Has it ever happen to you that someone seems to be stalking your dreams? …  I almost dream about this person every night and my dreams are always so realistic, but I cant seem to find the meaning of it.


Dress: Vintage
Shoes: Swedish Hasbeens for H&M
Backpack: Storets
Claw bracelet: ASOS
Beaded necklace and bracelets: Brooklyn Thread

151 Responses

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  2. Hemos estado viendo el vestido en la dirección de NET-TRENDY y todas por unanimidad coincidimos en que se trata de un vestido precioso!!!Nos gusta casi tanto como los vestidos que tenemos en nuestra web!!!VERY NICE!!!!NET-TRENDY

  3. Pero qué guapa estás! Y qué fresquita, qué ganas de verano, tus zapatos están en venta en HM's de España? Un beso Andy!

  4. That dress has such a nice cut and suits you so well! I really like the wide cut on the upper body, but I most times have the feeling that such a cut really doesn't suit my figure. I Love how you paired it with all that golden jewelry.

  5. Geweldig jurk! staat je super mooi!vind die zonnebril ook altijd geweldig!you rocki have a new post maybe you can check?www.mirfashion.blogspot.comeveryday a new post.Xo mirjam

  6. Que vestido mais fofo, Andy! Adoro seu bracele, parece que uma águia está com você!É muito engraçado esses sonhos inexplicáveis! Mas dizem que quando dormimos nossos espíritos saem do corpo e vão em busca de novas aventuras e procuram ou encontram pessoas que são muito importantes para nós. Um ótimo início de semana para você :)BeijosSusiewww.myfashionview.com

  7. You look lovely! Love the dress!!!The same is happening to me as well… I just keep dreaming of this person!XoXoPlamihttp://fashion-thrill.blogspot.com/

  8. Andi! me encantan tus looks! Y tus zapatitos son muy bonitos también! Encima tengo unos similares que me compre en buenos aires y que los uso muchisimo porque son super cómodos!Besos desde argentina!Nadia megustaonomegusta.wordpress.com

  9. Yay you got your claw bracelet. LOL I just got mine too I couldn't resist it when I saw it. I also picked up a ring though such a horrible impulse buyer I am sometimes.

  10. El vestido es perfecto Andy, tan especial y los colores tan intensos. Yo también tengo una punta de cuarzo como colgante, dicen que da energía y protección. Besos desde Madrid. Mª José.

  11. I love this dress !Do you know that this kind of dreams has a signification ? I don't remember what it is but you can search on google, once I had found a site with the meaning of every recurrent dream xxwww.coralieslooks.com – FRENCH FASHION BLOG 

  12. That dress is wonderful and looks really modern too!Dreams are a strange state of mind, it's so hard to explain these thing…

  13. Lovely dress and bracelet.And yeah, I know what you mean.I have had that for over two months, but the dreams has stopped now. Kind of annoying, right?x

  14. Oh wow, you look incredible! That dress is such a nice colour! I'm really into the rock crystal pendant trend right now, I made one for myself to wear the other evening!

  15. LOVELY dress, great find! A dream stalker, depends if it is a good dream or not! Enjoy a lovely and sunny Amsterdam day!XO Raspberry & Rougehttp://raspberry-rouge.com