Let me introduce you to the newest addition to my shoe collection…These are my new pair of Balenciaga booties, I can only say that I am in love!

Have a nice Sunday!


134 Responses

  1. I get so upset when I see designer shoes. I am a UK size 9! That is huge! I wont be able to squeeze my boat feet into a pair!Georgiexx

  2. Lucky you. I love me some Balenciaga though normally not there shoes, but in this case I actually like these ones.

  3. tienes razón guapa!! son mas que bonitos!!cuando te canses me los das?? jejejebesos

  4. Sleek and so Minimal; thrives sheer perfection…Beautiful Boots, what can i say; Balenciaga never fails to impress. X Neda X

  5. WOW, amazing shoes! i want them ! ;ppyou are so lucky girl, u have the best blog i have ever seen ;)).big kisses!

  6. Amazing shoes!!!WWW.RENEBRAUN.COM You are welcome to visit my blog too! I'm participating in competition and could win a flight to Rome! Please leave a comment and help me win! Thanks!!!

  7. You're so lucky!! and I just love your shoes collection. Loved all of your posts on trip sponsord by Fashionlista. I just don't comment most of the times thinking my comment would get lost in a heap of hundreds of comments… :) But I am the regular reader of your blog and love you. All the very best.