgeous! I really love such basic clean outfits!XoXoPlamihttp://www.fashionthrill.com/

  5. I like the simplicity of this outfit. The sunglasses are absolutely great. I'm a fan of maxy sunglasses. And the shiny shoes are the final touch of the look. You always surprise me.New York, Neeeew Yoooooork!

  6. CENTRAL PARK!! AMAZING ;-)http://twitter.com/#!/alessandranittihttp://wonderfashionista.blogspot.com/http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wonderfashionista-by-Alessandra-Nitti/186934534668227XXXWONDERFASHIONISTA

  7. i like you makin bubbles, central park would be my fav place to (if i have ever been to NYC):))http://kateonskate.blogspot.com/

  8. Central Park seems to be quite a magical place. Like an oasis of calm in the middle of the busiest city of the world.Although my knowledge of NY goes as far as watching all 10 seasons of " Friends" …I love your simple yet very chic outfit. I think your flats can make every outfit look elegant and comfortable :Dmissemilyblog.blogspot.com

  9. Lovely outfit. Great pictures! I miss NY sooo badly. Central Park is also my favorite spot. It's probably the only place in the city where you can manage to be completely alone for a while. :)xoxohttp://www.wonderfulandmarvelous.tumblr.com

  10. Nice outfit!! Love all those photos! You look beautiful as always! Hmm, if you don't mind, can you tell me your equipment of your camera? Thanks!