I wanted to share really good news with you guys! Next week I am off to London FW to attend the Burberry Prorsum show so I am excited beyond words and Im just hoping I don’t wake up and realize its a dream!
As a lot of you already know, next tuesday 21st of September, StyleScrapbook is going to be collaborating with Burberry by LiveStreaming the Burberry Prorsum SS11 show from London FW.
I am super excited about collaborating with Burberry because I am not only a huge fan of Christopher Bailey but Burberry Prorsum is my favorite Fashion house, so its an honor for me to be hosting the show on StyleScrapbook.
All you have to do is come here, click on the Live Stream video I will upload in 3 days and enjoy the show! Its that easy :D
The show will also be livestreamed during events in custom designed, digitally charged Retail Theatres in 25 Burberry flagship stores worldwide where guests will be able to place orders straight from the runway through a custom-built Burberry iPad application.
Customers at the in-store events and online will be able to order the widest assortment from the brand since it developed the ‘Runway to Reality’ concept, including outerwear, bags and Burberry Beauty
Orders can be placed exclusively for one week and will be delivered within 7 weeks of the order – revolutionising standard luxury industry delivery times.
See you in London and dont forget to tune in on the 21st of September at 4pm London time!
To follow Christopher Bailey’s updates on twitter click HERE.
53 Responses
love itcheckout my shoppingnloghttp://ruleoffashion.blogspot.com/
wow congrats andy!http://unefilleunreve.blogspot.com
btw, I'm following you via blogspot now!
wow, congrats! you surely deserved it! have fun!
wow! Andy te felicito por todo lo que estás haciendo y todas las cosas buenas que te están pasando!!Mucha suerte en Londres!!!Besos
amazing you so lucky 0fashionstarr0.blogspot.com
so cool !!!xxxxxhttp://anexceptiontomyrule.blogspot.com/
i really like burberry, i think is a great mark, so is one of my favourites!kisses Andy!
Felicidades Andyyy ! De verdad te lo mereces, eres la mejoooor !!!http://lavidaenbyn.blogspot.com/
OMG Andy this is nice ! You're great and I'm really happy for you, congrats ! :Dkisswww.tokyoblondes.blogspot.com
Lucky Burberry is amazing. I'm guessing you get to wear some of it too? Amazing. Also, the buy it now while you see it thing is amazing and I think more fashion houses should work on doing that. I find that people don't like waiting for production and waiting a whole 3 or 4 seasons to buy the collection. Too bad it's just not practical for some houses. *sigh*
OMG Andy! que te diviertas!http://babytrendy.blogspot.com/
Cant wait:)!! Have a great time in London!Cathywww.thestylestrutter.comxxx
it's so awesome that you're hosting the showcan't wait to see it
lucky girl, i'm so jealous of you !love everything from burberry, especially the aviator jackets in the f/w 2010/2011.could you help me to find new boots for the winter ? check it out ! http://strongxhabits.blogspot.com/
Oh my gosh! How did you manage to make this collaboration? It seems so surreal :D I would die to be in your place. I will surely watch the show, can't wait!
wow, that's really cool!congrats, you deserve it!:)
i am so happy for you!! Have fun there.
Congrats to you!!! And how smart is Burberry for that ordering! jeeeeshhttp://www.stylescrapbook.com/2010/09/i-wanted-to-share-really-good-news-with.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+StyleScrapbook+%28Style+Scrapbook%29
I'm in! Gonna watch it for sure! :o)x
YAAAY!! thats great!!! i love it too! does it work with iphone?
Amazing! Congratulations, your blog is so cool!!!www.thebigiofactor.blogspot.com
So cool you're going to London!www.flowersandstuds.blogspot.com
This is great and going to be amazing! Congrats on everything Andy :)
Es genial todo esto que te sucede :) voy a hacer todo el esfuerzo posible para poder ver el show! Burberry es una marca excelente, super moderna y elegante! me fascina como diseña Chris!te mando un beso Andy!F.
Hey that is great! Oh I love London..Have fun!!:]http://www.style1509.blogspot.comLive.Laugh.Love.
That´s amazing, i jealous, but i have to admit that you deserve it :)I follow u follow me too, i will appreciate!Mambule.blogspot.com
That´s amazing, i jealous, but i have to admit that you deserve it :)I follow u follow me too, i will appreciate!Mambule.blogspot.com
Awesome!! I definitely will be watching!
OMG so amazing! Can't wait till there are any other updates!http://style-in-sight.blogspot.com
oh my word Andy! this is fabulous news!! congratulations, you and your blog deserve this!xoxomissmollyfashions.blogspot.com
That is SO exciting! I know you're a HUGE fan so that must be like a dream come true. Enjoy :)Bre @ http://theredbungalow.blogspot.com
what what what what what what what what what what BURBERRY PRORSUM SHOW :O!!! aahh.. lucky you:)! have fun andy!! are you kdding me.. burberry prorsum…. people! thats awesome:)xxCyliaaaa.blogspot.com
congrats Andy!!!I really love Burberry and London!And you, of course!!!Xoxo
amazing!! would love to be there too!! x
Awesome, it's a date! :-)http://idlefascination.blogspot.com/
Omg! Have fun I hope you'll come back with tons of pictures :)-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com
how exciting!!! xoxo avs
EEEP! That is so exciting! Jealous :Dhttp://aclosetfashionista.blogspot.com/
Lucky you!!!!http://audreyismyfavourite.blogspot.com
Lucky you!!!!http://audreyismyfavourite.blogspot.com
Congra Andy! You're the best! :)http://remedyrouge.blogspot.com(Streetstyle from Hong Kong)
ah NICE!xx http://jnsoo.blogspot.com/
What an honor Andy! Congrats! :Dxxxhttp://gypsy-diaries.blogspot.com/
THAT IS SUPER COOL!!! I'm majorly jealous! Good for you and am excited for ya! Congrats!!!www.plentyforpennies.blogspot.com
That's some great news!! thestylesandwich.blogspot.com
Congrats Andy!! I know it's going to be amazing so good luck for FW!I won't miss the showeliwww.eli-a-porter.blogspot.com
this is awesome, have fun in london and i'll definitely be watching this showvasilievahttp://elenavasilieva.blogspot.com/x
OMG! Thats is so AMAZING! I want , too!http://roseakvarts.blogspot.com/
congrats, you deserve it!i won't miss the live stream :) http://illustrated-moodboard.blogspot.com/
Good for you! Really exciting! :P& have fun there :)xoxo
awesome!! really exciting :)