This might be nothing compared to the “proper video” of the show, but I wanted to share it with you guys anyway.
I really wanted to show you what I saw, so you could see things from my perspective and get excited with me…I still cant believe I was there, such an honor and a dream come true.

All pictures taken by me for StyleScrapbook®
I was not only lucky enough to attend the Burberry Prorsum show, but I was also invited to Burberry’s headquarters, better known as “Horseferry house”.
I got to see the new collection straight off the runway and some of my highlights (apart from the stunning dresses ) have to be the silver python trench coat, the trench with the leather sleeves and the studded leather jacket, which in fact weights probably over 6 or 7 Kgs, which might be a little heavy on the shoulders but who cares, if I was given any of that, I would wear it as a uniform for the next few months to come, I promise you that…
103 Responses
::BREATHTAKINGS:: *tries to catch breath* This is an amazing post! Burberry Prorsum is EVERYTHING! Leather, studs, neon, patent = BADASS! Thanks for sharing this awesome post.
I am in London for 4 months since saturday, what a pity !I will not be here for the Castelbajac's show like last season but hope to see you soon !Enjoy Paris Fashion week !xxStéphanie
Wow, amaaaazing jackets <3and lovely blog! :)
Those are amazing photos…you really captured the look of the store well. You're so lucky you got to be there!www.fashion-feline.blogspot.com
those studded jackets are just PERFECT!!!! wanna get oneee!!http://lamodemary.blogspot.com/
Oh lucky YOU! The show was so stunning. Got goosebumps,too?Christopher Bailey is such a genius- even the music was so fantastic. He creates real feelings! Did you meet him at the headquarter?
I just loved this Burberry collection!and those jackets and coats are to die for!check out our fashion illustrations at http://www.illustrated-moodboard.com/ :)
very nice. love all the pics :)~ x♥x♥ :)~ x♥x♥ :)~ x♥x♥ :)
very cool collection,i love studded jacket!http://FASHIONUANCE.BLOGSPOT.COMHTTP://FASHIONUANCE.BLOGSPOT.COM
daaaaaamn so beautiful. I'm waiting for the day that either someone gives me some of these pieces or that I can buy them myself ;-)love it!cdings.blogspot.com
I love the shoes. I also think you should model for Burberry :D Please come to Berlin Fashion Week next year.
Pues espero que tu si hayas visto bien el desfile porque para mi que había demasiada luz y todo deslumbraba en si se perdía la toma pero todo muy bonito!,que suerte =)
i love those studs!!check out my new post at http://thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.com
AME EL VESTIDO ROSA, y los cinturones, abrigos chammarasss aaaaaa todo jajajaFELICIDADES AYITA :)<3Tu hermana
You know, I think I like your perspective better than the "proper version" of the show. Ah, I really want to get my hands in those jackets :) You're such a lucky girl and especially lucky to have gone to Burberry headquarters. Btw, did you find Christopher? :)-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
OH MY GAWD. No matter how many times I see this collection I always die. It hurts to look at, so amazing….so jealous of you.
Wow… can't believe you were there… that one is truly the golden ticket. Your photo's are gorgeous – as it the python trench. It must've been a dream come true! xx
this clothes take everyones breathee straight away!!!!!stunning, beautiful, awesome… just GREAT!!!i would die for one piece of them!!!kisses xxxxx juliahttp://geeksndfashion.blogspot.com/http://geeksndfashion.blogspot.com/
I really love this collection and I would die for those jackets <3You were so lucky =)xoxowww.espreedream.com
Fabulous brand. Such amazing photo.xxnewyorkaises.blogspot.com
Great video. :)SarahD
Beautiful! I love this collection, maybe even more than the previous spring/summer collection! Those jackets are insane!
amzing video!et-ceterra.blogspot.com
The video is great and the pictures are amazing!! Did you cheace Christopher down??
absolutely love your pics!! …. wish I was over there right noww!!http://www.thefacelessblog.com
Those coats look so gorgeous! The studded ones are gorgeous!juliet xxx
The show really was amazing, I was totally blown away that the fall 2010 show could actually be matched or possibly even topped. Your veryy lucky to have gone, super duper jealous ;)
My favorite show at London FW!!I loved the dresses and the outerwear! And combining nude and black with bright accessories such as green and pink! <3
straight off the runway and right at your fingertips – so so amazing andy!!
fantasticoo!!! la verdad te envidie al maximo pero fue de la buena!! jejje un besoookonshon
Qué suerte!
OMG!! You are so freakin lucky! How much luckier can you get?!! lol I can never say it enough! You're awesome Andy. I really love the black leather jacket it is perfection! I'm very happy for you, it is evident that you are doing so well with your blog! Best wishes to you! :)♥lasenoritadaisy.blogspot.com
Jacket in 7 is ridiculously insane. Looks a huge responsability to carry it, perfect perfecto! The feel of it must be quite something. Not so sure about the shoes though, they also looked tricky.xxx
Really great collection! The silver trench coat is amazing, I think it's awful that is made out of Python! =/
OMG all items are sick! I love them. Totally amazing, breathtaking!
OMG!!!! I love these studded items!!!!!!!!http://chicneverland.blogspot.com/
OMG that studded bag is to die for♥
i love these photos! so inspiring, and DIY material:DClick here to go to Malu’s Fashion!Click here to go to Malu’s Fashion!Click here to go to Malu’s Fashion!
Omg Andy I'm so happy for you :D !!Actually I wasn't a big Burberry's fan but now I'M !!!!I loved this collection sooooooooooo much, I was really impressed. I've never seen something like this in Burberry maison ! GREATlove your blogkisswww.tokyoblondes.blogspot.com
OMG, OMG… the dresses, I'm totally in love for those dresses…and that jacket???? awesome…oh Andy, u so lucky for living your dream…Today I read your blog from the first post till now…you're such an inspiration <3 I'm anxious to buy a new sewing machine…tanks Andy (L)
loved it :) btw GRAZIA UK had your picture in page 128 .just wanted you to know! :)
Lucky you! Such gorgeous stuff. especially the all over stud biker jacket.
that video you made is really great, loved to see it from another angle. + looks like you had fun at the Horseferry house, been these myself a few years back, it's totally fab, could spend hours in these looking at all the Burberry goodiesvasilievahttp://elenavasilieva.blogspot.com/x
Dope blog!Follow my blog at tuxandtie.blogspot.com and twitter at tuxandtie
La chance !
This was a perfect collection, Christopher did a really good job. The jackets and the colors were just perfect!& LOVE to see the clothes from this clothes, amazing…xx.lescheveuxblondes.blogspot.com
Oh my god! I love all of this stuff. Burberry is so clever in that it never changes its identity, always keeps to the basic classic theme, and yet ALWAYS makes it new and interesting. I am in love with that leather jacket. :)http://fashionregardless.blogspot.com/
Oh…to be honest i envy you… not only because of that you were on Burberry's show but that your dreams come true :)Milena
woooww that studded jacket looks insane! so cool!http://fashionispassion-vera.blogspot.com/
i LOVE burberryand i love their jackets this seasonmindblowinghellomrvideo.blogspot.com
love it!!
The outfit and colors that they used are gorgeous.
I love the studded jacket!!!! Must be mine!!! Yikes! http://hippiefruitandsalad.blogspot.com/
me encanta todo de la coleccion de burberry. las cazadoras con tachas son genialeste invito a conocer mi bloghttp://styleinmadrid.blogspot.com
I love the pics you took and I loved the show!http://style-in-sight.blogspot.com
Great video.http://www.sgcny.com
beautiful clothes…:)xoxoVeronica
I loved the show !! It was great :)Nice photosXoxo
the show was so awesome and i watched it on your blog! to go to the show is one of my dreams :) like the beige trench coat from the first pic….xoxo claudia
wow amazing and the collectiot let me speechless <3http://manuellal.blogspot.com
Great pictures! I love the bag!
Gorgeous photos!http://agitarsimonroe.blogspot.com/
I love that studded leather jacket!!!!
You're living in a dream Andy and those clothes are pure art!!
this collection rocks!I love the studded trench!http://speetway.blogspot.com/
I loved the show!!!!!!http://audreyismyfavourite.blogspot.com
so happy we're getting bikers all over again! especially love the studs and silver snake
Like it! :D http://voguesuit.blogspot.com/
guauu me ha encantado todo lo que has puesto!!!!!!!
great video amazing collection 0fashionstarr0.blogspot.com
omg, this is SO cool!!thestylesandwich.blogspot.com
lucky girl!!! http://unefilleunreve.blogspot.com
i really like all the pictures, as the jacket and shoes!kisses darling!
OMG ! A very nice photos !!!I loved the show, the colors of collection !!!
soo dreamy!
very pretty!
looove the collection! <3
quelle chance !!! mais tu le merites vraiment. J'adore ton univers!! Go aheadsofiahttp://fashion-bakchic.blogspot.com/
Oh, I love Burberry! Andreahttp://andrejkyblog.blogspot.com
that beige dress is out of this worldxoxo,Fhttp://lekisskiss.blogspot.com <– Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!
nice things,dollhttp://www.thefeliblog.com
Actually, I would say that I prefer your own video.Very inspiring. Alice.NOALICENO.BLOGSPOT.COM
oh! I love this collection*_*the jackets and the bags…really nice♥ xxxooohttp://ohmystrangebird.blogspot.com/
pity that the models look like white ghosts, really great video though! :) i'm in love with all the dresses, bags and coats.and congratulations Andy, it's a huge honour to attend Burberry show :)
amazing clothes and pictures! I love this collection, it's gorgeous!xoxohttp://mikalafashion.blogspot.com/
Ohh woowowo!It's like fashion heaven!itstotalbliss.blogspot.comgo
I loved the show!!:Dxoxo**
Aeesome!!! Their showroom is GORGEOUS!!!! So so soooo lucky! :phttp://aclosetfashionista.blogspot.com/
This is torture, I want everything…I love that pink dress, so awesome..XoXo-Kelli KIt's Giveaway time, Check out my blog!http://thefashionworshiper.blogspot.com
you're so lucky!
wooow, everything looks so great and fashionable here!fashion-crimewave.blogspot.com
That studded jacket is to die for! :)
i can't watch the video :( but the clothes on the pics are great :) have a great day andy ;)
heart the studed one!! full stud is more fun =)
Great pieces! Lucky you :Pxoxo
I love that trench and the dresses also, so wish I could have them all right now!! Wonderful photos! I still am excited :D
i can only say woooo,you're a lucky girl,Andy! :)i falling in love with the dresses and the jacket…how amazing they are?!i think u know more about it,'cause u have saw it in "direct" ;)
lovely!Check out my blog to;ILSEDANIELLEMARTINA.BLOGSPOT.COMxo
their headquarters look like an AMAZING place! ;)http://saladofmylife.blogspot.com
love it,,,great video …and pictures – they look amazing ;)http://fashionsmajlik.blogspot.com/
i would die for this burberry collection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cant breathe anymore hahahahluv u andy xxxx julia
I loved the show, the colors of collection and all above!You're a lucky girl sweet Andy, but I'm sure you deserve everything you're getting ;)Silhttp://myfashionscript.blogspot.com