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I am a big nail polish junkie and this are the shades I am loving right now:

1) Over the taupe

2) Lady in black

3) Done out in deco

4) Go on green!

5) Tickle my France-y

    I am currently wearing Go on Green! and a cross ring by Hope&Faith, you can find it HERE.


    93 Responses

    1. WOW, acabo de ver una entrevista tuya y me quede atonita. Atonita por el origen de tu blog y sobre como has llevado acabo tus metas. Eres un gran ejemplo para las chicas Mexicanas que gustan de la moda, y que se apasionan por ello. A mi me apasiona la moda igual, pero me gustaria desenvolverme en otro pais. Me gusta tu blog, tus logros y tus ideales!:)Mis respetos Andy!Ahh, y decidi comentar esta foto porque yo tambien soy fan de los pinta uñas OPI :D

    2. Ola A.I've never write a comment on your post but I always check your blog out at home or at college when I'm bored. I just wanted to say that I REALLY LOVE LIKE ADORE you're styles and stuff and ofcourse your nailpolisches, coz I got much too, hihi.Keep doing what you're doing!And I had a question: with which camera do you shot pictures?Let me know please.Esmaa from The Netherlands

    3. Love the nail polish, not really my style because I hate those sparkly stuff on them, always look good on you though <3

    4. Love the flash graphic so fun. I am also a nail junky though I tend to collect Sally Hansen colors, though I can't wait to get my hands on black lacquer by OPI have you seen it? It looks amazing.

    5. I love nail polishes also especially reading the fun names on the OPI ones! what a fun job that would be coming up with them! xx

    6. me too am a nail polish junkie! and this go on dream colour is real nice! these days am usually wearing the done out in deco one! loving itkisses

    7. Those colors are amazing!! Love the one your wearing right now! I'm addicted to Chanel nailpolish, but maybe I should try OPI for once….

    8. Those colors are amazing!! Love the one your wearing right now! I'm addicted to Chanel nailpolish, but maybe I should try OPI for once….

    9. Those colors are amazing!! Love the one your wearing right now! I'm addicted to Chanel nailpolish, but maybe I should try OPI for once….

    10. OMG i'm a fan of nail polish too! I'm a collector of it! Yours are perfect, I want them all. I love especially the brown one.Great post, love your blog <3Birdy

    11. I'm a junkie too. I can't live without nail polish. Sometimes I make a one week break without anyone to heal my nails from it..but it's difficult to really do it. I mainly use them from "Artdeco" …it's a german high quality brand but a little cheaper as OPI. They have nearly the same colours.

    12. yo también tengo miles de pinta uñas!! por muchos colores que tengas, siempre se necesita una mas!! jejeje besos

    13. Im such a nail polish junkie too, its so bad! I just cant stop buying new colours, Opi has always been my fave but now i really love the sally hansen complete salon manicure ones. I wore black for like 4 days before it started chipping and another for at least 6 which is just a miracle for me lol.

    14. love the colors of nail polishes!I've got the same as "Over the taupe" nail polish but from cheaper brand))love your ring btw!!!Stacey from Ukraine