I am finding difficult to come to terms with the fact that I am leaving NYC soon…I’ve been having the time of my life dividing my time between Fashion Week and playing tourist.

For this look of the day, I decided to shoot outside the NYC public library which is just few blocks away from my hotel and such a beautiful building.

As usual, during FW season I find very hard to sit down and write a “proper” text for my posts as I am always in a rush, in fact, I am hating the fact that I cant add my Spanish translation which I am not dropping for good and it will be back as soon as I have more time to sit an post but for now, I have to run as the Michael Kors show is at 10:00 am and I have to get ready as soon as possible!

See you later lovelies and thank you so much fro following my NY Fashion Week adventures with me!

197 Responses

  1. you look amazing :)! i'm so jealous.. i wish i was in NY playing tourist and not working my butt off at some stupid shop! haha ;) have a blast!

  2. amazing! you're so beautiful! really love this Andy!visit and follow me if you like my site :)thankshttp://novirianifash.blogspot.com/

  3. No matter what u wear, u always look fashionable!!Check out my blog, i have a new outfitpost and give-away!Xoxo Evawww.jeansnpumps.blogspot.com

  4. Love the New York Library! I've been to NYC many times, but oddly haven't gone inside of the library!I was just wondering, is there a specific person who always shoots your looks? Like the camera man/girl..

  5. Hi Andy, I was wondering if you have any plans to change the picture in the your banner? Its just that everytime i see it, it looks like an advertisement coca cola rather than a fashion blog… just a suggestion!

  6. Your a Lucky Lucky Girl!!But I'm sure that you have made all your best to become who you are today!!!Good NYFW!!I miss NYC and I'm back from vacation from just one month!!!www.freshbrownie.com

  7. Great outfit! Love the jacket.From what I've seen, the public library must be a really nice building. Did you attend Victoria Beckham's fashion show that was being held there, the other day?

  8. Ahhh the Michael Kors show! love, jealous, amazing. Can't wait to see more!Great look only 1/2 zipping the boots.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  9. isn't the library beautiful with their trademark lions? i really took for granted each day i worked at the holiday markets at bryant park right after college. it's absolutely breathtaking. and it's a library! honestly, everytime i visit a new american city, visiting their biggest public library is a must. ps, sad you're leaving but glad you're having fun.pps, http://amandamantes.blogspot.com !

  10. I love the grand setting of the New York public library and your skirt is fantastic!!!Please post some images of the Michael Kors show for us! :-)Franzixxhttp://franzistylenomad.wordpress.com/

  11. awesome jacket andy, I like it very much :) and the library building is beautiful..you have chosen a great place for taking pics :)http://fashionfairyblog.blogspot.com

  12. Andy te vez increible!aunque tengo que reconocer que esa falda no me gusta del todo, creo que marca más los desperfectos del cuerpo… pero en tí todo se ve genial :)Saludos

  13. Fantastic!! You look gorgeous, love your style!I adore the combination that you did with the clothes, looks really amazing. And those photos are beautiful as well as the library!XO /JOANASNOTES

  14. i'm gonna say that i just love every single outfit worn by you and have to admit i was on your youtube page yesterday and there wasn't video i didn't like!! and your english is so easy to understand you have no accent i love it!! you are amazing girl ;)http://kateonskate.blogspot.com/

  15. Hey Andy! Thank you for sharing your NY adventures with us :))) Are you going to the other fashion weeks? Hope you are :) You look great! love such structured, graphic looks!XoXoPlamihttp://www.fashionthrill.com/

  16. you look lovely Andy! That jacket & those boots are bangin ;) plus you have a great eye for photos, you always pick the prettiest & most interesting backdrops! B xxwww.phoandchips.com

  17. amazing like always!!!!but the Public Library was the carry's marriage ( from sex and the city) !!!!new post on my blog: I'm waiting for u!have an amazing day!www.thecurlylady.blogspot.com

  18. thank you so much for sharing your ny adventures with us :) I love all the impressions of that amazing city. what I also love is that white and black jacket your wearing. so cool!X, Annieanniewear.de

  19. me encanta ese look adoro el negro0o y te vez muy linda como siempre…. espero disfrutes to0odos tus viajes en honor a todas las que no tenemo0os ese privilegio :) q estes de lo mejor andy