I normally get up at 6:20 every Monday to go to the gym, however, this morning was different…
I was up at 6:30 sharp to get ready to take pictures for the blog, so yes, these photos are as fresh as the fish at the market, we just shot them at about 8:00am and there is something about the morning light that I just cant get enough of, in fact, I wish we could have shot them even earlier, like 6 or 7 because the light would have been even better.

I hope you have a beautiful beginning of the week with much success and love!


Cada Lunes me despierto tempranito a las 6:20 de la mañana para ir al gimnasio, pero hoy fue diferente…
Hoy me desperte a las 6:30 para tomar las fotos para el blog, así que estas fotos son tan nuevas como el pescado fresco en el mercado esta mañana ;).
Las tomamos al rededor de las 8:00am y la verdad, hay algo tan especial en la luz por las mañanas, de hecho, me hubiera gustado tomar las fotos todavía mas temprano, la luz hundiera estado muchísimo mejor.

Espero que tengan un hermoso inicio de semana lleno de amor y éxito :)

Jacket: ZARA / Pants: H&M / Bag: MANGO /  Shoes: Swedish hasbeens for H&M

160 Responses

  1. I tend to agree with you on the morning light which is great to take pictures. I believe you are a morning person and the morning light really benefit you! I on the other hand, am not s morning person at all..its so hard for me to drag myself out of bed to do photoshoots! Your pictures are all very beautiful! I love your jacket and clutch! Really nice…http://diva-in-me.blogspot.com

  2. me encanta la combinacion de rojo con leopardo! es lo más..te acabo de descubrir, nueva en este mundo!un besitoo y te invito a pasar por mi blogwww.ragazzabruna.blogspot.com

  3. Andyme encanta tu reloj … lo estuve buscnado por internet para comparlo pero no encontre el mismo modelo , me puedes decir donde lo compraste … gracias!

  4. Amazing! Always adore your sense in style!Check out our amazing fashion and beauty blog for beauty news, fashion trends, healthy snacks, contest giveaways, product reviews and celebrity news! thanks!! :)We've just started plz check it out!<3

  5. Love that look! Red blazer + leo clutch + gold accessories = timeless classic :)And all this paired with the jeans give the outfit that girly urban look that is so cool :)

  6. Love that look! Red blazer + leo clutch + gold accessories = timeless classic :)And all this paired with the jeans give the outfit that girly urban look that is so cool :)

  7. hola preciosa!!!me encanta!!!!en serioe stas guapísima, y fijandome bien digo: si esos pantalones me suenan…y tanto!!me los compré la seman pasada!!son perfectos!!un besazo.

  8. Andy! Me encanta el outfit, como todos los tuyos, de veras.¡Te sigo hace mucho! Incluso me voy pasando por Mango a ver si hay una nueva entrega de "Andy's red Scrapboot", me gusta mucho. Has llegado hasta aqui por mérito, está muy claro. Eres una de mis 'bloggers' favoritas (parece peloteo, pero no, de verdad)Quería pedirte, ya que acabo de crear un blog y no sé por donde encaminarlo, quisiera darlo a conocer, pero no tengo todavía fotografías de outfits, por lo cual no puedo usar Trentation o lookbook.nu como portal para darme a conocer.¿Algun consejillo de blogger experimentada?:) Muchas gracias de todos modos, un beso!http://nude-chic.blogspot.com/

  9. not loving the jeans, there is something about the fit that just doesn't feel right, but that red blazer is such a stunner, perfect piecehttp://elenavasilieva.blogspot.com/x

  10. You look great in the morning sun :) i love this kind of fresh feeling i get when i look at your pictures ! please visit my blog and become a member if you like it ! I already follow you and like reading your fabulous blog! xo nadine from ballerinasbun.blogspot.com

  11. 6:30am!!! Wow girl that really is dedication But you are right there is some serious great light then and very worth it. xoxo,Lizette

  12. love the red blazer! and the clutch and necklace and and and…! ♥xxxohttp://angelieeee.blogspot.com/you can also follow me on Twitter! :) @angelieeee

  13. Kudos to you for being able to wake up so early! I could never do that for taking blog photos. I adore your look – you're really rocking those wide leg jeans! They look great with the bright red blazer.xx from Montreal,SarahI Bleed Fashion

  14. wow, such a great outfit! the bracelet with the turquoise skull is adorable! your look is wonderful.visit me at: missfashiondeluxe.blogspot.com

  15. Hola Andy! La verdad que las photos te han quedad INCREIBLES! me encantan! tiene ese toque tranquilo de las mañanas temprano y son tan cute!Aunque que sepas que te admiro, porque yo creo que no podría levantarme tan temprano para hacerme las photos…hahahahaespero que tengas un buen día!xxxhttp://livelymixture.blogspot.com/

  16. awesome look Andy, I like that blazer very much..and that shirt maybe even more :D and wow, you are so self-sacrifising for us…I wouldnt wake up so early :Dhttp://fashionfairyblog.blogspot.com

  17. you are so right!!! the morning light is is really amazing!!! The photos are great, you look perfect and stunning as always!!!www.to-ks.blogspot.com

  18. love the blouse & jacket comnbination :) and the morning light is divine! i have respect for you that you get up SO early, i can't even imagine! i have a hard time going to the gym in the evenings!

  19. You look gorgeous! Your dedication to this blog is amazing! I am not sure I am even able to wake up so early how about get ready to go and take photos! :)XoXoPlamihttp://fashion-thrill.blogspot.com/

  20. You look amazingly stunning so early! Fab look! The jacket always gets me, especially in this ensemble with the flares! Have a fantastic week! XO Rebeccahttp://raspberry-rouge.com

  21. I love this morning.. I cycled through Amsterdamseboos, next to the lake on my way to work at 7am It was so mysteries I must say … thank you for this lovely post greeting from Amsteelven ;)

  22. Me encanta la blazer, y los accesorios igual!Aunque no soy muy fan de los pantalones de pata de elefante, me gusta la combinacion de colores!Y si, tienes toda la razon, la luz es preciosa!Muchos besos!

  23. ANDYYYYY!!! I LOOOOVE THIS OUTFIT!I looove red and blue together!Love the first pic, very cute!I looove your red cropped jacket, SO WONDERFUL! ♥yeah, I agree, I love the morning lights ♥ :)-Eliza

  24. You look great, Andy! I wish you had listed about the bracelets, because I love the small skull one. I think I saw one of those at Liberty but I can't remember now… Hmm.. Hope you have a great week! xoxxo

  25. Truely amazing photos… The morning was indeed so good… I was up that early too and enjoyed (finally) some sunshine! Have a lovely day gorgeousXO Charlottewww.thefashionguitar.com

  26. So early and you look so lovely!Biancahttp://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/http://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/http://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/