Mau under the pouring rain

The weather is turning from bad to worse but non of that matters when you are surrounded by good company.
Yesterday Maurizio and I finally met up in Amsterdam, went for coffee, laughed our asses off, he ate too many sugar cubes, or at least that is what I thought he was eating when in fact, he was munching on mocha beans :P, we took pics under the rain near the “orinatoire” (thats how me and Mau call the public urinals, we think it sounds a tad “fancier” lol), ended up soaking wet and our pictures were kinda blurry but who cares, the fun we had is what matters.
Mau, I already miss you!!!!!!
P.S- Here is a small video from yesterday and as you can see, we just couldn’t stop laughing :D
El clima va de mal en peor, pero nada de eso importa cuando estas rodeado(a) de amigos y buena compañia.
Maurizio y yo finalmente nos conocimos ayer y nos la pasamos increíble. Fuimos a tomar un cafe, nos reímos como nunca, tomamos fotos bajo la lluvia, nos empapamos y aunque las fotos están super borrosas no importa por que nos divertimos como nunca.
¡¡¡Mau, ya te extraño!!!
132 Responses
lovely! :)http://llamafashion.blogspot.com/
Haha you guys are mad!http://valentineavoh.blogspot.com/-diary of a fashion stylist-
great photos lesimple.sk
me encanta!
I totally adore this outfit!!! great inspiration!
Love the combination of the sweater and the shirt!Alexandra
cute!perfect outfit, especially for the cold and rainy weather. x.
Hi andy! I saw you wearing this in amstelveen last friday. You are a beauty ;) Didn't had time to say hi, next time I will ;)
second photo is stunning ! x
your outfit is georgeus :) and your friend mau is so funny :)
Me encantan las fotos!y el look!y tú!qué arte!
What a gorgeous photo. I really like the first one. You are so beautiful.
I kind of like the blurryness of the pictures and I have to tell you, you have the cutest laugh ever and that video made me laugh alot!!
looking so stylish under the rain!!i love your trench coat!cuteee photos!http://eclecticraccoon.blogspot.com/
LOL your friend is so funny! Especially when he came out with the laundry plastic bag, trying to rock it – hilarious! You two really seem like you have a lot of fun together, you were giggling the whole time, so adorable!www.fashion-feline.blogspot.com
your style is perfect!! even in the rain!!love from australia xxhttp://www.thefacelessblog.com
gorgeous! and really cool pictures!Love them!xoxoAle!http://dailyfashionmx.blogspot.com/
you are too gorgeous, i adore your blog!http://ohwaywardgirl.blogspot.com/
Ah, the rain looks so much more romantic in faraway cities! Love the black and white pics…adds to the nostalgia of days spent roaming through Paris…www.plentyforpennies.blogspot.com
hey andy! where did you get your trench coat? it looks amazing! i've been having trouble finding the perfect trench coat :(
just ADORE you, Andy <3luv,http://fashionswing.blogspot.com/
i love this look, you make autumn look so chichellomrvideo.blogspot.com
Que fotos tan bonitas!! me encantan. besos guapa
adorable photos ;)love you're smiling even it's raining outside.kisses!Watching the waves
http://britishnatasha.blogspot.com/ love your style, ♥
Your style… I like it…http://fashionablepoison.blogspot.com/
Me encanta tu risa Andy! Muy sincera y contagiosa!!!
you look amazing in everything :)♥
Beautiful photos.Ciao Danielawww.stylebydaniela.com
hey hey..love it..http://hellohurricanemynameismarym.blogspot.com/
haha, you two are fun!what a nice blogger from germany : ) yay!http://palimpalimblog.blogspot.com/
Hey Andy! I have been reading you blog for a while now, and i adore it. I started my own blog today; http://givelivelovelife.blogspot.comI hope you'll take a look :)X. Brenda
Love this look! :)commonsenseandstilettos.blogspot.com
nice one!check out my fashion blog at http://thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.com
This is GREAT!xx.lescheveuxblondes.blogspot.com
you look so beautiful ;)
beautiful as always <3
great look , amazing and really nice!
hahaha the video is so funny. You must have had the best time! thestylesandwich.blogspot.com
Love your hat!
hey andy! i was wondering, how tall are you?i love your blog btw
Beautifull pics and nice outfit! I love your umberellahttp://maddenim.blogspot.com/
i just love how we sense the Fall is here just by looking to the colors of our clothes! everything is grey, beige, love it!and your hat is lovely!XOXO
awesome video… you know i love it because the video turn you blogger people more real to us… i don't know… i think it is fantastic…and you outfit is great!!!xoxolady
not so comfy heels with rain, n? hahayou look amazing!xx
Great photo's Andy!! It is funny I can see exactly the place where you are standing in Amsterdam (I think) xx myvisualillusions.blogspot.com
hhollaaa, vi como trres veces el video jajajaja me mori de la riza, estan chiflados los dosss, un saludosdesde panamakonshon
too cute.ahh adorable. hehe ;)
what a funny video!!beside that I love your outfit Andy!!xoxohttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/
Hey! I love your photos and would like to see if you are interested in joining a contest that my store is opening! it's a styling contest where you can show off your style and let others to vote on it over our http://www.facebook.com/wmstyle ! The winner will receive $100USD of our shop coupon to purchase anything that you like. If you know anyone who's interesting in winning some shoes, clothes and bags tell them about this contest. My shop blog: http://wmstyleblog.blogspot.com/ Take Care!Kitty
Amazing pics, as always! =)http://enjoythestyle.blogspot.com/
The two of you are hilarious! :)) I loved the video, very fun!
Omg lol!! He has such a great personality! I enjoyed the video very much! Kinda made my morning start off good! :) I really dislike the rain when I have to go places. But its all good to stay home in my pjs, sometimes I call it comfy weather. The people here in California seem to forget how drive every time it rains! There's like accidents like crazy!! Anyway, hope you enjoy your weekend! :)♥Daisy
Great photos!
Mau looks so fun!I happy because you have a lot of fun with him ♥The both looks so fashion under the rain kisses ♥
i love that you didn't let the rain stop you from taking your pictures! They came out beautiful!http://thestyle-child.blogspot.com
I love the funny video, you both are amazing!xx Fesi-Fashion
I love rainy Amsterdam, miss it a lot!–Nolita Vintage–
love your style alwasy!this one inspire me for my rainy days:)
Faboulous outfit Andy, I especially love your coat and your hate, they're gorgeous !Ahhaha Mau is really funny and I like his blog. love your blog dearkisswww.tokyoblondes.blogspot.com
Lovely Andy!
Oooh I love your outfit, so gorgeous!!http://aclosetfashionista.blogspot.com/
You guys look so cute (and fashionable). Hope the weather gets better.xoxo http://behindthelashes.com
This is really beautiful :) http://www.crystallized-elements.blogspot.com
Looove the pics and the video!wonderfull!xx
LMAO I like him he's funny!!! Make another video with him!! hahahaa :pgreat outfit too of course :) We finally had a rainy day here in Arizona as well!! I love when it rains:)xoxo Hollywww.ipsyfashiondiary.blogspot.com
You look good with the hat! Love the feeling of the pictures!
HAHAHAHAH i love you guys laughing :Dyou've been drinking, haven't you!soo funny video. i actually haven't heard about Mau's blog yet and i wonder why. i went through it quickly though and i already love it and am going to follow!XOXO
love your look!xxwww.fashionrnbw.blogspot.com
i'm from germany and such a big fan of you and him.you both are so cute!love the video!funny!
Love your outfit! So Chic in the rain! And your friend is Hilarious! Hah love the video:)
Divina!!! las fotos se ven super "classy" kn el sombrero y el paraguas haha!Besitoshttp://lavidaenbyn.blogspot.com
Lovely <3
hahahaha honey it was such a lovely day, you made me laugh so much! and god we had so much luck, because we were nearly falling every 2 seconds! :Dwe have to meet up soon again :*
Love this post!Andreahttp://andrejkyblog.blogspot.com
Estás preciosa Andy! me encanta el outfit :)Un beso!!Rain Of Dewhttp://rainofdew.blogspot.com
wow, the weather is really ugly in Amsterdam!
The photos are cute you both look lovly :)
oh! he's just real fun!love the video!!you really should have had a great time out there! did he really use the laundry and dry cleaning bag?xoxo
Great photo's! So much happiness
Love your simple outfit, and Mau is super fun! Loved the video, it was so funny!(:
A mi me encantan los días lluviosos, y son muuuy divertidos! me encanta como vais vestidos, geniales :)http://ohmystrangebird.blogspot.com/
Oh my god you guys are like…so funny, Andy I love your laughter, it is so contagious hahahha!!
Amo tu blog y tu ropa aun mas jaja :)Besoshttp://koryvacuum.blogspot.com/
Loved the black and white pictures! btw your umbrella is so cute!http://blog.cessoviedo.com
your hat is cutehttp://www.thefeliblog.com
you have gorgeous hat and trench :) http://beforegoingout.blogspot.com/
Me encantan las fotos! Salís genialBecks' Make-Up Corner
I love your photos !! And the video is amazing I laughed so much You're beautiful Andy Xx
0:16 : Love the "aaaaaah" <3hahahaah http://patroushkasplace.blogspot.com/
Tienes razao… com buena companhia tudo fica melhor!Belissima :Dbesito**
i love his american print scarf it took my eye!http://messwiththebull1.blogspot.com
The black and white pics are so beautiful.And nive video, Mau is very funny.Alice.NOALICENO.BLOGSPOT.COM
Oh my god Andy! You have such a funny friend and your laugh is adorable! The experience of getting drunk of sugar is just really crazy! This is really, really funny! :)I hope the weather gets better over there so that you can take more pictures for us to see! :)
Love your outfit! The video made me laugh :)http://faialofa.blogspot.com
lovely pics! So great that you two met…
Your pictures and video put a smile on my face! It's amazing how friends can brighten up even the darkest of days isn't it? ;)xxxVikkihttp://stylometre.blogspot.com
Love the pics… ;)http://deshistoiresdepieds.blogspot.com/2010/10/shoes-style_16.html#links
you look great! I saw the video and you have a lot of fun, it's awesome!greetings fromhttp://mikalafashion.blogspot.com/
las fotos son super bonitas y se nota lo bien que os la pasasteis!!Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.
Rainy days but beautiful pics :)
Great pics, you look stunning with that hat! And the movie is soo funny!http://style-in-sight.blogspot.com
cute outfit, great photos, great blog!!
OMG!:) your laugh sounds sooo funny, just starting to laugh, too while hearing it!!I looks like you had a nice day in amsterdam!:) Whishing you all the best from germany! I really, really LOOOOOOVE your blog and your styling every day! Congrats to you:)your Randi from germany >>>> http://randimara.blogspot.com/wish you would visit my blog!thanks:)
Amazing! It really looked you had soo much fun!Further I love the combination of the hat with the umbrella! Amazinggggg!
i love your hat it's so romantic!!http://fashionintranslation.blogspot.com/
It looks like you had tons of fun! I love your umbrella -The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
You're gorgeous!agitarsimonroe.blogspot.com
Haha que graciosa. Singing in the rain!! Me encanta su outfit de hoybesitos http://paatstyle.blogspot.com
Amazing look, i especially love your coat :DDay By Diva Day By Diva Day By Diva
I love this so much!! Your hat is fantastic! You are always chic! I like how streamlined at clean the whole look is!beijos!menina elegnatewww.meninaelegante.com
chic also with the rain! you look good as always with you hat on!kisses dearhttp://chicneverland.blogspot.com/
Awesome shots!You look great.
In love with the shoes!xoxox SHannon
Those black&white pictures are really beautiful. :)
Lovely pics !!!http://elleandco.blogspot.com
Altough the rain you taked great pictures!The Mau's style it's awesome too…kisseshttp://thescrapbookfrommyshoes.pt.vu
You look amazing also under the rain!
i love ur blog , and ur outfit is amzing :)where did u get ur trench coat and ur bag , i really lov them :D
i love ur blog , and ur outfit is amzing :)where did u get ur trench coat and ur bag , i really lov them :D
Nice Outfit, I love your trench coat. It semmes like it's reaining everywhere, three blogs had "rainy" titles and it's raining here too :p ♥-Axellewww.ax-elle.blogspot.com
I don't really like rainy days but you look so wonderful in these photos that you make me love them!
wow awesome shot!Mau looks so cute too!X
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful ;)http://fashionsmajlik.blogspot.com/
you look great.. beautiful pictures.. it's so nice to capture moments like these and have them forever so that when you're feeling down you can just open the closet, pull out these pictures and remember, savor and relive such happy moments..
You even make rainy Amsterdam weather seem fashionable and fun. You're fabulous :)
wonderful photos!xxhttp://babejanefashion.blogspot.com/
you look so happy even though the weather is ugly…how do you do that?? :)http://saladofmylife.blogspot.com
beautiful <3