Yesterday was one of those days where I just wanted to stay home to sort some things I had to finish before I was off to Copenhagen and Stockholm Fashion week and all of a sudden, as I was looking through my “Make-up” inspiration folder, I decided to relocate myself to my bathroom and try out different make-up looks, some of which I have never tried before.

As I was doing this, I figured it was too much of a waste to spend hours doing my make-up for nothing, so I decided to shoot some fun pictures wearing 3 different makeup looks paired with 3 of my favorite necklaces so this is the first set of what I am calling; “Flash series”… I was actually wearing an American apparel tube top, but I only wanted to have the focus on the necklace and the makeup, I hope you like them and stay tuned for more “Flash series”!

Necklace: COS

Pictures by Richard Nicholls

217 Responses

  1. yay have the same lagerfeld coca cola bottle ;) from the berlin fashion week ! now i use it as a flower vase :D lovely greetings ! xo Nadine, ballerinasbun.blogspot.com

  2. lovely photos! i like the "flash series" already! i thought these were from some event, they are so professional looking. are those your real lashes? stunning!Miyanwww.miyan-overseas.blogspot.com

  3. Andy, igual que se te dicen las cosas buenas, espero no te moleste que te diga algunas malas:STus fotos, en conjunto me parecen preciosas, pareces suepr mayor, y elegante, incluso, con una cocacola.Pero, para fondo con el bannner queda todo demasiado blanco, al llevar el pelo recogido, quizás quedaba mejor con el pelo suelto, ya que marrón y blanco contrastan mejor.Sigo preferiendo el fondo negro, pero me acostumbraré, ya verás.Un beso guapiiiiisima!

  4. I like this pictures and your look, usually you lool like a girl to a next door, but here you are femme fatale!))) aristocatsnotes.blogspot.com

  5. OMG you're stunning Andy!!!!! and you're lashes are so long! I love your necklace! :)http://belindaslock.blogspot.com/

  6. Andy, you're looking gorgeous (as always) and your hair… I just could say "Wow" when I first saw it. Can you tell me how did your hair and give some make up tips? It'd be a big pleasure!:)Best wishes from a Hungarian follower, Alexandra

  7. Ohmygosh!!! You did your make-up?! You look different in a very good way! Your hair up… No bangs… Now we can see that you've sort of got a heart-shaped face. Lovely! You also did a wonderful job with your eyes… They didn't seem so strong here. You did a great job transforming your look, Andy! Clap clap clap!!!

  8. wow Andy! You look so different and unexpected! But in a good way! I'm looking forward to seeing your other flash series :) Keep going, you're amazing! :)xoxoSandrahttp://kurmanoraktai.blogspot.com/

  9. These are actually my favorite pictures of you…EVER! You look gorgeous, there should be a Stylescrapbook D.I.Y Special edition"Make-up" for this look I love it. Cheers.

  10. Pero que requeteguapa que estas con ese moño!te pega mucho el pelo recogido, increíbles las pestañas, son enormes!!jeje Me gusta la cabecera de tu blog sales genial!besos

  11. Ok. Looooove the layout and the photos specially the hair, the chignon (I'm such a huge fan, I'm using it all the time) and I think you're even more gourgeous with it ;)

  12. Wow finally you tried something different.. Bravoo!!!Try it often, you look gorgeous in all the pics even with the lemon half face ;) (3rd)Waiting for the next ones :D!!

  13. Andy, ur so fierce in these photos!! haha Like always, ur gorgeous!! I really like u and ur blog. xoxops: you have to come to Brazil, do u know here?

  14. andy, he estado viendo tu blog durante mucho tiempoo, me encanta tu estilo pero definitivamente en estas fotos le diste un giro totalmente a tu imagen!! el makillaje, el peinadito tus expresiones, TODO ME ENCANTOdeberias seguir intentando nuevos looks :)

  15. Love the simple but edgy make-up…the necklace reminds me of something from Brook&Lyn, only without any stones or geodes…Love it <3http://mostlyclothes-cristina.blogspot.com/

  16. Me parece que con el pelo largo que tienes Andy, podrías jugar y cambiar de look cada vez que puedas. Luces muy linda con el pelo recogido. Me gustó más que lo tradicional con el pelo suelto.

  17. Can't believe you are gone so far girl!Love this flash!!!!! :DSimply amazing! NEW POST!!www.justaflea.blogspot.com

  18. Lovee them great idea! I love make up you made a beautiful work with it! Congrats on the new banner love it too!

  19. I love these pictures. Your makeup is stunning and flawless. Can't wait for the rest of the Flash Series!! How do you get your lashes so big?The AG

  20. Have to say this is one of my favourite shots of you very simple and chic. The top knot is very cool .www.lookwhatigot.co.uk

  21. Gorgeous! I always love going to Europe to pick up those specially designed Coke Light bottles :D I love the pale lipstick on you! You look FIERCE! xx from Montreal,Sarahhttp://ibleedfashion.com@ibleedfashionxx

  22. love these! your make-up looks so great, I would kill for that necklace and that Karl Lagerfield Coca Cola bottle is way too perfect! you should def use one of these for your blog banner! xx

  23. I've thought you said that you don't know how to put make up on yourself:-P This is amazing!I think these are the best pictures you've taken in a while,love the idea!The make up is perfection,wear the eyeliner more often;) And the hair up!Fabulous!xxB.

  24. Although it's all about the make-up in this post I especially love your hair. It looks so great!I wish I knew how to use eyeliner so well :Dhttp://missemilyblog.blogspot.com/

  25. it´s so unusual that you have a white blogs layout :D but.. it´s very pretty ;) and ooooowh, coca cola :D hmm :D

  26. wow, you look amazing Andy!Love the new look of stylescrapbook, and this is coming from someone who is now always receptive about change:DXOXO, from Portugal

  27. Great necklace! Noticed it already in one of your outfit posts! Think I will make smth like this ..Also..I like your blog in general. Great inspiration for me and also for my blog that I JUST started : ).msmargot.wordpress.com

  28. Yay this is so cool!! I absolutely love the lipstick, it looks so amazing on you. And that necklace is gorgeous! I'm actually heading to the mall today to look for a chunky necklace like this one. Can't wait to see more!KissesXoxohttp://ninasclosetsa.blogspot.com

  29. Awesome pictures .. love them !! And the make up is really stunning !! Kisses from Fashion Twins :**www.thetwinsfriends.blogspot.comhttp://thetwinsfriends.blogspot.com/