This is going to be the quickest post just to show you my gorgeous hotel room during my Levis weekend London (The Verta Hotel).

I am still waiting for the pics of the even and as we speak, I am waiting to board a flight at the airport, actually, I should be boarding already, instead I am on the internet writing a post (I am so committed to my job as a blogger :P)

Will give you more news soon, I promise lots of outfit post coming soon as well, bare with me!


181 Responses

  1. I'm definitely loving the entire outfit from the bold shoulders to the leopard pants, although I wish I could've seen more of your boots. /:Hope you enjoyed your stay, can't wait for more updates!

  2. 3 watches . .I was wondering how you wear going to still rock the pair you had come to wear a lot. I love the look!Does anyone else ever comment on them?

  3. Nice hotel, i love those trousers. Very eye catching.Where are you jetting off to now? Somewhere exotic would be nice.New outfit post

  4. what a lovely hotel :D cant wait to see more photos :D yay! enjoy london!! wondering which hotel is this?? XXXX ♥

  5. I love the purple shades in the room, so pretty!!! and you look cute over your leopard prints trouser <3

  6. great hotel, love the purple!! and your winged eyeliner is so pretty, it adds such a dramatic effect.

  7. Your hotel look nice!! Where he is exactly in London?And I like your trousers!!!!Quick the pictures of your english looks!!

  8. That is such a gorgeous hotel room you got there. Must try that out next time I am in London :-)Have a nice flight home!Lynn – Daily Style Diary

  9. HI,I was invited to the Levi's flagship store in Berlin and the hotel rooms which they offer u, are always wonderful!!have a great day!!KISSES from NEW YORKJulia

  10. I was staying in the same hotel like two weeks ago! it was very plesant! oh i love your blog btw, i have to check it at least once a day!xoxo

  11. hahaha ok Andy, I'm baring with you :D I'm so eage to see tons of outfit pics, love this outfit you're wearing. That hotel looks so chic! Have a safe flight!(where are you going??? lol)xoxo

  12. Wow, the hotel looks really cool!I hope you already got on the plane because we wouldn't want you to miss your flight! :)

  13. Awesome! That hotel haz style, check those purple & eggplant colors ^^ Lovely comfy bed looking aswell, hahaLooking forward for more pictures!