Partners in crime a.k.a Denni & Andy

My new gorgeous friend Ana

With Ana :)

The Paris fashion week parties are undoubtedly some of the best parties I have been too and the NYNY at the REGINE wasn’t an exception … The Misshapes were playing, we danced next to Alexander Wang, we cheered with champagne, we met new friends and had the time of our lives.

Here are 2 pics of Yvan and me at last season’s NY NY party…



82 Responses

  1. Awww everyone looks so great!! Hope your having tons of fun Andy, you deserve it!!!

  2. :o Estuviste al lado de Alexander Wang :O:O:O :( como le puedo hacer para llegar tan lejos en la vida:( , po rcierto la fiesta luce que estuvo divertidisima:D, saludos Andy desde Mèxico :)

  3. Hola Andy!! Escribiendote desde Mexico, eres mi blogger preferida!! :D Tengo una duda… cortaste con tu novio? lo pregunto por una temporada muy gloomy qe tuviste :( y yo estoy pasando por un breakup y me encantaria qe me dieras un consejo en cuanto a eso U___U te ves como una chava muuy fuerte y bendecida me encantaria saber tu opinion en cuanto a eso!!!Big kiss!! :)

  4. It looks a very stylish party. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. We all love it.I"m starting an internship at British Vogue next week, check out my blog to hear about MY

  5. Great pictures and gorgeous outfit !Your oufit and Denni's outfit were the most beautifulyou seriously rock girl :), love your style and your blog !

  6. it's obviously that you had a lot of fun!i love the photos, Andy!i've always wanted to go to a party like this! it's sooooo amazing!xoxo

  7. Um can I please have your life for about 5 seconds. Not sure if I could handle staying up all night anymore, but for 5 seconds I could take it.

  8. Just found your blog and now followin babe! You have awesome kick ass style!!! Love it all and the NY party looks like a TOTAL blast!!! killer!kissesxoThe Beckerman Girls

  9. ME encantan las fotos, que buena pinta tiene esa fiesta!!una pregunta Andy, como haces que el video de youtube salga con ese tamaño tan grande?muchas gracias!un saludoo

  10. I looks you had an amazing time.Damn, I wish I was there too girl! And I think Yvan is such a funny guy. I think you have a lot of fun with him!

  11. I just wish I could spend a night partying with you babe too! :DI have a fabuloso blogger Tshirt giveaway. I hope you'll come and join in on the fun! ;)xxx