Here are few snaps of what wore on Sunday… Leopard dress and my new Balenciaga boots seemed like the perfect combination.
I have so much work today and I am just hoping to get everything done before I am off to Germany for the Fashion Awards.
Hope you have an amazing beginning of the week!
Boots: Balenciaga
227 Responses
you look great!! the dress is is the perfect leopard – not too wild for daytime. =) have fun traveling!!Endless Nights
Andy!! como estas?? siempre tan hermosas las fotos que publicas, la verdad todo te queda hermoso! Hace unos dias te mande un mail para ver si te podia hacer una pequeña entrevista para mi blog Fashions Streets ya que cada vez ai mas hbloggers argentina y seria un lindo regalo para todos :) espero que hayas podido leerlo ♥Cada dia te admiro mas!!!Besos y Exitos !!!
I love your style!I love your blog!you are my big inspiration :)please visit my blog
Gorgeous outfit Andy! It's deffinately my new fave out of all the beautiful looks you style, oh your camel coat is just the embodiment of coat perfection ;)x
Looove your outfit! Love the 2nd picture. Just a nice classy outfit, the blouse and the coat <333I also love your gloves! :D
Those boots are absolutely phenomenal. Lovely!
I'm in love with that leo dress, love that you styled it with an otherwise all black outfit.
Nice nice nice :D
Great look – loving the leo dress and the boots :)
this look is super cute. just like you. such a great smile! :)
Andy this is tottaly beautiful! Love is not enough word for this outfit! ANDY you look beautiful too in this pictures!! Congrats! :) Atte: someday I can get to be as good as you are!
Hola Andy, cómo estas!!! En verdad que te ves guapísima, me ha encantado el look y las fotos!! Nunca te habia escrito pero todos los días te veo y más porque eres mi paisana y me da mucho gusto y orgullo que tengas uno de los mejores blogs del mundo!!!Además dejame decirte que dentro de poco (3 semanas )iré a Amsterdam inspirada en tus fotos, siempre que veo en la hermosa ciudad en la que estas me dan muchas ganas de ir!Yo tambien tengo un blog, te invito a que lo veas jeje ;)Te mando un beso desde México Df!http://modacapital.blogspot.comGaby
Your stunning! Love the animal print and gloves!:) xx
u look great!! i love the shoes so much!!!xxx
UBER COOL!!!love your poses..
Amazing outfit! Like usual! You are awesome!Georgiexx
this outfit is gorgeous – those boots are insaneeee x
Que linda, eu adorei a nova bota *–*Um luxo só ♥
awesome as always!
Lovely dress!:)
love your blog check out
WOW, those boots are out of this world! :O You look so pretty Andy :)beso
love this!
Hola guapisima, que tal?? bueno viendote con esa sonrisa seguro que estupenda!!Nunca defraudas tus looks tan perfectos..y esos botines..dios!! que envidia! un besazo.
I love it! This is such a nice outfit.
amazing outfit!!!
Andy, you're on a Hungarian website as an inspiration for more colors in winter! check it out: szines_nadrag/20110131(I can translate the whole text if you want :)
I love your coat, your boots, your bag, well…. basically I love it all… :)Xx Sophiehttp://www.lachosemagnifique.blogspot.com
I love leopard print! and the balenciaga boots are amazing!xoxo
You look great in leopard!
Cute outfit! love the coatXOXO
Me encanta este conjunto es bello, besos de Cuba
omg andy this outfit is purrfect!love everything!!xoxo
Stunning photos Andy! I LOVE the boots
bella andy, como siempre! gracias por tus infinitos outfitsbesos desde perú
perfect look! awww, leopard Andy, you're the fashion icon! <3
You have a sweet face!♥ Francesca
omg i love it!
very beautiful look! you look so long and lean
Ahhh leopard print <3
well.i love all the thing.!!
fun dress!
Boots are incredible, and I love the leopard!
i LOVE your leopard outfit! cool!
Nice outfit! You're so amazing!
great outfit!! those boots are awesome….ooh and the gloves, pure luv!!♥ ♥
Gorgeous pics. I love this
you look so pretty!!!!i'm in love with your outfit :)
I love your style!xx, Monse.-
Amazing shoes! They look fabulous!
What a great outfit! You look great!
Love the dress and how great are those boots! Love them:)Sabrina
the boots look amazing on you:)lovely dress<3www.makeaboldstatement.blogspot.comx,sagalina
Great outfit doll, those boots are amazing!XoXO-Kelli K
Great sculptural boots, i expect nothing less from Balenciaga! Lucky lucky you. This outfit is lovely; simple, chic, but with little details which make it interesting. :)
gorgeous look Andy! I love your leopard dress, boots and coat! perfect outfit!greetings from
Me encanta!! Definitivamente que nunca me cansaré del leopardo…xx
Andy, your style is just amazing, i love you.
those shoes are perfect for this look. I like it a lot and it looks so comfy.X,
Great dress!
Adoro tu estilo y tu blog…besos desde ArgentinaMaru
Amazing look, esp with the new boots!! Check out "Barcelona Fashion" going on now & arts,culture, spain blog
wow this is just beautiful! one of the bests outfits i think :) loveee it! X
your booties are adorb. you are my favorite blogger :)
nice pictures! :)
I love this pattern. you look amazing in it :) greetings
Ooh the boots look AMAZING on:)!!!Cathywww.thestylestrutter.comxxx
I love the leopard skirt with your new boots. My Heart Blogged
The shoes are so amazing!!xo thefashionguitar
que pasada de botas! me encantan!
Beautiful outfit. I love every piece.
Ahhh the booties look just as perfect on you as I imagined! I'm so jealous! You look amazing :)
Hi, I loved the look. Here in Brazil, is going to winter fashion week, the Sao Paulo Fashio Week. If you want to see some looks, come on my blog. Kisses
gosh! your boots! really nice!
Love the drees! you look great!I leave you my new post
Andy, you are stunning! Just gorgeous! The outfit suits you perfectly :)I'm sooo curious where do you get such money to buy designer clothes/shoes? I am reading your blog for not a very long time, and i don't know what your job is ? Are you a model? :)
BEAUTIFUL! And I love your shoes!
Panterprint staat je goed en die laarsjes zijn gewoon STUNNING!
Why are you always so fabulous my dear???xoxo,
what a beautiful outfit !! looks so good on you!I really like the last picture, so natural!
gorgeous as always and you have a stylish blog award on my blog.kiss
amazing outfit! i love your new bootsxx
Omg, so pretty!!!
Omg, so pretty!!!
pretty pretty girl in pretty pretty clothes! i love all your outfits (even if it's not always my style) you just make me love it!i think that's the secret behind your succes, you r a real fasionista.
me ha encanatdo todo !! los zapatos son espectaculares , pero el conjunto entero me encanto el abrigo , ese vestido …. de 10 !! [email protected]
So amazing pics! Love your style ;)
lovely sweat !:)I love your style !!xx
Nice coat. :)
gorgeous outfit!
Love it! Especially these gorgeous boots!
Lovely. Especially boots ♥
amazing boots, loving how you wear them, perfect match with a leopard cardi
you look so pretty!
Qué Bonita! Andreita! jeje me encanta cómo vistes nena. Saludos!
Those boots have a lovely silhouette
Great look, and I adore those shoes!
Pero que guapa!! Me encanta todo el look y los complementos!!Genial como siempre!Besitos desde EspañaLuna
I love your new boots.x
I just found your blog and I am already in love with your style!! thanks for the inspiration!!
Awesome I love how you mixed it. The irony is that I just did a bad leopard post haha. Seriously some people and companies just make it so leopard looks tacky. It's a little sad.
Gorgeous! I love this look!www.shevahh.blogspot.comxo
gorgeous shoesloving your coat and glovesxoxo
Dat jurkje is echt geweldig!
So in love with your leopard sweater!! I hardly see you in pattern top!! You look so good!! <3
Wow beautiful!!
girlfriend, this outfit looks good! :-)
Que outfit tan divino! Te ves guapísima, el print de leopardo es tan elegante en ti!Te deseo una semana muy linda Andy!
beautiful girl :) perfect shoes..
The dress and the shoes: I love!!!xx
your outfit is nice..this dress is super:)
The balenciaga boots are fabulous!
Wow really amazing outfit! The boots are soo freaking stunning! And the dress is also really great!♥
I can't stop admiring these boots! Whole outfit is beautiful ;)
Dear Andy,I think i'm in love with your new boots !!!!!
Great coat and boots. And u look so pretty :)Marcelina, xxxx
You are looking good… as always…And your new shoes are stunning on you :-)xxx ida/
cute cute cute!!!
Me Like!
your new balenciagas are amazing! great outfit, as usual. xoxo
You look so beautiful! I like this dress and your boots :)eM!
OMG ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS!! <3 so perfect and gorgeous andy! awesome look and pictures, xoxo
Andy, you look fabulous! I like the boots so much:)xxSasha
You look adorable! Love those boots.
stunning outfit, you are definitely a pretty girl.your face is pure beauty.xxvalentina
The Dress is amazing! Love the new boots!
perfect!!xoxo Sienna
You look so darling. Your new boots are amazing. Have a great time in Germany dear.http://www.TheFancyTeacup.commuch love.
Lovely dress!! I like it!!!
I think this is your best outfit! Or at least in top 3! love itxoxo from Croatia!
Stunning outfitReally like the boots
love the coat!
nice outfit!I like the boots and the coat!Elle
Amazing! So perfect… love it :) Check my blog: It's a new project! xx
since i love leopard and i love boots… this look is awsome!
wow, wow and wow! love it(L)
LOVE this outfit!! i just got a sweater that fits me more like a dress so I may have to steal this idea ;)
You look beautiful Andy! I love your gloves so much;)
last picture<3
Hi Andy, where are this amazing gloves from?Thanks a lot :)xoxox
Perfect outfit, love the dress and the boots so much!
Ohhhhhhhh, leopard :-)It's the best print ever!Look at my blog and you will see that I'm in love with leopard;-)
I love your shoes! ;)Very cool!Kissfrom
Ameiiii seu blog e sua produção!! Obrigada pela visitinha!! Estou te seguindo!!!!
Love this combo – the gloves are gorgeous :)
Whaaaaaaat? You are really coming to Germany? Where exactly are you staying? I'd love to meet up :Dxoxo
O_o beautiful! camel coat and leopard dress are perfect together :)
love the outfit, they certainly are perfect together
Perfect as always! Love your style!
very nice :)
Beautiful blog!:)I follow you ;) This is mine blog
I love to look patterned felines. Very trendy!
beautiful combo and photos, i like every single piece!!!
Those shoes are REALLY amazing!! Also you're style..
love all.all the details are so perfect and simple. *
amazing photos ,andy !! :**
perfect outfit x
Great outfit, and your Balenciagas are STUNNING!:D
amazing boots, and i love the glovesxx, yamina.
I have a strange relation with wedges… I like some but not all… I don't like the JC at all for example… But these Balenciagas. Gorgeous… I really enjoy them and that's the first time I see them, how's that possible? Congrats! leather belt giveaway in my blog, join the contest!)
love your dress and putting a belt on it emphasized your tiny waist! :)nice shoes too.
I love leopard…and I love your dress!!!!!Asos?!?Ok!!!I goooo….:)kisses Valentina S.
Beautiful Photos!!! leave me a comment in this post and help me win a flight to Rome :))) Thanks!!!
You are amazing !!!
que guapa con tus nuevos Zapatos!!son preciosos.besos
I love your outfit, so beautiful!
WOW! Je Balenciaga booties zijn echt prachtig!Mooie outfit!x
i love the dress so much ♥
you look great as always! The dress is gorgeous and those shoes even better!
Great outfit!! Love your boots so much :)Xoxo Beauty
wow i like your coat, especially the colour of it!xx
awesome !!
What a lovelt outfit! (Just like always;))Have a great time in Germany!We can't wait to see the post thanXoHazal and
You look perfect!I lve leopard prints and you match perfect with that perfect boots…So beautiful!kisses
The boots and the overall look are really nice. You look amazing again!! xo thefashionguitar
Love it! Great shoes!
Lovely!I love leopard printed outfits.
totally in love with your coat and those boots- you are very pretty, one fashion week down more to follow – cant wait for more updates! Katie.xxfashion clocked
i totally love leopard! great combination! :)
Love it!!! Perfect.^_^ Eva
love the outfit in particular dress and boots!!great:)!
Nice outfit!I adore your shoes!Lux
Your coat is amazing ! i love
Your new Balenciaga boot are out of controoooool !!!My god I want them !!!
perfecta andy!
You look just AMAZING!
Love it !!
These shoes are amazing! Love the simplicity of shape that makes them so spectacular. And your leopard dress is great as well!
oh wow.. i really love your new boots! such a great outfit!
AAAAHHHHHH!!!! love those Balenicaga boots Andy!!!miss you soo much!xx
The shoes look even better on! And gorgeous necklace.
Looove your new boots ♥
oh…I'm the biggest fun of leopard whereever it is!:D and your new Balenciagas are perfect!Love, Aily
You look so gorgeous :)may I ask what kind of work you have to do? :)
Beautiful :)
This look is so chic dear and suits you perfectly! Wonderfful and very professional pics as usual! Love the piost so much! <
I adore the books, fantastic!xxx
You look amazing, Andy!x
i really really love your look! everything looks so great esp the details! <3 EPITOME OF PERFECTION!
I bought a leo dress a couple of weeks ago, but it's still too cold to step outside wearing it… :o( You look amazing in this one!!!!x
absolutely love your shoes and dress! fantastic !!
You look beautiful.NOW I want something with a leopard print >.< but I don't know if would look good with it :P
you are beautiful Andy!
amazing outfit! very fantastic!
Pretty dress and beautiful photos!! :) Kc
Love your ASOS dress!!! And the boots…. ahhhhhhhh NO COMMENT! :DFashion Awards? Sounds good! Are u nominated or something?Have a wonderful week!xxx
I love this combination! You look beautiful!!♥
Qué elegante el abrigo! Y los botines por supuesto increíbles…Allanita
beautiful ;)
these boots are stuning !!!!
What a cute dress! And those boots are super cool!xoxo
awesome combination of camel & leopard! :)btw… if you want to get some pretty dresses for free, feel free to join my giveaway :)♥
You look amazing! :) x
this is awesome!! Loe everything about this look!
Stunning… :))come visit my site:
Love this look Andy! You're perfection!
beautiful Andy!
i'm in love with your new boots !xx, *
lovely :)I like this dress!xxIPOD NANO GIVEAWAY at
nice and simple dress :)sa
why are you soooooo beautiful darling ?? why ? :D :Dlove the outfit … like always :)xx