HUGE thanks to all the magazines and websites that have been featuring StyleScrapbook in the past few months, I am very flattered and extremely excited about it, THANK YOU!


MUCHISIMAS gracias a todas las revistas y paginas web que han escrito artículos sobre StyleScrapbook recientemente, ¡GRACIAS!


109 Responses

  1. i think this is my first time commenting your post…congratulations! you totally deserve it. you look STUNNING in everything, seriously.

  2. Debe ser una pasada verse en esas revistas tan conocidas!!que guay!!me alegro mogollón por tí, y además que te lo mereces!!la funda de cámara es preciosa…

  3. Congratulations! You deserve it for all your hard work! I've been reading your blog for a while and you never cease to inspire me! I can't wait to see what the future holds! ❤

  4. Congrats, Andy!! You totally deserve it, your blog is the best :)

  5. i also had sent you one once i dont know if youve ever seen it! congratss

  6. I absolutely adore your blog. I've been following it for almost two years now. I think you are the most natural person in the whole blogosphere. You are soooo beautiful and your smile is just lovely. The looks that you create are a huge inspiration for me. I wish you all the best. I hope that some day you'll win the award for the best blog. xoxoPaula

  7. Wow!! enhorabuena por todas las publicaciones!Ah y felicidades por ser la elegida de Mango, me alegro un montón! besos!

  8. this is amazing Andy, you really deserved it! And I'm so proud that you live in our country, the Netherlands. I hope the future will even be better than it's already now :D