Yesterday morning I had such a bad hair day, it just wasn’t cooperating so I decided to make things easier, go back to basics and wear a bun instead (I am still not used to seeing my hair up like this, I don’t feel like myself).

Here are 20% of the pics I took for my PFW day 3… I had such a hard time choosing since we took over 200, so narrowing it down took me all the way into almost 3:00 am.
Most of them were shot at Tuileries gardens after the Sonia Rykiel show and the last few pics are a small preview from the show.
I have an exciting thing happening today so I gotta run, I hope you enjoy todays medley!


193 Responses

  1. Andy, would you tell me where are your lovely black shirt and pants from?The whole outfit is absolutely perfect!!

  2. You look soooo amazing! It's so good to see how much your blog has flourished and how big you've grown! Still a fan <3

  3. Very cool pics Andy, love them! Love the jumpsuit you're wearing…it is one isn't it!? I also love your new pic on the frontpage…xx

  4. The look is great, but why do you so often avoid to post brands of what are you wearing? Certainly not the only one to be interested in the neon clutch, sheer bluse, bustier… I think it would be fair to your readers to at least write down brands… if you are not answering questions about it…

  5. Whoa, you really know how to cover up a bad hair day, you look amazing!!! I think it makes the outfit stands out more than having your hair down. but, with both hair you look amazing :)

  6. So this outfit is TOTALLY worth the hype. And you are TOTALLY channeling Denni…but as Andy. And I love it. Beautiful styling and photography as usual!

  7. I think this is the best outfit that I've seen so far, the rest of your outfit was so basic but this one..there are no words to say, I really love when seeing you dress up, you just put the awesome thing together and always great on mix matching <3

  8. Siempre me gusta como te vistes, pero hoy precisamente me encanta. Te ves demasiado linda y creo que la magia está en el recogido del pelo que te queda genial :)El outfit está perfecto ;)Deberías usar tu cabello así más seguido.Nos vemos!

  9. andy you are so pretty!i love the new layout of your blog :)&& the B/W pic near the fountain is to die for, so classy!xxvalentina

  10. You look really amazing!I love the new header by the way, mine is new too :)

  11. like usual. You look stunning! I am just in love with this outfit post! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!Georgiexx

  12. i love this outfit sooooooooooooooooooo much!!!with the coat or with the blazerand even without them!<3 j’adore.

  13. Oh my goodness you look ahhhmazing!!!! (as always)ADORE the pop of neon and this outfit is just perfect!Also super jealous you saw Kanye West!!!

  14. I'm sooo loiving that neon yellow bag on your white fur babe! You look gorgeous!Kisses, Lena!

  15. Wow, nice combo, nice outfit with the white fur jacket and everything. Looks really great. :) I also like your translucent black top, sexy. :)

  16. OH I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BLOG AND ALL OF YOUR OUTFIT!!YOU ARE SO CUTE, LOVELY, SWEETY AND KIND!!:D i'm italian, so sorry for my bad english…good vibes for you…ALICE

  17. i JUST FOUND YOUR BLOG AND WENT THROUGH THE whole entire THING! A LOT OF PAGES :)… How do you provide an income?(How do you make money) To live so fabulously.. How many languages do you speak? How tall are you? YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO SHOWING ALL OF THE PICTURES, no SEE MORE HERE!! Where have you lived in your life? …. You should do a basic Q/A vlog :)))xoxo from California

  18. Andy, you look beyond beautiful! I love the see-through shirt so much, it looks so bold, yet amazing:)have a good time in Paris!xxSasha

  19. this look is fantastic!! love it all!! all, all and all!your hair is super nice like this! te sienta bien Andy! ;)great photos too!

  20. Lovely dear as always! I like how you look with your hair like this, you are very classy :D It's nice to see you like this for a change. And the show was amazing!

  21. You're so beautiful and you have so much style ! That's sometimes kind of unbelievable… <3Have a great week in Paris :D

  22. L O V E it, Andy! You look positively exquisite! I love your hair in the high bun. The neon purse is the perfect accent; I have wanted one that color for the longest time!x,ElizabethErzsébet

  23. Este es de mis outfits favoritos sin duda. Elegante y trés chic, el clutch fosforito es genial. El moño te favorece mucho, para ese look lo hace más elegante. Sigue igual de genial, Andy! Eres un gran modelo a seguir ;)

  24. Will you tell us about the exciting thing ? :)I like this furry coat but it may be a little too big, I mean if you weren't that slim it would make you look fat LOLBut I wish I had one like this !xxx

  25. I think you should wear your hair up much more often! Your face is too pretty to hide it behind the long hair all the time, you look much fresher this way! great style by the way, i love it!

  26. Lovely outfit! I love the combination of the black+white+bright yellow, and the hair just accompany the outfit perfectly, it's a great look! Besos desde Villarrazo Madrid

  27. this has to be one of my favourite looks from you! the bag is such a great injection of colour :)

  28. AWESOME outfit! i have that same shirt and that's a really good way to wear it!I also think your hair looks really good that way, it's nice to change every once in a while :)

  29. you look nice as always but you become so predictable, nothing special, nothing crazy or "wow" just lovely like to 2 weeks or 2 month ago

  30. gorgeous shots, i was there at the SR show, how did i not see you. such a pity. maybe next time

  31. The hair looks good on you!xoxoBianca

  32. hey andy whats going with you on all your recent posts you look so damn serious… smile a bit more on your pictures! it doesnt seem that you having fun…

  33. The hair up looks really good on you. Seriously. It's the first thing I noticed on the first photo and I was going to say that even before you said anything.

  34. I love to see your hair up like that. You look great! And that touch of neon yellow is perfect. Have a great day!-The Trendy Fashionista

  35. Oh wow, Andy! This has to be one of my most favourite looks on you – you look amazing! I was at the Sonia Rykiel show yesterday, wish I'd seen you :) Thank you for staying up so late to do this post!!!Well worth it xx

  36. this look is amazing,i love the see-through shirt and that you brought a little colour with the bag.and don't worry about the hair,it looks great

  37. Love this outfit specially the jacket and bag…your hair looks really good on a bun too!Xo…

  38. so cute your hair!I love this black shirts;)-Handsome★Beauty-