This outfit might be very simple, yet is probably one of my favorite outfits I have ever worn.
Its nothing more than a pair of high waisted riding pants and an oversized denim shirt but I think that pairing it with the tiny leather corset made the outfit more special, not to mention giving it a bit of a kick with the leopard clutch, although I have to confess I was feeling a little bit “exposed”, don’t know why, I just did…

Have an amazing start of the week!


A pesar de que este look es de lo mas simple, creo que es definitivamente uno de mis looks favoritos en el blog.
No es nada mas que unos pantalones a la cintura y una camisa de mezclilla, pero creo que el haberlo mezclarlos con el corset de piel y la bolsa de leopardo lo hizo un poco mas especial, el caso es que algunas veces, lo mas simple es lo mejor, tu que opinas?

¡Que tengas un excelente inicio de semana! :D


Pants: American Apparel
Denim shirt: ACNE
Leather corset: H&M Trend (old)
Shoes: ZARA
Clutch: Shampalove
Ring: Etrusca

216 Responses

  1. You have a Sandy from Grease (after her makeover) vibe in these photos, I love it!! xhttp://belleblush.blogspot.com/

  2. You look amazing! Something about this outfit really excites me!I'm in love with the leather corset, it makes the outfit more special, you're right, and your leopard clutch is equally amazing!One of my favourite outfits of yours! Simple, yet breathtaking!Congrats! :)

  3. Diosa!!! Qué lomazo Andy!!!!!!!Divino el brazalete!! Soy loca por los moños!!!! JajajaBesoswww.vain-addiction.blogspot.com

  4. Andy estás guapísima e impresionante con este look!! De hecho, me encantan todos tus looks!Un saludo desde Barcelona!Besos!!

  5. Te ves muy bonita y sexy! Ese corset es espectacular!Me encanta en verdad, para mí también es uno de los outfit más lindos del blog!Besos!

  6. I love that leather corset and the way you paired it with those riding pants is genious!xOh'blogbymissoh.blogspot.com

  7. I would feel exposed too! Yet you look gorgeous and a little exposure never hurts anybody :)Definitely one of my favourite outfits ever in the whole blogosphere!

  8. Hi Andy!You're so sweet and beautiful as always… ;) AND THE BOW BRACELET???? whose bracelet are you wearing?Kisses :)))Fra

  9. Absolutley Stunning Andy! I love the leather corset!! And I have to agree, this is also one of my favorite outfit of yours!!!Carla

  10. Darling, i'm so unhappy…I've changed my blog url and now the old fallowers cannot see me in dashboard when I post or else…Can you please click fallow again on my page? I would be very grateful!www.amolusso.blogspot.com

  11. wooow! Andy you have amazing body! gorgeous outfit, this pants are stunning! perfect look!greetings fromhttp://mikalafashion.blogspot.com/

  12. OMG! estas guapisima con este look, te queda genial! Sin duda es uno de los outfit que mas me gusta Me encanta tu blog, te leo a diario :)un besito

  13. no puedo expresar con palabras los guapa que estas!(y delgadisima) sin duda este es mi outfit y fotos favoritas!!!:):)BRAVO!

  14. Me encanto realmente este look tan edgy!!! te ves larguisima esa silueta es super chic!!! excelente outfit!

  15. How very Olivia Newton-John like from you! I got chills. They're multiplying! Love this =)

  16. Lovely photos Andy! You're like a modern Catwoman! jajaLeave u my blog if u want to visit!xoxohttp://thereallookbook.blogspot.com

  17. haha i just think it's so crazy how riding pants became a trend..i've worn them for years (to go horse riding!) and i could never think of them as a fashion trend. they're not my cup of tea, but they work very well with your body! :)

  18. agreed! one of my fav outfits you have ever worn & that's hard to say bc you have such amazing style..Miyanwww.miyan-overseas.blogspot.com

  19. Woooow! Yo también creo que es de los mejores looks que he visto por aquí (y los he visto todos)El corsé y el bolso le dan el toque especial

  20. OMG Andy :) Gorgeous, this outfit is really, really sexy! I love it so much, the mix of all of these pieces was a great idea. Simply wonderful!

  21. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the pants of my dreams! Have been looking for exactly this and never thought I would find anything, turns out AA had it. Thank you very much!

  22. Definitivamente! lo simple muchas veces suma más!! xoxo, prihttp://laspalabrasjamasalcanzan.blogspot.com

  23. I agree, this is one of my favourite outfits of yours too! I love the combination of colours and materials you used to create this look – it looks amazing on you! xx from Montreal,Sarahhttp://semplicemente-sarah.blogspot.com

  24. You look a bit like catwoman :D Amazing outfit, great pics like always! I love love love your blog! xoxo

  25. Vintage. Love it! Shirts, bra, pants! Wouc!!Follow my blog!! My blog really need your help!freakmermaid.blogspot.com

  26. YOu look sooo sexy with this outfit, you´re right symplicity has something original…..Andy you have everything enough for to be a big super model….Why not have called you fashion designers?…..love! *:[+_^]:*

  27. how often do you exercise? please tell me that this is the reason for your perfectly shaped legs? :D aah hate you!! :P xoxo

  28. Stunning! Andy, you look great. The leather and denim is such a cool combination xoxohttp://styleitup-eva.blogspot.com/

  29. I love the look. For some reason it reminds me of Sandy at the end of Grease :)I love the corset also, as you said, it gives some edge to the otherwise simple outfit .-P.bowtiediary.blogspot.com

  30. I love all your outfits but this one is by far one of my favorites. It's simple yet affective. And you really shouldn't feel exposed you kept it very classy. I really adore it !

  31. COOL!I love this pics especially the 2nd and the 5th in particular.you look amazing!xoxoxohttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com/

  32. Wooooow this is the best look so far! Saved a lot of these pictures in my inspiration file *that sounds pretty creepy*, this look is just gorgeous!xoxo Sootjeelina <3

  33. I LOVE it!! I didn't like the pants is the previous outfit with it, but in this outfit I absolutely love itHTTP://THEBLONDESIDEOFLIFE.BLOGSPOT.COM

  34. Te ves muy sexy!! Love it. Con lo alta y delgada que eres puedes ponerte lo que se te venga en gana y nunca será demasiado ;) Sácale todo el provecho.

  35. very chic! i reckon it'd look perfect with a fitted blazer too.xx from hong kong :)www.ldmldmldm.com

  36. Yes I know what you mean by that…But it looks good though!Biancahttp://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/http://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/http://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/

  37. that CORSET IS SUPER HAWT!!!! the whole outfit is perfection!!! whats heart wrenching is the fact its not on the floor no more ):✘leoniewww.monstrexi.com

  38. WOW YOUR FIGURE IS SOO NICE! Those pants, really show off your figure! eally beautiful! :)I LOOOOVE THE PANTS, THE CORSET, YOUR CLOUTCHES, YOUR BOW BRACELET AND YOUR SUNNIES!Looove all the pics too! <333Loove this outfit style! :DIf anything you exposed your GREAT FIGURE! :DYou look REALLLLY GREAT! :) <3

  39. GOAAAAOOO te ves guapísiiimaaa Andy!!! Me encantaaa el outfit!!! ♥AAAH amo todooo toodo el outfit!! jaja netaaa ♥ saludos de una fan mexicanita como tú :) jijifatiluzer.blogspot.com