As I was on my way to buy fabric for new DIY’s, I spotted this A.M.A.Z.I.N.G turquoise vintage leather jacket hanging outside a vintage shop and I literally RAN Forrest Gump style across the street (Picture me wearing 12cm heels as I do this, God forbids someone gets there 5 seconds before and buys it before me). 

I tried it on just so I could justify buying it, although deep within me I knew I would as soon as I spotted it across the road.
Now the million dollar question is; How do i get that horrid vintage smell off it? You obviously cant wash leather and the dry cleaner across the road said he cant either…Do you have any suggestions?

The second jacket is my latest ACNE purchase. I went to the acne shop and I sinned again, it almost seems impossible not to. 


El Sábado, mientras iba a comprar telas para hacerme algunas faldas, vi esta chamarra de piel turquesa al otro lado de la calle y literalmente corrí al estilo Forrest Gump (Imagina esta escena mientras traigo tacones de 12 cm), no vaya a ser que alguien llegue 5 segundos antes que yo y la compre ¿No? :P

En fin, después de casi hacer un oso al tropezarme con la banqueta, llegue a la tienda muy feliz y la compre, ahora la pregunta del millon es; ¿Como me voy a deshacer del olor a vintage?
Obviamente las chamarras de piel no se pueden lavar y el senor gruñón de la tintorería dice que el no me la puede lavar tampoco, ¿tienes alguna sugerencia? :D


Turquoise leather Jacket: Vintage / Grey blazer: ACNE / Red Jacket: ZARA / Black leather sleeve blazer: MANGO / Military Jacket: Coal n Terry Vintage

136 Responses

  1. Hi Andy!I cam back to check what other tricks people had to say, and some looks fab, might try it myself next time. Such as Margo's, Ayu and London Loves!Personally, I wouldn't do the Febreeze one, as I already done it in the past (not on leather but other type of garments) and didn't like how it was not getting rid of sweat smell, but just masking it. I also hang my stuff to aerate (even simple t-shirts before washing them), but I know sometimes it is not enough.Let us know what you did and how it worked out!

  2. G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.!!! that vintage leather jacket is such an awesome find! I think I need to go op-shopping in Amsterdam… Love the black blazer with leather sleeves as well

  3. Leave your leather jacket in the shower for a couple of days! The steam and smell of you body wash will reduce the smell a lot! Best from another Stylist from Amsterdam!

  4. I would have raced with you if I were there for that jacket as well lol! :) it looks AMAZING! ..the last jacket is quite marvelous too :)

  5. Hi Andy!! I recommend a lot lot of sun…. I dont know another way… a love the last three jackets!!!! Good luck!! XOXO

  6. The vintage jacket is lovely. There are specialist leather cleaners, you just need to find one close to where you live. As you would imagine, it will cost you a bit more than the normal dry cleaners, but in the end it will be worth it. Good luck.

  7. Mamá dice que metiéndola al congelador una noche en una bolsa de plástico y voila! Intentálo igual no pierdas nada si no el olor que no?

  8. Hey Forrest, Try hanging the jacket outside on a hanger when it is damp or misty (not raining)overnight, that should do the trick! That's what we do with sample curtains that people take home and come back smelling like french fries or smoke ! Uuugh

  9. Hahahha Run Andy Run!Love the turquoise. refreshning (although vintage) look to contrast with all basic cuts!

  10. mmm no sé! jjaja me hiciste reir con el forest! jajaj xoxo, Pri

  11. Hola Andy, hace poco escuché en la radio que para eliminar el olor de las cazadoras de cuero había que meter la cazadora en una bolsa de plástico con un puñado de granos de café y mantener la bolsa cerrada al menos 24 horas. Parece ser que el café absorve todos los olores. Yo no lo he probado pero mucha gente dijo que le funcionó. Ya nos dirás si lo conseguiste y cómo. Muchos besos desde Madrid. Mª José.

  12. Hi Andy, about the smell, I clean my leather riding boots with some Glycerine soap foam. You get a moist sponge, put some soap, make a lot of foam and scrub the leather. then you remove the foam with the clean, and still moist sponge. After that, leave a little in the sun, or just in the wind.It should work =) Always works for me…And if there is still some smell, you could get a cotton ball and put just a little Johnson baby oil and use it on the most old and smelly parts. Scrub it with some harshness.This will do the trick!Good luck!

  13. jajajajajajaja!!La chaqueta azul es PRECIOSA pero que horrible es cuando compras prendas vintage y tienen ese … olorcito…tan peculiar, sobretdo si es cueroo!!No se que dcirte para quitarle el olor, hay sprays especiales para el cuero.. pero las chaquetas que tienen tanto tiempo guardadas es dificil!! :S!! Pero bueno, bañate en perfume cuando te la vayas a poner jajaja!

  14. All jackets are amazing!I think the easiest way to get rid off the smell would be, that you buy air freshner and put jacket and freshner in the same space (closet, room, suitcase. (You can try with eteric oils too):) Or put it on the balcony for a day (after rain, when air is really fresh).kisses

  15. Con crema corporal! El cuero siempre se limpia con crema y seguramente si lo haces con una con olor de algo servirá!Suerte!

  16. No te preocupes, estoy segura de que no has sido la única en correr por algo de esa manera :)Sobre el olor de la chaqueta realmente es muy complicado, me considero una casi "experta" en quitarle los olores a la ropa vintage, pero en este caso como es cuero puede ser un poco más difícil.Primero te sugiero que intentes, al menos en otra tintorería que la limpien y la dejen como nuevecita, pero respecto al olor, que temo no se le quitará facilmente, utiliza trocitos de carbón de piedra (¿se encuentran en Amsterdam?) esos absorven el olor, y además neutraliza los olores con bicarbonato en polvo, lo puedes espolvorear por dentro (desconozco qué le hará al cuero por fuera) Y por último déjala unas cuantas jornadas al aire libre, el sol y el viento serán tus mejores amigos.Que estés bien y espero que te sirvan mis tips, yo de verdad muchas veces los he necesitado y creía que la ropa vintage sólo olía mal acá jaja.Nos vemos!

  17. oh dear, the turquoise one and the acne are so perfect.Well, it´s very hard to get vintage smell off from leather. Maybe you ask a drycleaner again :)

  18. Ahh, el olor a vintage, que asquete! jaja… pues con las prendas de piel lo mejor es pasarles un buen limpiador de cuero, y dejarlas airear bastante. Suerte!!

  19. Absolutely love the turquoise jacket! and really laughed the Forrest Gump style run part. i'm so glad that nobody got it before you:)

  20. Loving these jackets, especially the salmon one! Regarding the musty smell, here's what you try:1. The first thing you should do is hang your jacket under the heat of the sun to give them a sun-kissed scent.2. Neutralize the smell with vinegar. All you have to do is pour the vinegar in a saucer, and place it beside the closet. Make sure the vinegar is close to the jacket. If you don't have vinegar, use baking soda or charcoal (they all have the same effect). Leave the vinegar in the room for 24 hours up to a few days and make sure the windows are closed. After you're done, open the doors and windows and let the air done. Good luck and hope it works!Cheers,LunaThe Red Pants

  21. To clean a leather jacket ( or either a bag) I usually use the most basic Nivea cream with a shoe cloth ( My mum does it with really used underwwear from whn we were child). So you should end with a stain free jacket and hopefully a Nivea smell rather than old lether one! :)

  22. So many comments on that one! I would use febreze (maybe you know that) and keep it some days outside! or go to a store with only leater or fur, they sometimes have a service on cleaning!

  23. i think i would have acted just like you when seeing this jacket :Dto get the vintage smell out of leather products i hang them on the balcony. it helps quite good, the only thing you need is patience because it needs to hang there at least 1 week… and if that doesn't help maybe you need something like febreeze?..good luck!!

  24. Andy I love the red jacket!! The blue one is nice (I love the colour) but it is not really my style…I’m sure you could find near your place a professional specialized in the cleaning of leather and suede. They’ll have products to eliminate the odor for sure…! Good luck and keep us informed!!!xoxoPatricia

  25. ahhh…strange smeling leather… there are great products – cream like – for cleaning leather sofas. They work wonders with leather garments and have a nice smell. The pinkish salmon coloured jacket is AWSOME! <3

  26. Wow amazing jackets, I love all of them! About the smell: As you said, you can't wash them… so there are two possibilities: First. Try that Febreeze Spray that promises to take out the smell of fabrics. Works well but then again, does it work on leather? Second. Buy loads of scented little canvas bags (they are filled for example with lavender) and put them in a box together with the jacket and seal it. Leave for a week or so. And finally hang it outside for a long while. Hope it works!xxx

  27. hola guapa! pues el olor a vintage lo puedes sacar con un spray que se le da al cuero, para limpiarlo , vete a una tienda que arreglen zapatos y preguntale a un zapatero , porque en las tintorerias no pueden lavarte la piel, y la piel de echo no se lava, espero haberte ayudado yque lo consigas!!kissess

  28. I love the first jacket and the coral one. I usually let my clothes hang outside for a day. Some drycleaners may also help you with it.

  29. son PRECIOSAS!Para quitar el olor yo lo que suelo hacer es sacarlas al patio de mi casa para que les de el aire la suelo dejar un par de horas y luego suelo hechar por encima alguna de mis colonias mas suavecitas. Me suele dar buen resultado espero que te sirvaUn besito AndyXcX

  30. i LOVE that jacket :)i had a vintage leather bag that smelled and i sprayed loads of perfume on it and hung it outside whilst it was windy and the smell has completely gone :D hope this helps xxx

  31. I also had this problem. I love buying vintage stuff. I live in Latvia. Here you can buy old shoes Valentino for 6 dollar. )) The only problem is this smell of stale stuff. I also thought that the smell will stay forever. But in fact,that more you wear these things, that less they smell old. I would advise to you to keep it on the balcony with open window, and just not think about that smell)) Maybe it will soon disappear, and soaked with your own smell!

  32. Cool stuff! About the smell, I don't know, maybe it would help if you leave it somewhere on open air (balcony) for a week or more, but I'm not a leather expert (:I dreamt today how we were in some hotel and we were sharing a suite with some other people and we talked and you were so kind and nice and I thought 'Oh, I gotta write on the blog how is Andy really as kind as she seems' :D And then I woke up. Haha, I think that was the first time that some blogger came into my dreams :DPeace and love!

  33. Love the jackets!I usually leave mine hanging outside for about a day and that usually breezes the smell out. Alternatively you can buy scented leather wipes that get rid of any unwanted little marks, whilst making it smell nice in the process :)oxoxo

  34. The first jacket is to die for!Just hang it a bit outside..I guess..Bianca

  35. You could try to use a leather protection cream, it's colorless and it smells pretty good (some are lemon perfumed). Or, if you're adventurous, you can try to spread a small amount of Nivea cream on the leather.Bisous.

  36. Hi Andy! to your question on how to get the smell off the jacket.. I work at the Theatre in the show costume department. Because we can`t wash delicate pieces that often or so but need to get the smell off, we mix 50/50 Alkohol (e.g Vodka) and water and spray it on the costumes. It kills germs and make the smell neutral. But i can't guarantee if it works on leather too. Have you been at the dry cleaner for leather? it's different to the usual dry cleaner.

  37. Hey, i know what you mean with the smell, you have to let the jacket hang outside for a pretty long time. I did it when i'd gone to sleep so it staid outside for the night and the smell will just dissapear. So you have to let it air. :) Hope it works!

  38. I love that by following your blog, you can get to know your style so well. The first jacket made me go "Omg, that is sooooo Andy :)". Then I thought, I don't know her at all, what am I thinking =P must avoid seeing Andy-pieces everywhere in shops instead of looking for my own stuff :)So, as usual, your selection is very nice and really Andy :)

  39. I don't think I've ever came across a jacket in this color yet. It is neat in every way. My favorite part would have to be the cut of the jacket and the mix of fabrics in the underarm which gives it a very interesting look!Cup of Fashion

  40. I would run as quick as you for this jacket… its gorgeous! For vintage smell of leather find dry warm place and use baking soda. Spread it all around the jacket and leave for 24h. Should help. Good luck.

  41. You can hang the jacket outside for a while, it really helps. But the smell never totally goes away.But whatever, all the jackets are reallyreally beautiful!

  42. the color of the first jacket is great! i would probably let it in the bathroom when i'm showering because maybe the hot (and delicious smelling) steam helps to get rid of the smell. good luck!mina x

  43. Maravillosas chaquetas…Aunque no tengo ningún consejo que darte en relación a su lavado…Únicamente, hace un tiempo yo me compré un bolso que tb tenía ese olor…La única solución fue airearlo (cerca de una ventana) durante "bastante" tiempo y el olor, es cierto, que disminuyó =)