I just received an email from Paola, one of my readers to let me know that she just saw this T-shirt with a picture of me at ZARA’s outlet store Lefties in Spain.
Few of you are asking me on twitter if I was aware of it and I actually just found out, so I didn’t know about it…Have you seen it in stores already??

I just came back from my weekend in London, I had so much fun but unfortunately I still have a flu, a bad one that is.

Pics from my London trip are coming soon!!!


Paola, una de mis lectoras me acaba de mandar un email para avisarme que en Lefties, el outlet de ZARA, están vendiendo una playera con una foto mia, ¿Alguna/o de ustedes la ha visto? 

Yo acabo de llegar de mi fin de semana en  Londres, sigo súper enferma de la gripa y ya no se ni que hacer.

Pronto voy a subir todas las fotos de Londres, así que estén pendientes :)


170 Responses

  1. wow. that's awesome. it just shows how popular && influential you are as a blogger andy! <3 but are going to take legal actions about it?

  2. Oh and everyone is saying it was Zara, but it wasn't, the T-shirt is from Lefties, a store that belongs to Inditex group, who also owns Zara…

  3. Hey! I've seen this same t-shirt at a Lefties store in Porto, Portugal last week too, I haven't seen your original picture before but I knew right away that it was you. Some companies like Pepe Jeans and Inditex stores like Zara or Lefties have done this before (at least to Miss Pandora and Le Blog de Betty, that I know) and I think you should take some action for this. They're using your pictures without permission and that is a violation of your rights…

  4. Hola Andy, cuando vi post fui a buscarla en los dos Lefties que hay en Granada, en el primero me dijeron que la habian retirado, y en el segundo me dijeron que estaba agotada, creo que me lo dijeron para no decirme que estaba retirada…Es una pena, por que la camiseta es genial, pero eso si, te tendrian que haber pedido permiso.Un saludo y un beso

  5. OMG Andy!!!the same thing happened to betty from 'blog de betty'i mean what the fuck they can't just do that??!!!you should sue them!adios mexicana hermosa

  6. The t-shirt and the fact that YOU're on it is of course AMAZING.BUT it really really is such a shame for such a company to steal pictures from bloggers in such an offensive way… how can that be??? Really, that's so lame.

  7. Hi Andy,though it is a great honor to be printed on Zara shirts, I'd still contact them, because this is just rude. I wouldn't like it if they stole my picture..xox

  8. wow tengo muchas opiniones respecto a esto, en primera que bueno está por demás que te diga lo grande q eres para que ZARA te imprima en una de sus playeras! lo que no me cuadra es que se tomen la libertad de hacerlo sin si quiera avisar por q supongo que para ti es una alago! yo pienso que si no van a pagarte algo pues por lo menos estaría padre que te avisen, no?

  9. Siiii, yo también ví la camiseta con tu foto en Lefties! Eso demuestra que tu blog es lo más! Me encanta!Besos desde España!

  10. Hola!Ayer mismo vi la camiseta en Lefties, en Alicante (España) está en blanco y en gris y cuesta 5.95€, Lefties no es un outlet, es una tienda del grupo inditex digamos de bajo coste.Parece que se les acaba la inspiración a sus diseñadores y recurren a ésto.Deberían como minimo pagarte por los derechos de imagen o haberte consultado previamente.Aunque sinceramente a mi me haría sobre todo mucha gracia…jajaUn saludo, me gusta mucho tu blos y tu estilo!AMG

  11. Hi Andy, You may have a case for unlawful use of your likeness for commercial gain. While I do not know the laws of your country in the United States this is a viable action that can be pursued in the courts. "In most states, you can be sued for using someone else's name, likeness, or other personal attributes without permission for an exploitative purpose. Usually, people run into trouble in this area when they use someone's name or photograph in a commercial setting, such as in advertising or other promotional activities." Just something to think over.This is not to be considered legal advice. ~Giselle

  12. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the look. Eres Hermosa! You inspire me everyday & I hope to have my face on a shirt someday ;)ciao!follow me

  13. en tu blog dice que las fotos deben ser utilizadas con tu permiso y con link a tu web y mas importante QUE NO PUEDEN SER USADAS PARA USO COMERCIAL. Espero hagas algo al respecto, si bien es un honor que una marca como zara te haya elegido, tranquilamente podrian haber pedido tu concentimiento para eso con o sin recompensa monetaria. No lo veas como una marca de ropa que te gusta usando tu imagen, velo como cualquier otro que use tu imagen para fines comerciales.

  14. jajaja está cañon!!!! pero si creo q ZARA te debería dar ropa gratis!!! (por lo menos tu propia t-shirt) estaría increíble!! felicidades!!!!sofia

  15. wow, Zara ya ha hecho eso varias veces, una vez copio la ilustracion que dibujo de un caricaturista, tambien se lo hizo a Betty de Le Blog de Betty y a Pandora.

  16. Me llama la atención que Zara siga con esto, claramente no se pueden tomar medidas, o el precio a pagar es muy bajo comparativamente con la ventaja económica que ellos reciben…en fin… ojalá pronto te sientas mejor del resfrío y veas que harás con este tema. cuidese. Saludos grandes :)

  17. I'm with all the comments here! It's shady of them to use your picture that way…. but I'd secretly be excited to see it if it was me! haha, still I'd do something about it.. I hope you do too! they can't just use yr awesome style that way :( ps – can't wait for your london pics!!! xo

  18. That's awesome they used your picture! But sucky that they didnt ask…But, if you read the terms of use or whatever with blogger, you don't own any of the content you put on your blog. They may have asked blogger, or they may have just hoped that no one would notice hahaeither way though, congrats!maybe you can get some free stuff out of this?xxErica

  19. i can't wait to hear about your time here in London. i'm a London girl myself, and love the city. what was your favourite part ?? lovely blog,amy xoxo

  20. They did the same thing to Betty from leblogdebetty and to Louise Ebel from misspandora.I think it is kinda rude that they just take your picture without any permission!

  21. I agree its unfair, but…. I would be so happy about it! I know they dont have any permission, but still!! You are on a t-shirt, and many girls will wear it! T-shirt with YOU! :) thats great and Im jealous ;)

  22. It's quite flattering that they've put you on a t-shirt but are they really allowed to do that without your permission. I'm sure this happened to Le Blog de Betty and she took action against them.Anyway, can't wait to see your photos of your trip to London, I saw you in Cos but didn't get chance to say hi.New outfit post up on

  23. This is just like the things happen to Pandora, I think you know her blog… And it was also Zara. They should stop it or ask before, this way is just so rude!

  24. That is so cool but I don't think it's strictly legal for them to do that without your permission. It does say alot about how brilliant a blogger you are though. :)

  25. Wow, this is very good! I would like to have a shirt with you, very much!But I was alarmed, that they have printed it without your permission and do not even have notified you about it.

  26. i think you are rly happy that someone "put" you on the tshirt but on the other hand they're not able to do this without your permission… xoxoAnja

  27. I have to agree with the others. I'm a law student, albeit in a different jurisdiction to you and that is a huge copyright infringement. I'd send them an angry letter and I'd imagine they'd send you a pretty generous paycheck.

  28. Also, you have a copyright down at the bottom of your blog that states that they cannot use any photos without your permission, AND that your photos can't be used for any commerical use!I don't know. I'm not liking Zara very much.

  29. There are many bloggers that have seen their images on clothing for sale at popular stores and they have fought to get the items removed since their images were being used without permission or compensation. I say this is not a good thing!

  30. That's nice but kinda annoying at the same time. They should have asked for your permission first.Love the shirt though! <3

  31. That t-shirt is amazing. I saw it on FB the other day and I wanted it. I think you need to make your own t-shirt like that and sell it online. Seriously because otherwise I don't think many of us could find it. Hopefully that reader bought it. I love the concept overall.

  32. Betty and Louise, and now you, that has become annoying already. Zara is not allowed to steal others work and use it without any permission! you have copyrights, and Yvan (who took the photo I guess?) probably does as well, so I hope you guys will do something about it!

  33. Andy justo ayer fui al centro de Barcelona a lefties y me quedé helada al ver la camiseta con tu foto. Lo han hecho sin tu consentimiento?? Que fuerte!!Le intenté hacer una foto para mandartela pero la dependienta me vió y no me dejó.Espero que puedas solucionarlo cuanto antes, cualquier cosa nos dices.Besos desde Barcelonatakingpicturesoverheels

  34. Well you look great but this is like the 3rd time Zara has ripped off a blogger, I know blog de betty had it happen. It's nice but it's not nice that they used and transformed your image without consent…that is illegal since they make money off it.

  35. Ayer estuve yo en la tienda que tenemos aquí en Huelva, al sur de España y no vi la camiseta… No sé, en parte lo considero un halago y en parte un fastidio… ¿Qué vas a hacer al respecto?

  36. Did you give them rights to use your picture? or use a photo from your blog? No matter how awesome it is, your personal pics, even from blog, can't be published or used like that without your permission, it's illegal… I would ask lawyer about that and then spoke with Zara.Margo

  37. Lovely Andy, I hope it's ok, if I borrow these pictures. I would love to write an article about what happened to you. Adela –

  38. Can't wait for you to post your pic from London aside from your shopping spree of course. I was'st able to see your shirt at Zara but if you do have one I'm very much willing to buy.( But I hope you shpuld ask your permission first! )Hope you could have sign it too:)Happy Holidays!

  39. I agree with the other comments on the fact that Zara should have told you about the fact that they wanted to use one of your photos..anyway, congrats. I think it's an amazing thing, it means that you have a great style and you have become famous!

  40. ZARA should give you free shopping for life for doing this!Omg you should do something about this! It's great and kinda' thrilling but they used your picture without asking your permission and who cares if it's zara? If this was America they would get sued right away….

  41. It's a huge compliment they used your picture, but they can't do that without permission ..Zara did that with some other blogger's picture as well, she sued them I think ..Of course it is a cute picture! ;)xOh'

  42. hmm… i think there was one with Betty and another with Pandora from France before yours!Yet yours is styled differently… with the journal background! kinda cute!kisses

  43. the t-shirt is beautiful, but it's shocking what Zara does. do they do the same with celebrities? (they had Marilyn Monroe, James Dean or Jane Birkin t-shirts, to name a few)

  44. That's amazing that you're on a t-shirt…but can they do that without your permission? You should receive some sore of royalty for that my dear.XoXO-Kelli K

  45. I think it is really not right of ZARA not to notify you about this. In the cases of Betty and Pandora it is "only" a sketch that is very similar to the photo. I can't imagine someone could take legal stepts against that (as ZARA made the sketch, it is open to interpretation what the influence was… and they made some changes in their sketches that differentiate it from the original. It is like when a company copies another companies product. As long as there are enough differences, it doesn't count as conterfeiting, even if its obvious, what the inspiration was…). But in your case they printed your photo!! A photo that YOU took. Honestly, you should ask a lawyer if they can do that.

  46. Aww, that´s quite a compliment of course! It´s hard to believe they´ve done this w/o your permission… Not a good way to make business…xxxMarcela

  47. awesome! a tee shirt with your pic and you didn't know either! ahah :-) can't wait for the photos of your week end in london!!

  48. wat an amazing t-hirt!! this is great!!! but It is strange they didn't contact you!!Visit my blog if you like and follow me please:)

  49. You didn'e knew it so you're gonna take legal action or sth? On the other hand that means you are super famous! We all love you! :)Kisses, Lena!

  50. This is really unbelievable, you should do sth about it!Go check out 'le blog de betty', the same thing happened to her a few months ago and they also didn't ask her for permission!!!

  51. I'll check it in Poland when I'll be shopping on Wednsday. I'm studying law and I have to tell you that you just have to write to Zara and tell them that this is against the law and they should take responsibility like pay you really good monet for useing your face or don't sell this t-shirt. I think that it would be very fair if you would want free shopping forever in their stores but otherwise it would be a big commercial for them, too.

  52. Hey you are not the only one, the also this to Louise Ebel from Pandora and Betty from Le Blog de Betty. They were also unaware of the fact their pictures were used.

  53. This is so cool! Well, it's cool that you are on T-shirt. It's not cool that they did this without your permission. They took your photo and put it on a t-shirt and are going to make money off it, and didn't even bother to say "Hey, Andy, we're putting you on our T-shirt!"I suggest taking some action.But it's still cool that you're on a T-shirt ;)

  54. Hola Andy! Tal y como dices en la parte de abajo de tu blog: está PROHIBIDO usar las fotos para fines comerciales, y es exactamente lo que zara ha hecho…Si tus imágenes tienen Copyright no tienen derecho a utilizarlas sin tu permiso. un saludo desde España!Andrea L.

  55. Andy!Pues creo que solo se puede comprar en Lefties,el outlet de Zara,en mi ciudad no hay pero si algun dia voy y la encuentro no tendria ningun problema en enviartela :)

  56. hmm I just have been thinking about it on the way to work – they just go on doing it while they feel they can get away with it. I know of 3 stories just like yours.The question is – do you mind? If not, it's just another publicity. If yes, I see only one way – boycot campaign by bloggers. Anyway, your blog is the greatest!xxTali

  57. That's just not fair! Even though the T-shirt is oh so cool and flattering they shouldn't do this with out permission and with out paying you!

  58. That's so weird! did you know about it? That's both flattering and extremely rude for not letting you know beforehand, especially for such a big company as they are! I'm excited to find out where this goes! Nikki xx

  59. jajaja no la he visto, pero me pasare esta tarde a ver si la consigo! Andy, querria mandarte un ragalito que tengo, pero no se a que direccion! Gracias! Besos!

  60. Hi Andy….I have a question for you: are you happy to see this shirt in Zara's shop or not? I hope you'll reply to me, sorry for my bad english!Have a nice day, Gemma.

  61. Yes it might be cool but more importantly I think Zara is taking the piss. Its copyright infringement they know that and every one else knows that. Zara has done this three times before every time without the permission of the bloggers and they laugh it off.I am sorry but this should not happen, Elle has been caught steeling pictures just like zara, and they expect this reaction that you are getting, i.e. you should be flattered and make the most f it when in reality you should be mad, it is your image at the end of the day and you should have a say in it.Anyway that is just my opinion, on a cheerier note love the outfit on the pic and hope you had an amazing time in London :)

  62. they've done this to Betty and Pandora too…I mean they've should have asked, sign a contract something…Hope you get well soon!

  63. As others have said they also did this to betty of le blog de betty! It would be cool if they asked for your permission, but without asking you its wrong! I would probably email them about it.

  64. woww! congrats to the shirt! that must be so exciting. but I hope you get credits for it, if they used you pic without your permission. hope it turns out to be ok. oh, and its not in stores in germany yet.xoxo, Annie

  65. woww! congrats to the shirt! that must be so exciting. but I hope you get credits for it, if they used you pic without your permission. hope it turns out to be ok. oh, and its not in stores in germany yet.xoxo, Annie

  66. No, serious, they use your picture and don't ask you anything??!!Impossible!Even if its a great advertise for you and a good recognition of the public!!

  67. YAY 1ST COMMENT…How awesome!! Heading over to their website to see if they have it online.Have a nice day Andy x

  68. They don't ask you isn't? They do the same thing to ''Le Blog de Betty'' few months ago. Still like I will dont wear it but love it. :)L.xx

  69. It's kinda cool and flattering, but very weird at the sametime. How can a giant like Zara just take people's creative outlet and use it without their consent? I know the same thing happened to Betty from Le Blog de Betty! :(xxx

  70. Andy sos una ídola!!!!Increíble que aparezcas en remeras de Zara!!Ahora sí, tendrían que pagarte regalías…o al menos avisado! heheBesos!!

  71. Wow..Soy de España y no es la primera vez que ocurre…Usaron la foto de otra blogger,en este caso para una línea de camisetas Zara trafaluc..creo que denunció a Inditex!Congrats on ur work,I read you every single day.Besos desde España!

  72. Zara did this to another blogger.. are you going to take action?! It just goes to show how successful of a blogger and style icon you have become for them to steal your look! :)