This is a completely fashion unrelated post but still, when I saw this through my window, I immediately wanted to share it with you guys … Autumn is such a beautiful season, isn’t it?


Este post no tiene nada que ver con la moda, pero cuando vi esto por mi ventana, quise compartirlo con ustedes…


85 Responses

  1. q bonito!!!estoy segura q por allá hay postales hermosas en muchos lugares, el otoño debe de ser simplemente mágico!! :)saluditos guapaxoxo

  2. I REALLY DO AGREE WITH YOU! its awesome! but too bad, we can't have autumn in our country. :/

  3. Love it! I've been staring out my window and color of the leaves aren't changing…I'm getting sad waiting for autumn. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pics!

  4. u r right my dear :D a look at it. u have to design a shoe and then u can publish it on ur blog so people can vote for it . The winner gets 2000 dollars and ur shoe will be selled on the website :D:D:Ddoesnt that sound gr8

  5. Lovely photos! Autumn is certainly a gorgeous time. I have been dying over this weather, just did a few posts on how to dress for the "in between" fall weather :)

  6. autumn is great because it have some great colors but…it is a cold season and that`s not really cool:(…but anyway for that are the clothes :)hihi…

  7. The wonders of nature! This reminds me of when I lived in Boston, it was the first time I saw a real autumn. Here in Madrid the leaves are just starting to turn.Kisses,

  8. Lindooo, ojala acá en Guatemala tuviera la dicha de tener otoño, definitivamente sería mi época favorita del año. Extraño cuando vivía en Barcelona… amo los cambios de clima…

  9. I definitley understand! all the leaves are changing around here too and its just beautiful. I recently went to the mountains and the colors are beautiful, I just love fall! it might be my favorite season!

  10. It's definitely my favorite season, the weather is great and it's holiday season!!!!! Yay!!!!!