I was sitting on my bed, all cosy under the covers preparing my third anniversary post when I just suddenly started day dreaming for about an hour, thinking of how many things I have experienced and how far I’ve come in the past 3 years.

When I started StyleScrapbook 3 years ago, I never ever expected this to happen, I never thought that exactly 3 years later, I would have been lucky enough to get invited to Paris Fashion Week already twice (which was always my biggest dream), to have met so many incredible people, to be able do what I love as my job.

So many things have happened, so many places I have been to and so many people I have met, all in such a small period of time and everything thanks to this blog, which is my small treasure now,  the place where I can share with you that when you have a dream and you really go for it, nothing is impossible.

Thank you SO MUCH for all the support and I do mean it, from the bottom of my heart, because if it wasn’t for you who are reading this right now, StyleScrapbook would have stopped a long time ago. 

I know I have said it so many times, but I cant ever stop thanking you for being here right now and I can only hope to improve every day, because you deserve the best.

Thank you so much for being here right now and thank you for being a part of this!



Cuando empece a escribir esto, estaba en mi cama debajo de las cobijas, pero de pronto ya no pude escribir mas y me puse a soñar despierta por casi 1 hora.

Es increíble el pensar que hace 3 años, estaba tan triste y desmotivada, no sabia que hacer con mi vida y de la nada, tan solo un flash de inspiración, se me ocurrió empezar con StyleScrapbook.
Jamas imagine que mi vida seria así 3 años después, que mi sueno de ser invitada a la semana de la moda en Paris ya me hubiera pasado 2 veces, que he conocido a tantas personas tan increíbles y que soy tan afortunada de que mi trabajo es hacer lo que me apasiona.

Muchísimas gracias a todos los que son parte de esto, que me han apoyado y que me siguen visitando.
Para mi es muy importante el hacerles saber que cuando tienes un sueño y te atreves a alcanzarlo, nada es imposible.
Jamas te dejes desmotivar por lo que digan los demás, si yo lo hubiera hecho, ahorita no estaría aquí compartiendo mi experiencia.

De nuevo mil gracias por su apoyo y por ser parte de esto, para mi es un honor el saber que me visitan y disfrutan lo que hago, solo espero poder mejorar cada día por que ustedes merecen lo mejor.


365 Responses

  1. Oiiiiiiiiiiiii Andy!Parabéns pelos 3 anos do blog!Pode parecer nada para você meu comentário no meio de outros tanto! Mas se serve de consolo…fiz o meu com inspirações em você! Você és um exmplo de perseverança e determinação! estilo nem preciso falar rsrsrrs Beijão de mais uma fã sua brasileira!Mariana Brettas.www.dedodemoca0.blogspot.com

  2. congratulations! I wish you and your blog of course all the best things! You are amazing!greetings fromhttp://mikalafashion.blogspot.com/

  3. happy birthday style scrapbook!!!<3i hope that this blog last for a lifetime!I <3 Style Scrapbook.www.makeaboldstatement.blogspot.comx,sagalina

  4. Congrats Andy. You are an inspiration. When someone has a goal, a dream, and they go for it then they deserve success especially after all the hard work it takes to do this. So congrats truly you deserve it.

  5. Congratulations! 3 years a quite an accomplishment. I read a lot of blogs before I started mine and a lot of them have been abandoned for one reason or another. I coming up on my first year thanks so much you give me inspiration to move furthur.

  6. Andy! Que lindas palabras…Yo no te sigo hace tanto tiempo, tan solo unos meses, pero siempre me transmites el ser una chica inspiradora, llena de sueños y buena persona, cercana, eso da mucho gusto, ganas de seguir.Tu experiencia, así como tu estilo, obvio, son admirables.Gracias por darnos un empujoncito de ánimo a quienes estamos empezando a luchar por hacer nuestros sueños realidad.Abrazos enormes y que sigas cumpliendo sueños y años con este bello blog =)Moyra.

  7. excelentes palabras :)me hace muy feliz haber encontrado este blog tan lleno de moda y amor, porq se ve q esto te apasiona y mucho.se t agradece, eres genial guapa!y de verdad que un orgullo e inspiración. ojalá pronto yo salga de ese bache de desmotivación porq vaya q es dificil, a mi me encanta leer este tipo de blogs y escribir en el mio q es muy nuevo, son un hermoso escape :)saludoos y feliz 3er. aniv. de tu blog :)XOXO

  8. H-A-P-P-Y B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y Stylescrapbook! I'm a already a long time a reader, I visit your site every day, but I don't post so often a comment. But now I think it's the perfect time to write that I adore Stylescrapbook.com!

  9. Muy lindas tus palabras ,es espectacular hacer lo que te gusta y que ademas salga GENIAL!!!Felicitaciones por los 3 anios y esta muy bueno que siempre sigas asi sencilla,divertida,natural y perseverante!Congrats!!!besos desde Argentina

  10. muchisimas felicidades a stylescrapbook, pero sobre todo a ti andy, porque dia con dia haces tu mayor esfuerzo por hacer del blog algo mejor y vaya que lo es:es el mejor de todos!que los años que vienen esten llenos de mas emociones y cosas buenas para tiun abrazo desde mexico

  11. Happy Birthday !!!So sweet your post! But you don't need to thank us. Almost every day I think: well lets see what Andy's post on the blog! It's like a ritual for me!kiss* (or in portuguese Beijos:P)

  12. FELiCiDADES Andy por estos INCREIBLES 3 años! te deseo muchisimos años mas de exito&superacion! :D recuerdo la primera vez qe me cruzé con tu blog.. fue especial, un lugar donde podia ver cosas que realmente me apasionan&que no habia encontrado antes!ademas me emociono muchisimo el saber que eres Mexicana, eso me dio una esperanza de sobresalir,&cumplir todas mis metas.. :Dbesos;Melyssa <3

  13. Happy Birthday!!! u are such an inspiration for all of us!! keep going ur way!! loving it and I will be a supporter forever :-))check my blog!!KISSES juliaNYChttp://geeksndfashion.blogspot.com/

  14. FELICITACIONES por estos 3 años!!! Todas estas cosas increíbles que te están pasando te las mereces por el esfuerzo, las ganas y el corazón que le pusiste a tu sueño!!!! Ojalá este blog cumpla muchos años más! Qué hacemos si no sin Style Scrapbook???Beso grande desde Argentina

  15. Felicitaciones Andy! Me encanta leer tu blog, por la moda y por tu actitud super positiva, siempre me haces sonreir :)Keep up the good work!! Vero

  16. Hola Andy!Muchas felicidades! Llevo siguiendo tu blog alrededor de 6 meses, y me encanta! Todo lo mejor para tu futuro! Un besote y abrazo desde Mexico, que seguro se te extraña mucho!<3

  17. congrats!!!and happy birthday!i wish you more and more years….and off course i wish you to have have double experiences the next years from now :))

  18. hermosa felicidades y esto es un sueño hecho realidad y es a base de mucho esfuerzo dedicación y fe en ti misma!! me encanta verte leerte y lo mejor ….y vamos por mas añosss de aniversario!!! un fuerte y caluroso abrazo desde tierras mexicanas!!! gris garcía! =P

  19. Me gusta mucho lo que has escrito Andy! Me siento bastante identificada ya que yo ahora he empezado con este blog y en parte me ayuda a desconectar del mundo y a compartir mi pasión. Leer blogs como el tuyo y escribir el mío hacen que mientras hago mi carrera (sin saber que me espera en un futuro) pueda relacionarme con la moda de algún modo. Me encantaría que mi blog durara tantos años, todo se verá!. Muchas felicidades por 3 años maravillosos! Un beso muy fuerte desde España!

  20. Happy Birthday to your blog Andy. This blog is an inspiration for all of us who are trying to make it into the blogosphere and hope that someday we will be noticed. My blog is not even a month's old so I have a long way ahead of me and I'm going to do whatever it takes to make it happen for me because I LOVE fashion. Thank you for inspiring us! All the best!A greek fashion blogger…http://stripesandscarlets.blogspot.com

  21. Χρόνια Πολλά!!! I am wishing to your super stylish blog happy happy birthday!!Keep being inspired and creative!!Lots of love and kisses from Greece!Artemis

  22. Woow que bueno que te sucedio esto! me encantaria llegar a ser tan famosa como tu! yo igual tengo sueños y aspiraciones de ser conocida, aun no lo soy mucho, pero yo en diferente rama del arte: ilustracion. Como sabes en mexico no hay mucho que estudiar acerca de esto, ni tampoco tuve los medios para pagarmelo asi que solita aprendi !!! hehehe y ahora poco a poco he mejorado y superado muchos obstaculos y mi trabajo es ilustradora freelance asi que… espero algun dia ser tan famosa como tu y vivir de lo que amo!!!!!muchas felicidadeeeeeeees! eres una super inspiracion!!!!!!!

  23. Hola Andy!! Muchísimas felicidades por estos 3 años!! Que casualidad pero justamente hoy he hecho una actualización con looks inspiradores sobre la tendencia animal print y he escogido dos de tus looks como inspiración de esta tendencia. Espero que te guste la entrada.Un besazo guapa!! Y sigue así!!Laurasweetandfashionworld.blogspot.com

  24. Btw, it's a shame the giveaway is closed because if it were still open and I could participate I would tell you that I'll love to see some tutorials of your wonderful collages. It would be extremely helpful!Happy blog anniversary! You deserve many more :)-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com

  25. ERES LO MAXIMO¡¡¡¡ ANDY ….te queremos por que nos inspiras a ser mas perseverantes y por que en este mundo lleno de caos personas como tu con tu actitud, pasión y pensamientos valen su peso en oro.puede parecer a otras personas muy superficial el tema de tu blog… pero a lo largo de tres años haz compartido lo suficiente con todos que leemos desde este lado de la pantalla que te consideramos un poco como una buena amiga .so thanks to you, for share such a important things with us..tu para mi y seguramente para muchas personas tienes un plus en cuestión de ser una persona que me inspira muchas cosas positivas y es que eres mi paisana, jop de verdad es un orgullo que promuevas y hablas así de lindo de México, pues es un sentimiento que yo también comparto. Espero a mi manera algún día transmitir eso a otros también.No pares de enseñarnos tus combinaciones de compartir tu creatividad y de motivarnos un poco a seguir adelantewow tres años y muchos mas para ti . mucha luz y suerte en cada proyecto…Andy you rock..With love from Guadalajara.

  26. Happy birthday Stylescrapbook!3 is the perfect number, and this is a perfect time to celebrate because you've reached your dreams slowly and now you're living them, and i hope for you to live in this perfect dream-reality as long as possible!I also hope to succeed in my dreams come true!Good luck to both!a big kiss!http://f-frames.blogspot.com/

  27. Muchas felicidades Andy! gracias por compartirnos tu dia a dia desde amsterdam, nos haces confirmar que los suenios si se hacen realidad, aunque no de la noche a la manana pero si pons todo tu esfuerzo en ello las recompensas llegan!Un abrazote del D.f.

  28. I hope you had a great and wonderful day with a lot of comments, kisses, hugs and presents!And I hope you'll blog a lot of years!xwww.dreamingthedayawaywithluca.blogspot.com

  29. Muchas felicidades Andy! Te mereces todo lo que has conseguido en estos tres años y mucho mas!Espero que nunca dejes el blog :)Un beso muy fuerte!

  30. Happy 3rd b-day, SS! :-)Andy, your blog is amazing! Wish you many luck in the future, continue with all this good work, and stay just as beautiful, stylish and nice, as you are now! :-)Best regards from Croatia!Marina

  31. You have worked SO hard for all that you have achieved, Andy – you deserve all the praise you receive! I have a feeling that the next 3 years will be bigger and better than the ones you are celebrating today!!! Wish you lots of success – you deserve it!!!

  32. Happy anniversary! Your blog is lovely. Good luck on writing Style scrapbook next year! You are such a pretty lady, Andy :) Greets, Simona

  33. Andy, you're the one to be thanked for. Seriously, when I read this my eyes started becoming watery. You're always the one that makes me dream a little further each day after I have visited your blog, you're always the one who makes my hopes rise higher thinking that I can achieve all of my dreams. I know that you've achieved a lot already but you even deserve more. I wish you all the best for you, your blog, and your family.Honestly, thank you!-The Trendy Fashionitahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com

  34. Happy birthday to Style Scrapbook! Congrats, Andy ;) Your blog is amazing and we all love you :) Best wishes from Lithuania


  36. You go for it, Andy!Congratulations! And I wish only the Best for you. Can't stop reading your Blog. It's like a drug, I've take once a day, everyday! :o)Michelle

  37. Andy!Happy bday para SS :D, te deseo lo mejor.todos los dias lo primero q hago cuando prendo mi PC es leer SS..amo lo q hacesme encata tu blog Saludos desde ColombiaAlejandra D.

  38. FELIZ CUMPLE!! Hace un año que empeze a seguir tu blog y cada dia que pasa me encariño más, no puedo dejar de no hacerlo.Me encanta tus looks, la alegria que pones en cada una de las fotos y eso se nota y nos transmitis.Que bueno que te pasaron tantas cosas lindas,eso porque te lo mereces y con tus hermosas palabras que escribiste me dieron muchas mas ganas de hacer lo que a uno le gusta, nada es imposible si le pones mucho esmero.Me sumo tambien a que hagas un video hablando en español, quiero escuchar tu tonada mexicana :) y ademas porque somos muuuuuuchas seguidoras de habla hispana.Segui asi tan fresca, humilde y simpatica.Un beso grandisimo desde Argentina ♥

  39. I only recently discovered your blog and i must say that I became addicted to visit it more than once a day =) you are an inspiration, trully. Happy anniversary and hope there will be many and many more.keep up the great work that you've been doing and greetings from portugal*Dana

  40. Andy! Muchas felicidades! … Me da mucho orgullo que haya bloggers mexicanas con tanto éxito y con tanto estilo, es díficil que haya gente tan exitosa de acá porque tristemente no hay mucho impulso de la moda, pero me da mucho gusto que haya gente como tu teniendo tanto éxito! Felicidades, eres una gran inspiración! xo! …http://blog.cessoviedo.com

  41. Im inspired by you, not just your style but how you've been working your way up in the fashion world all on your own.Happy birthday StyleScrapbook, I hope "you'll be with us" for many many years ;)

  42. Happy birthday Style Scrapbook!!! This is my favorite blog ever, I think that the main reason for this is that apart from your great style (of course) you are so down-to-earth, very, very nice and bubbly!! All the best Andy, hope all your wishes for this blog come true!! <3 <3 Love, Jasmina

  43. oh Andy… you really, really motivated me with this post. especially the part about your dreams and going for want you want. the only thing i have to say is THANK YOU for sharing a part of your life with us :)and of course- congratulations for being such a massive blogger, and happy anniversary!xoxo

  44. Happy Birthday to Stylescrapbook which is my absolute favorite fashion blog ! Thank you for being everyday such a great source of inspiration !I wish you all the best for the coming year and more and more fashion weeks invitations !xxxFanny

  45. Muchas felicidades, a tu blog por cumplir años y a ti por estar cumpliendo tu sueño… Seguro que lo mejor está por venir, esto es solo el principio, disfrútalo todo y sé feliz!

  46. Congrats Andy.. I love you tons and I am so lucky to have found you.. Thanks for making my life so easy :)XXMegha Mehtabcapturingfashionindia.blogspot.com

  47. Congrats Andy.. I love you tons and I am so lucky to have found you.. Thanks for making my life so easy :)XXMegha Mehtabcapturingfashionindia.blogspot.com

  48. No… Thank YOU Andy for being such a great and pure bloggerperson! Thank you for being a great part of the bloggerworld. Would not have been as great without YOU:) Congrats!!! And I hope for many many more years

  49. Congratulations Andy, you really do deserve it. I enjoy reading your blog every day, keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to many more inspiring posts into the new year. xxxhtp://www.theothersideofthepondmydear.blogspot.com

  50. Felicidades por tu 3er aniversario Andy! Claro que cuando sueñas algo lo puedes lograr con perseverancia y buena actitud y aquí esta tu ejemplo, es un orgullo saber que Mexicanas como tu han logrado cosas grandes en el extranjero, felicidades de nuevo en hora buena! :)Stylescrapbook rocks!

  51. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to youu…. Andy, you're a true fashionicon for me and an inspiration :) Your blog is amazing, I come here everyday to see another lovely outfit of you or something else :) I hope this blog will only bring you more fashionfun in the future!

  52. Happy 3 year anniversary!! What an exciting moment in your life. Thank you for sharing it with us. I wish you nothing but the best and can't wait to see what the next year brings you and this blog!xoxoTatianahttp://stilettosandsuspenders.blogspot.com

  53. happy birthday to youhappy birthday to youhappy birthday dear Style Scrapbook and Andy happy birthday to Youuuuu!!!!! I love your blog Andy! I wish You many successful and amazing blogging years!You do inspire me and now I have my own blog. You even inspire me in little things as just being my self and still adventures in my style. Couple years ago I was totally crushed in my dreams, but then I started be curious again about fashion and style. I accidentally spotted your blog and sinc then I'm everyday reader. Maybe mostly silent, but when You are needed some support and encouragement I'm there with some nice words coomenting, which is absolutely truth abaout You.♥xo Ramona

  54. Dear Andrea,a BIG HELLO from BRASIL!!I have just finished to read your emotional and beautiful words for us, your Readers and Fans, and…… I CRIED!! I AM CRYING RIGHT NOW…… Cause I do have a Blog and I know all about the pressure of ourselves and of our family and even of readers of us for us always do better today then we did yesterday!…We (bloggers) must always to conquer a bit little more day after day.And friends, family, husbands or boyfriends claim our attention when all we want, all we MUST do is beggining our Work in our Blog!… Right?SO…… YOU DESERVE MY TEARS, MY EMOTIONAL TEARS DUE TO YOUR SUCCESS!I know that there is a girl with a big heart full of Wanting of Peace, under the desire for beautiful things!God Bless You, my favorite fashion's Blogger!YOU ARE JUST BEAUTIFUL!!Stay in the Peace of God You and All Your Readers!!

  55. Congratulations Andy!and happy birthday to Style Scrapbook :)I love your website! It's so much better than the other fashion blogs because you add your own personal touch to everything ♥I really hope you achieve your dreams because you totally deserve it!Congrats on your third anniversary.x

  56. dEsDe MoNteRReY, NL MEXICO te mando un saludo y te felicito por tu trabajo que me encanta ver a diario, tienes muchisimo estilo. Felicidades por este año k cumples con tu blog, por los pasados y por los años que vendran, Gracias ANDY :) Karlita de Galnares.

  57. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, happy birthday to youuuuu Style Scrapbook. Happyyyyyy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. (8) <3My name is Aline, and i'm french.I go on your blog any day and sometime 3 times on a day. I'm crazy about your blog and your style. Congratulations, seriously.

  58. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary! Don't thank us, we should thank you for giving us such an inspirational blog! You're only in the beginning of this journey, I am sure, because you still have so much potential ahead of you! You're great!

  59. A pero k se puede ser mejor??? XDDD bueno, yo también espero k sigas escribiendo pork empecé a seguirte hace poco y la verdad esk me encantas XD eres la tipica chica k me gustaría tener como amiga XDDD tienes frescura, eres alegre, con estilo, no sé, digamos k enganchas XDmuchisimos besos y felicidades!!!!!!!!!

  60. Happy 3 Year Anniversary! Congrats on your successful blog…its one of my favorites. :)http://thefashioncamp.typepad.com/

  61. Bon Anniversaire to you and your dream come true!!I have been an avid fan for 2 years and wish you nothing but the best in the years to come!!There is a notion that women who work in fashion tend to be narcissistic, self-involved and materialistic but I truly can feel from your blog that you wear your heart on your sleeve (damn stylish sleeves to be exact haha)so don't ever change and thank you for your hard work!xxJane


  63. Andy desde mexico te envio un beso y una gran felicitacion por tu 3 años saber ke tu estas alla y pudiste kumplir tu sueño es inspiracion para muchas kontandome a mi tambien,,,,, tu vida es increible te envio un beso nena y por estos tres años te envie una antrevista para ver si ouedes responderla ,,,,,,,,aki apanas son las 8.15 am e spor ello ke asta ahora te escriboo

  64. Happy Birthday StyleScrapbook .. i love this blog & your style andy.You're the one i want to be wenn i'm older. Thank you for StyleScrapbookPauline

  65. Hi Andy!Congratulations with your great blog! I always enjoy your posts!Hope you keep on doing this for the upcoming years as well:)Xx Jorienshe–said.blogspot.com

  66. Happy Anniversary Andy!You really deserve it, you are the best blogger ever!I love your style and your blog and everdy day I MUST visit it :)from Italy with Love,Benedetta.

  67. Congratulations Andy! You have a truly amazing blog and are an inspiration to thousands, I wish you all the best in the future and I wish you many more years of success!!! <3skiepies.blogspot.com/

  68. Happy 3rd Aniversary!Stylescrapbook is such an amazing blog, I think you should be very proud at yourself.Just continue what you are doing!XOXO

  69. HAPPY 3 YEAR BIRTHDAY STYLE SCRAPBOOK!! Andy, you are truly an inspiration. It is people like you who remind me why i love blogging so much. I hope you have many more anniversaries and keep inspiring me! xxLindsayhttp://thestyle-child.blogspot.com

  70. BIRTHDAY SYLESCRAPBOOK! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANDY! I congratulate you exactly, because that's what you share with us part of his precious treasure, a blog post … I think that after three years we will be celebrating your sixth birthday! I'm sure in this!In the meantime, we wait for the fourth:) Congratulations! Good luck, happiness, smiles, more happy moments in this wonderful, wonderful blog! I LOVE StyleScrapbook!

  71. eres mi mas grande inspiracion, y sobretodo la mejor muestra de que Los suenhos tambien se pueden hacer realidad, solo hay que creerselo Muchas Felicidades y q vengas muchos mas !!1Besossss

  72. Andy is a great honor for me to go to your blog and read your posts! I really like your style and I always learn from you) I have a blog in itself is not very popular, I created it in August) I hope that you too will go to my blog))) Joke))) I'm very happy and I congratulate your blog BIRTHDAY !)))) I want to blog more evolved and became better and better (though much better now )))))

  73. Enorhabuena!!!!!! me alegro tantiiisimo de que hayas podido llegar a hacer lo que realmente querías y llegar hasta donde soñabas hacerlo..:) me alegro mucho de estos 3 años de blog!♥http://ohmystrangebird.blogspot.com

  74. happy third b.day….I've been reading your blog ever since, but I've never post a comment. You are like one of the few people that stand out of the crowd, what makes your blog my first morning stop.p.s. your blog share the same b.day with my dog <3

  75. Hi beautiful.Congratulations on the anniversary of the blog.I loved the message and think it's your dream is the dream of all of us who blog.But as you are a winner, it only makes me admire you and me in you mirror.Maybe one day we see and I have the pleasure of taking a picture with you.Many kisses.Success.Michelle from Brazil.

  76. Congrats Andy!Your blog inspires me every day, I can only dream about the day my blog might just do the same things for me ;)!xOh'blogbymissoh.blogspot.com

  77. Muchas felicidades reina! eres un ejemplo de constancia y perseverancia por conseguir lo que uno quiere!Sabes lo que nos gustaría a muchos??Escucharte en un video hablando en castellano!!! Para escuchar tu acento mejicano!!!^^Que cumplas muchos mas y que sigas subiendo alto, muy alto! Eres un encanto chica! Por eso tienes tanto éxito!xoxo Meryhttp://laalfombrainfrarroja.wordpress.com

  78. Happy blog birthday!!! i love your blog!! and I'm happy cause today is my birthday too!! Kisses from Palma de Mallorca ( Spain)

  79. congratulations on your 3rd anniversary.i've started to followed your blog 4 or 5 months back and i've really love your style..u r beautiful and u're my fashion icon!!!ahahha…seriously!well, may you be able to celebrate many many more anniversary to come!!=)

  80. Muchas felicidades!!! con esta post nos das muchos animos a la gente que llevamos poco en esto. Yo de momento solo tengo 9 seguidores y mi blog un mes de vida, ojala dentro de 2 años y 11 meses mi blog tenga la mitad de éxito que el tuyo. muchas felicidades!!!!besos

  81. Linda! tus palabras de verdad me hacen mucho sentido! Felicitaciones por tu perseverancia y por perseguir tu sueño, poca gente le pone tanto empeño a lo que hace.Felices 3 años de sueño y que sean muchos másCariños!Anto T

  82. Well Andy, don't forget that you were the one who putted al this effort in your blog, It's not for nothing, that you've got so many followers, and that you're invited to so many places.Just let everything stay the same (:

  83. awww…ANDY!! i love you girl!(haha i don't even personally know you, I know), I feel so proud of you and I'm happy to support you and your blog, what you wrote kinda made me tear up a bit:) because we've all been on that journey with you thanks to the blog. You're so inspiring to me, because what you do is what I want to do. I want to go to big Fashion Weeks and meet amazing fashionable people. I can only stay positive about it all…<333 Happy 3 Years Andy/SyleScrapbook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xoxo Hollywww.ispyfashiondiary.blogspot.com

  84. Felicidades por estos 3 años!!y gracias a ti por compartir tantas cosas con nosotras!!Yo solo espero que mi blog alcance la mitad que el tuyo con eso ya seria feliz!Muchos besos y felicidades!xxx

  85. Congratulations, you really deserve it ! I'm glad for meeting you during the Paris Fashion Week, and I'm now pleased to be one of your most regular followers :)Keep on doing what you love most, keep on sharing, we all do love it ! You always thank people, now it's my turn to thank you !All the best from Paris, Laurent

  86. no hay nada más gratificante que poderse dedicar a la que un@ más ama. imagino que serás muy feliz, y esa felicidad la compartes con nosotras. Felicidades

  87. Muchiiiisimas felicidades Style Scrapbook/Andy y por muchos años más porque es de los blogs del mundo que más me gustas y motivan por la naturalidad de tus fotos y con la naturalidad (paramí envidiable) de cómo llevas esos taconazos a veces imporsibles de llevar mara mí, hahaha.Y sobre todo y los más importante, felicidades por conseguir todo lo que te has propuesto y que todo te haya ido tan bien.besos de una seguidora de España!xoxo

  88. Espero que sigas con tu blog mucho tiempo más Andy,ya que el que tu hayas seguido tu sueño, a mi me permite soñar cada vez que te leo cada dia. Sin duda eres una de mi bloggers preferidas por el buen rollo que transmites y por lo sincera que eres.Mil besazos y sigue así!!!

  89. FELICIDADES!!!! y enhorabuena por lo que has conseguido, con esfuerzo está claro que puedes!!! Te mereces ésto y más!!! Enhorabuena!!Besos!

  90. Congratulations! And thank you for sharing your oh-so-amazing life with all of us. You truly are living the dream of thousands of other girls around the world, including me. :)www.sandra-thepuzzleofmylife.blogspot.com

  91. Happy Birthday Style Scrapbook!!! I sincerely love your blog and love reading it! You have so much positive energy that is transmitted through your blog and you are such an inspiration to all of us..not only in terms of fashion but also because of your sweet personality that shines through!Congratulations for your blog and all the best for the future!!XX

  92. Happy Birthday, StyleScrapbook!I wish you many many posts and years of posting and lots of presents and invitations as well! :)Greetings from the Czech republic!

  93. Felicidades muñeca, si algo me encanta de Andy y de SS es eso, el maravilloso mensaje positivo que le brindas (especialmente) a las jovenes: la que quiere; puede.Adelante Andy, por muchos años y muchos logros más

  94. Felicidades Andy!!!!! espero tener yo un poco de suerte tambien, ahora me encuentro como tu hace 3 años, un poco desmotivada….Un beso y a disfrutar este aniversario.

  95. Congratulations Andy! You've accomplished so much. And it's true; blogging opens a whole new world. I love blogging, though sometimes I don't spend a lot of time on it and don't really have that many readers or followers. It's a great way to discover who you are. I can't wait til it's 5th year anniversary! That is going to be a heck of a partyyy. -long comment-

  96. Llevo poco tiempo leyendo tu blog.. pero creo que es uno de los mejores fashion blogs que se encuentran en la red, porqué los "apuntes de moda" que logras compartir con nosotras son verdaderamente preciosos! Felicitaciones para este dìa especial y para los pròximos :D Saludos de Italia, Paola

  97. You are a true inspiration Andy! You thank us for reading, but I thank you for being here every day. You feel like a friend and I wish you so many more beautiful things yet to come!Happy aniversary!!Love, Daphne

  98. Happy Birthday Stylescrapbook!And here's to many happy years to come! Andy, you are a true inspiration for so many people. I love your style, your sweetness and everything about you. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Anne x

  99. Congratulations Andy, on 3 great years! I just found your blog since moving to Amsterdam and must say have been visiting everyday since. I decided to move here for a number of reasons… For love, for my career, for new bigger/better experiences. Your accomplishments being here so far are inspiring. Keep shining!x,JeanelleGlocal Girl

  100. Feliz aniversario Andy!espero que los años que quedan por delante sean tan buenos como estos 3, y que sigas inspirandonos a todos!XOXO

  101. Happy birthday stylescrapbook!!!Andy you deserve all this, you are amazing and you are inspiring us every single day!For me you are the best blogger right now, you are so real and show so much passion in every thing you do!!congratulation!!!wish you many many many years of sucess!!!P.S. its great how it helps to be so optimistic:)

  102. happy anniversary!it is I who thank you for all you've managed to convey emotions and thanks for everything you do and how you do it.Thanks to you I have no more problems to what I should wear, not caring about what people say (I live in a small town in Italy) and I was able to cultivate my great passion for fashion!So from the bottom of my heart …. THANK YOU ANDYSerena

  103. Happy blog birthday Andy!! I was at Monki in Amsterdam yesterday and I thought I saw you.. The girl looked exactly like you from behind; the lenght, skinny, the hair and style.. everything! But when she turned around and I saw her face it turned out she wasn't you =)Xx.

  104. GEFELICITEERD! Feliz cumpleaños :) Je verdient het :) Je bent echt een van mijn grootste inspiratiebronnen.xx Nathaliewww.petitefashionistas.nl

  105. preciosas palabras Andy!!! nos das un empujón a todas las que estamos empezando!! Gracias a ti!!!!feliz fin de semana!!un besitooooo :)