Here are the pics from the boat ride Fashiolista took us 2 days ago, where went along the canals in Amsterdam, had champagne, ate delicious finger food and enjoyed getting all together again.

There are so many pics and too little time to go through them, I promise the past few days/weeks have been kind of overwhelming for me and I have found myself with too much to do, maybe its time to finally get myself an assistant? 

Any who, Alix, Carolina and Pandora are already gone and I am already missing them! Fashion Week isn’t over yet, so I better start getting ready for todays action.

Speak to you very soon!


105 Responses

  1. Well if you can afford an assistant you should do it. Ha if I lived there I'd totally want to be your assistant. I bet it would be quite an interesting job.

  2. That's some luxury nights like we love it!Keep going Andy :DPoke if u need an assistant, haha!Martyscocoon.blogspot xx :)

  3. Me pregunto qué habrás estado pensando frente a esa copa de champagne en la séptima foto, no creo que haya sido "¿tendrá veneno?"Nos vemos linda, lucías genial ;)

  4. Ow dear how I'd love to be your assistent! So please contact me if you would like to have your own P.A. You've seen my blog before…xoxoBianca

  5. Ohh well, it seems to be the life anybody asks to God! Nice food, champagne, good friends and PARTY!!!!All of you are amazing.:DLove your

  6. hehe you all look like SuperModels XD,all tall and fashionable. Yeah I read today I text of your on fashionlista, about the assistant, yeah, maybe is time to get one =)