Fashiolista and StyleScrapbook have partnered again to make things more interactive and fun for you guys, so we decided that from now on, we would display lists at the bottom of ever post, where you can see images of what I am wearing on every look of the day instead of reading it in the text but not only that, to make it even more fun and easy for you, from that image, you will be able to click directly to the item, wherever that item might be online.

You can check the example of how it will look like on the image below. We are still at the beginning/testing stage, but I really hope you guys like this new layout and if you have any feedback, please don’t hesitate in sharing it with me :)

119 Responses

  1. I think its a really good idea. 'It's a lot easier to share your style with your readers.Thumbs up for you and fashiolista!x

  2. I think that's and amazing idea, and I just love visuals, so being able to see the item and shop for the item online it's brilliant! I just want to say you really inspire me, and I just cant wait for you to announce your other projects in the works :)Cymone ♥

  3. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW !!! a really good marketing job that they did it!!! congratsssssss! And of course I like the images instead of text… meanwhile the rest…jejeje… we should write the simple text… :(BESOS FROM BARCELONA!!! :)

  4. Fantastic idea! been waiting for this… i live your necklace, and have tried to find it on mango's homepage, seems impossible. can you still buy it at all??

  5. looks really nice! Great idea!But still, i would think it's handy to name the brands. :)Because i personally always want to know if it's high or low budget.

  6. Very cool! I've wanted a few pieces you have but didn't know where to click to find out the brand. I'm excited for this!!xoxo

  7. most of the time people are interested in finding out which are the brands to gain a quicker perception of the type of products the brand tends to produce than interested in opening another tab on their browser to be directed to an online shop and only then figure out what the product is. so i think it should still list the stuff, 'cause being interested in the bigger picture of where someone goes to get their clothing and construct their style really does not translate to love of online retail or to the desire of buying those specific items. if i have to click on something to find out where it is from i just will not bother…

  8. Hey Andy – this is BRILLIANT! Exactly what is needed, well done on this new collaboration! :) hope you have fun in NYC! :)

  9. I think it's a great idea!! Love it and it's more simple for us to find an item that we liked to see on you :) XO /JOANASNOTES

  10. I love this new feature! It really does make things easier, and it's pretty to look at :) As you said, it's more fun seeing the items you're wearing in pictures than reading about them, since they obviously illustrate your outfit better :)

  11. I think this is a great idea!! It's much more easy to just click on a picture than to search for something with google (it's easy as well though ;))!I love your blog, I read it every day :)

  12. that's such a cool idea! think it'll be much easier for the reader, it'll be a tribute to the lay-out and it'll be better for you ;)