I am between a tornado of piles of Laundry, Fashion Week preparations, packing and a million other things to do, so I better get back to that, because I have a train to catch tomorrow.

P.S- Last night, I realized that StyleScrapbook has now over 20,000 followers on Bloglovin’! If you are one of the people following, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, you guys are stars! 


Faux Fur: Shampalove
Braid Sweater: Stine Goya via 30CanCan
Velvet headband: American apparel

181 Responses

  1. Yesss I'm one of your Bloglovin followers! :)I love you in NY – you really do belong here. Come back!!www.shoesnjules.onsugar.com

  2. I'm going to new york soon and i cant wait to go to grand central station! Pic's look great, love the chunky detailing on the jumper

  3. I love the look! Specially the jumper under your jacket, that's nice! Nice blog.Kiss kiss bang bang girly.xoxo,Ainohttp://alldayinandout.blogspot.com/

  4. love seeing photos of your time in NY. this sweater and headband is fabulous…but i guess you already know that =)Miyanwww.miyan-overseas.blogspot.com

  5. The first and last photos are AMAZING…straight off the runway!!! I'm sure you've already answered this question a thousand times…who made your sunglasses?

  6. hola Andy….aunque no comento muy seguido solo quiero decirte que tooodos los dias al prender mi compu lo primero que reviso es mi face y stylescrapbook :) tu blog es como una guia de estilo paraiten un gran día ♥

  7. Andy, Andy, Andy…you always look so cool! Tnx for your fashion ideas and for the wonderful time reading your blog!<3

  8. HEY THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what an amazing blog…if you want, we could follow each other…let us know..XOXO Francesca&Ingridhttp://2befab.blogspot.com

  9. lucky you. im green with envy.i hope i will be there some day too.x :)http://mybabymydarlig.blogspot.com/

  10. You lokk so tall in these pictures! I love them all!Meghttp://megarasfashionsketchbook.blogspot.com/

  11. You are very welcome dear Andy, you deserve to have lots of readers.;) You look great in this outfit, I so love the comfy coat :D Super cool.

  12. omg this look is awsome, i looooooooove it! especially the fur and the headband, hope to see you wearing a headband soon cause i love ithttp://milarockbaby.blogspot.com/

  13. I've never been to the Grande Central even though I've been to NYC several times… guess this is gonna be my next stop. Nice outfit as always! You're my favorite fashion blogger for sure!