Last night JACKIE magazine celebrated their “25 best dressed list” and I was extremely thrilled and honored to be a part of it, even more so, when I realized at the event that I was actually #10 on the list, so I managed to squeeze on the top 10 and that made me a VERY happy girl :D

Part of the list were big Dutch names like Lara Stone and Doutzen Kroes, so you can only imagine how honored I felt to be listed amongst these amazing ladies, so HUGE thanks to JACKIE magazine for making me a part of this!!!!

Dress: ACNE / Shoes: YSL / Clutch: MANGO

210 Responses

  1. Andy I adore you here! It's a simple but so chic outifit and a wonderful surprise in the back side! so sexy and sofisticated! my vote is 10!!!!! you look like a model! :)

  2. You look so beautiful ! Love your dress :) please visit my blog and if you like it become a member <3 i already follow you because i really like your blog and love reading it ! So It would be a great honour for me ! xo and lovely greetings from berlin <3 nadine from

  3. Not surprised at all that you are #10! Congrats!That dress is so awesome! I'm seriously going to look for a fabric in order to make this!! It's unbelievable!!Congrats again! :)

  4. Qué guapa Andy! Te queda ideal! El vestido es precioso! Me encanta que siendo tan alta como yo, lleves esos maravillosos zapatos! MuakSorteo de unas botas Jeffrey Campbell en mi blog

  5. No tienes ni idea de lo orgullosa que me siento de ti. No hay palabras para describir la felicidad que me da ver a una mexicana triunfando asi de alto como lo estas haciendo tu… Wow en verdad, mis respetos para ti y te juro que me estas sirviendo de inspiracion para creer en mi y para saber que yo tambien puedo alcanzar mis sueños… Jamas olvidare un quote que lei tuyo… y es este: "Mexico: I know I left, but it wasn’t because of a lack of love, I left to follow my dreams, because they were somewhere else but I still think about you and every time I reach one of my goals, I dedicate it to you."… en ese momento me encontraba en new york, y al leer eso senti una sensacion super extraña porque en esos dias habia estado afirmando totalmente que no queria regresar a mexico, queria quedarme en new york y salir adelante como escritora… y claro, en mexico no le dan tanta importancia a los poetas, no como en otros paises… y me estoy dando cuenta que es cierto, tu estas siendo grande en otro pais y otros paises que no son mexico, pero no tienes idea de como yo como mexicana te admiro muchisissisimo! Espero que leas este comment y sepas que hay gente para la cual eres una total inspiracion! :) un beso andy :) y mucho exito!!! Dios te bendiga

  6. This dress is perfection! So cool you're #10 in Jacky's list. But for the record, I think you dress even better than Lieke van Lexmond!

  7. You totally deserve this! In my opinion you are best dressed person on the whole world! I love reading your blog, it gives me such an inspiration to make my dreams come true… Thank you Andy for being in my life :) These pics are great and you look fantastic, as always :)LOVE

  8. Andy, you're looking awesome in their backless piece! ;)What an inspiration to "get my sexy back" – literally.. :PGreetings from Singapore once again!<3 Dee

  9. oh wow that is fantastic! i especially like the fourth look they printed in the magazine of you (the one with the long pleated skirt!!!) X

  10. Kudos to you for making it on the list especially top 10 :). You combined my favorite elements in your outfit; sheer, black less and animal print! :) <3 it.

  11. Andy!!! wow trés chic!! omg amo el vestido y los zapatos todo! neta tienes el mejor gusto de todos mis blogs preferidos, clarooo tenias que ser la mexicana! vengaa felicidades.XOXO!

  12. I LOVE IT!!!!!Whay I love almost all of your look? :)Adorable :)COME VISIT,I ALWAYS FOLLOW

  13. Me encanta tu vestido Andy! sobre todo la espalda le da un toque tan bonitoo…ME ENCANTA!espero que te vaya todo muy bien :)xxx

  14. You look so sexy in this dress and your leopard YSL pumps! Congratulations on being no. 10 on the best dressed list. Great achievement! :)

  15. Wow this is like the perfect little black dress!!I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!And it looks gorgeous on you! Congrats Andy! You gotta feel very flattered!

  16. congrats dear! you look amazing!xoxoxo

  17. Amazing outfit,I really like the interview you gave to NRC-next, which I read today. I never heared your story, only you come from Mexico. You are very strong woman, keep on going. I love your blog!xx

  18. Andy! I just LOOOVE Jackie magazine, I recently decided to not spend money on any other magazines cos Jackie is just the best! You so deserve to be on it:)X

  19. i think you totally deserve it, and obviously jackie thinks so too ;)! it was very nice meeting you and the photos you took are beautiful! hopefully till another time :)

  20. Congrats, girl! You so deserve it!and you look really beautiful in that dress. Love the shoes, as always. ;Dstop by my blog Brigita

  21. Yay! I'm Dutch and I read the article :) You absolutely deserve to be at least in the top 10.Oh and I adore your dress! Especially the back of it.

  22. Congrats!What a beautiful dress!You really deserve it, and what they're saying in the magazine (i'm dutch) is só truth!

  23. your dress are so beautiful, you are beautiful!<3 anja from swiss